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  1. seavixen

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    Wearing a really easy-to-make crocheted hat I whipped up yesterday. I love hats! And yes, those are screw drivers chilling out on the wall behind me. My crafting room contains a weird variety of stuff. :)
  2. seavixen

    Thanksgiving list

    I'm hugely thankful that I do not live where I lived this time last year. The reasons for that keep stacking up. Owning a home is stressful and expensive, but I am so, so thankful that I am where I am right now. I'm thankful for the few really amazing friends that I have. (Few and close is...
  3. seavixen

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Hot, delicious tea with honey. <3
  4. seavixen

    Bra Breakage

    I think I've broken bras in every conceivable way. I've measured a million times, and never EVER managed to get the right size. If I followed the formula everyone/everywhere states to figure bra size, I would end up with enormous cups - and I do NOT have that much boobage going on. Seriously...
  5. seavixen

    Hi.. Is anyone into photography?

    Yes - it's the Umpqua River, Winchester/Roseburg.
  6. seavixen

    Name a Song From the Last Letter - Part 5!

    You Can Never Hold Back Spring - Tom Waits G
  7. seavixen

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    I'm at about 3000 with sent and received combined right now (sort of a slow month for me) but I bet half of the ones I've sent were just me correcting/commenting/giggling over some ridiculous thing that Swype garbled into total nonsense.
  8. seavixen

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    I could go for a blanket and a cat right now.
  9. seavixen

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    mmm... black & white. :) quick snap from today with some wet hair going on.
  10. seavixen

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC that everything is going wrong, catastrophes are piling up, and I am way past my breaking point right now.
  11. seavixen

    The HOTTER Boy Thread (aka: The Hot Boy Thread - The Sequel)

    yesssss.... pretty sure if one could blend together Joe Manganiello and Alex Skarsgard, the ultra-man would be made...
  12. seavixen

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC that I'm annoyed enough right now to strongly consider backing out... which makes me sad.
  13. seavixen

    11 Years and 6 Months at Dimensions!

    I've been here nearly the same amount of time - first came on in July or so of 2000. :) It's definitely a lot different now than it was then, though.
  14. seavixen

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    Stupid remarks that people somehow think are intelligent and insightful are really irritating the hell out of me today.
  15. seavixen


    I'm the same way on both accounts. I actually find hugs weird and uncomfortable.
  16. seavixen

    It's lonely on the bottom right

    Funny thing about politics... usually, when I discuss them with people, I get a lot of agreement. What I say makes sense. But then, when it comes down to how people vote, what's ultimately important to them, and how they score on things like this, we're very much at odds. Go figure. ;) TBH...
  17. seavixen

    It's lonely on the bottom right

    Ahh... almost everyone is the opposite of me politically. ;) Economic Left/Right: 3.38 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.49
  18. seavixen


    I don't like the term "slut" - and I don't consider what you have described "slutty" behaviour in the least. That said, it's not my or anyone else's place to decide. It's totally up to you and how you think of yourself. There are no broad ways to categorize individuals and their sexual...
  19. seavixen

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    I've had Donde Esta Santa Claus? from the '50s stuck in my head ALL day. While it is also annoying me to a degree, it's really sort of impossible to be anything but happy with this song on mental loop.
  20. seavixen

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    I posted this elsewhere, but why not :) The colour's wonky... my shirt is NOT that brain-shatteringly bright! lol