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  1. seavixen

    I Am Struggling With Depression

    Outlets are really crucial. Music, painting, photography, writing...etc. - I think art really is one of the healthiest ways to cope and avoid, or at least lessen, self-destruction...both creating and experiencing / relating to others' work.
  2. seavixen

    What are you reading?

    I'm reading through Gail Carriger's Parasol Protectorate series, because it is seriously like I'm just daydreaming without having to think anything up by myself. Total guilty pleasure books.
  3. seavixen

    super sized lingerie

    Most of my favourite panties are from Cacique / Lane Bryant. They only go up to a 28, but I'm definitely NOT a 28, and I can wear most of their panty styles. I'm not sure how the thongs fit, though, since I don't think I have any of those. I really like their string bikinis, however. :)...
  4. seavixen

    I Am Struggling With Depression

    I totally understand what you mean. I don't really talk about depression, but it's something that has been a part of my life *always*. Even though my situation / emotional state / so forth has been on a pretty even keel for years now, it's still something that is there - always - under the...
  5. seavixen

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    cross-posted. nostrils + cleavage = brilliant cell pic. right?
  6. seavixen

    What is making you SAD right now...

    Dad's cancer is in his hip, pelvic bone, and now spine. He's driving himself 200 miles round trip once a week for chemo. He's a super hero...
  7. seavixen

    What is making you SAD right now...

    There are so many more logical things to be sad about, but, really, I'm just kinda bummed to be 30.
  8. seavixen

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    I snapped this when I was in Montana, because who doesn't need a cell phone pic in their dad's bathroom mirror? Yep, that's what it is. I'm covered in mosquito bites and I have on the worst bra ever, so... yeah.
  9. seavixen

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    I'm STILL playing Kingdoms of Amalur. I have something ridiculous like 120 hours in this game - though, to be fair, I do tend to walk away and leave it sitting there for long periods of time. Still. Wow. This game has got so many side quests. I think I'm almost done, finally.
  10. seavixen

    Single and/or childless in your 30s

    I'm ten days away from thirty, so I'm *almost* the right age to comment. I'm married, but I have no kids. People, for some reason, assume that I have them. People have been assuming this since I was fifteen or something. Apparently, I look like I should have kids. I don't get that at all...
  11. seavixen

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear someone-from-15-years-ago, As bizarre as it is, I still think about you sometimes. I remember you like you were then, half my life ago, and it's sort of like being stabbed - that intensity, your intelligence, your strength. I guess everything is better in hindsight. j
  12. seavixen

    Post pics of yourself....LIVING

    My dad and myself, wearing hats. This was taken during my visit to Montana, directly before the 16 hour drive (done in one day - hoo!) back home. Nope, my clothes don't match. Cross-posted.
  13. seavixen

    Hi.. Is anyone into photography?

    Some pictures of my tiiiiny hometown in Montana. Also, Silver Staircase - on the edge of Glacier Nat'l Park.
  14. seavixen

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    My dad and myself - wearing hats. Yeah, I know that none of my clothes match.
  15. seavixen

    What is making you SAD right now...

    Seeing my dad in so much pain. I feel like I'm going to crack.
  16. seavixen

    True Blood

    As much as I adore Alex Skarsgard's portrayal of Eric (he freaking IS Eric, and good god is he ever tasty), I'm really liking Jason's character in the show (I like how Ryan Kwanten plays him - he's so much more pleasant vs the book Jason). Jason was my fav part of the first episode this season...
  17. seavixen

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend <3
  18. seavixen

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Definitely not! Whitefish is beautiful, though. I'm hoping to get in a quick visit to Glacier; we used to go every summer.
  19. seavixen

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Today is my sixth wedding anniversary :) Next year, my husband and I will have been together for ten years. Time flies!
  20. seavixen

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Nowhere anyone's ever heard of! It's a little town in the far north called Kevin, N of Shelby, NE of Cut Bank, maybe 15 miles from the Canadian border. It's actually pretty hideous, but it's where I'm from, and it's where my dad is still. :)