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  1. seavixen

    What is making you SAD right now...

    I'm irked / sad / et cetera that everything is going wrong again, all at once. I keep thinking it's over, and then something else happens, and then more somethings, and so on.
  2. seavixen

    What is making you SAD right now...

    I completely don't get that narrow-minded BS - especially since, seriously... you're GORGEOUS! :) I think jealousy is a likely culprit.
  3. seavixen

    Show Your Skill/Talent/Hobby Off! - BBW Only Please

    What stitch is that? It must have taken ages.
  4. seavixen

    When the world isn't made for your weight.....

    This is true. My husband is no more than a little chubby, but he's broken more chairs than I have.. just because they suck to begin with, and I'm more careful.
  5. seavixen

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear body, You're not sixteen anymore. You like a blanket on your lap when the air conditioning is on. You can totally stop with the whole refusing to sleep thing, now. It was great when you handled being awake for seventy-two hours gracefully, but you haven't liked doing that for a long...
  6. seavixen

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Swimming pool <3 thank goodness my mom has one.
  7. seavixen

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    Being hot. The air conditioning is just not touching how majorly overheated I am right now. Fie on summer!
  8. seavixen

    super sized lingerie

    The sizes get so weird, too. It's such a gamble. :( I got some somewhere (Roamans or one of those, I think?) ages ago that should have been too small - by the size charts - and I think I could actually fit another person in them. Totally ridiculous. I prefer to just wear them too small -...
  9. seavixen

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    I totally agree. The morality aspect was one of my favourite things about it. I really liked watching how characters of such... a colourful background... could get offended about such mundane things, too. (ie the convo about the one guy's kids lol)
  10. seavixen

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    In Bruges - 9/10 I had no expectation whatsoever that I would actually enjoy this movie, but I did. It's filled with the darkest, most guilt-inducing humour from start to finish, and is entertaining the whole way. I think what I really liked the most about it was that the ending was...
  11. seavixen

    Goals Before We Hit 40....

    I feel like I'm too young to reply to this thread (which... well, that's okay, to be honest! lol), but I'd seriously love to pay off my mortgage by the time I'm 40. It's a totally impossible goal, but it would make me all kinds of happy. Ditto on the novel thing. I've written novel length...
  12. seavixen

    True Blood

    I don't remember what happened on the rest of tonight's episode, because I was pretty much just watching the Alcide-mostly-naked scene over and over again in my head. Good heavens, is that man ever gorgeous. That said, I actually liked tonight's episode quite a bit - I think it's the first...
  13. seavixen

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear _______, I'm just disappointed. Really disappointed. That's all. I wish so many things were different. j
  14. seavixen

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    Master Exploder by Tenacious D. I can't explain how one goes from Nat King Cole to Tenacious D, but that shit happens to me all the time.
  15. seavixen

    When the world isn't made for your weight.....

    This is such a constant thing for me. I'm semi-terrified of going to other people's houses, for fear of destroying their furniture. Seriously. Ugh. I've broken two bed frames that were supposed to hold 1200+ lbs. Um, right. Chairs / stuff that you sit on, even "heavy duty" ones that are...
  16. seavixen

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    Unforgettable - Nat King Cole. God, I love his voice.
  17. seavixen

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    I have so much writing in my head right now. I have four stories going, three of which are already novella length and not even close to done, and I'm - amazingly - not blocked yet. I'm really hoping I can finish at least one of these.
  18. seavixen

    What is making you SAD right now...

    As ridiculous as this sounds, I'm sad that my husband is out of town on business all day. Yes - all day. Not for a couple of days, not for a week, not even over night - just all day. I'm used to him being right down the street, and seeing him over his lunch break. All day with mileage in...
  19. seavixen

    Underwear Problems

    These are the string bikinis I like. :) I have tons of them, and they hold up really well, too.
  20. seavixen

    Underwear Problems

    I have this problem with soooo many styles of panties - even when I've gotten them too big (don't even ask how, because I have no idea), I get this a lot. The comfiest panties by far (to me) are string bikinis. I've gotten some comfortable ones from Avenue, but most of mine are from Lane Bryant...