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  1. seavixen

    90's gaming

    YES. This.
  2. seavixen

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    Playing Mass Effect 2 - AGAIN - to get myself even more psyched for ME3. Eeeee!
  3. seavixen

    Falling in love with literary characters

    North & South - John Thornton. And then he was played by Richard Armitage.. OMG. Pride & Prejudice - Mr. Darcy. Ohhhh, yeah. Sookie Stackhouse series - Eric Northman. Hell, yes! Even before Alex Skarsgard. Sense & Sensibility - Colonel Brandon The Parasol Protectorate series - Lord Maccon...
  4. seavixen

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    Aw, thanks! :)
  5. seavixen

    90's Music Anyone?

    Stone Temple Pilots. Core & Purple were amazing albums. I still love them. Really, really a lot. Radiohead. Pablo Honey had some great stuff on it. Tori Amos. She put out some fantastic albums in the '90s. Type O Negative. Peter Steele had SUCH a sexy voice. Nirvana, Soundgarden, Pearl...
  6. seavixen

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    Some recent cell phone pics. :)
  7. seavixen

    90's gaming

    I'm convinced that my husband played every arcade game that ever was, as well as a huge chunk of the console games available. (He still plays a lot of them, including the aforementioned Golden Eye.) I'm not sure if these were from the 90s, but on the NES, I loved Al Unser, Jr. Racing, Super...
  8. seavixen

    Peer Pressure?

    My friends are a mixed bag. Most of the people I'm acquainted with, including those much younger than myself (I'm 29) have at LEAST one child. Most of them, however, are not married. Some are divorced. Some are dating. Some are single. The main three couples that my husband and I hang out...
  9. seavixen

    This is a thread about how little time I have left of my 20s

    I think I've said most of those things already. But, then again, I'm around younger people pretty often - and I'm sort of a young old lady. (Note blanket on lap and knitting in hands.)
  10. seavixen

    Favorite Arrested Development Scenes

    Two things immediately pop into my head, and both involve Tobias. There's one where he's trying to be a Mary Poppins type, and he jumps off the balcony - that one is hilarious. (But, really, they're ALL hilarious.) Then there's also Tobias saying something about having sex "on his wife" -...
  11. seavixen

    The Joys of Living Alone

    My husband and I have lived together (and in VERY close quarters for the first six+ years) long enough that there's not much we don't do around each other anyway. That said, while we were together 24/7 for quite awhile at the beginning when he was jobless, he's at work all day 5+ days a week...
  12. seavixen

    County places obese child in foster care.

    Feel free to make assumptions as you will. FYI, I hit 5'0" at the age of 8 or so and was full grown by 11, and - while I was extremely heavy on the scale - I wasn't that fat in terms of the weight distributed on my body. It always shocked those who took my weight when I got on the scale...
  13. seavixen

    Share your Amazon Wishlist - 2011 Edition!! :D

    My wish list is pretty boring.. lol http://amzn.com/w/1H7YN7X9CY9M5
  14. seavixen

    County places obese child in foster care.

    I remember when I was 9-10, I was over 200lbs; there were several other kids in my class that were in the 120-160 range; it depended a lot on height and such - but I don't remember how much I weighed at eight years old. It probably wasn't that much less than this kid. I don't see where they...
  15. seavixen

    What are you making?

    Just made a couple of pumpkin pies, and have some custard tarts with a sugar cookie-like shell filled and chilling. Still have rolls to start for tomorrow, and dinner tonight's just some quick, easy rosemary parmesan breaded chicken.
  16. seavixen

    SweetTooth Couture - up to 6x

    That's pretty cool that she'll work with you like that! Big coats are so hard to find... I'll be very interested to see yours and see if I need to start saving up for my own. There really seems to be absolutely nothing out there that would fit in the hips, and most coats that would come close...
  17. seavixen

    SweetTooth Couture - up to 6x

    Ahh, I can't wait to see it... that coat is SO adorable. Super envy! My hips and budget are way out of range - lol :)
  18. seavixen

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    I'm totally jealous of all the people playing Skyrim...
  19. seavixen

    What is making you SAD right now...

    So many things are up in the air right now. It's exhausting.
  20. seavixen

    What are you wearing right now?

    I never post here, but figured I'd cross-post this pic. Currently wearing this + jeans. :) Tee is Old Navy, hat & jewelry are things I made.