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  1. idontspeakespn

    What book are you reading right now?

    Well, since school started back up my books have all been *super* light, fun pieces with 'violence' 'criminal' or 'victim' in the title. Actually partly sarcastic, partly for real. I've committed to reading at least one non-school related book this term, so it's Tinker Tailor Soldier...
  2. idontspeakespn

    What is the greatest sandwich?

    The Lobster roll. I will probably eat my weight's worth when I come home for Christmas. Nothing like succulent lobster, lightly dressed, stuffed inside hot toasted, buttered bread, served with a side of sweet potato fries. Heaven.
  3. idontspeakespn

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    True. But I can't hide from thoughtful cards or letters that come through the post or facebook messages. It's too late, I've already seen it.
  4. idontspeakespn

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear all my lovely, beautiful friends whom I love, I will literally projectile vomit if I hear that yet another one of you has gotten dream job, gotten engaged, gotten married or gotten pregnant and all your wildest dreams have come true. Bully for you. Really. But I am so full of bitterness...
  5. idontspeakespn

    Food Glorious Food: Foods and Restaurants you miss

    My god, that's fantastic.
  6. idontspeakespn

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    It appears that no matter what country I live in, or when I live in it, males, both relatives and non-relatives will fuck me over at every turn, in every country. I guess I was right to think the only man who wouldn't is my father, and he's six feet under.
  7. idontspeakespn

    What is making you SAD right now...

    So my world just broke apart a little bit: My son (not really my son but my ex-housemate who is like family) just told me he's moving to Sheffield...transferring to the university there. Says its a better school for him. He was my only friend left near me, as all others have gone back to...
  8. idontspeakespn

    Food Glorious Food: Foods and Restaurants you miss

    I started craving this a few days ago: Bubble (boba) tea. The iced tea (with milk, usually) sweetened with the pearl tapioca in it. I think it's seen in bigger cities as 'chic' Here's a pic: http://centurycafe.com/images/boba-tea-550x368.jpg It's delicious and odd and sort of gross...
  9. idontspeakespn

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear Guy I Really Like, I wrote this detailed message to you, but I'm too much of a chicken-shit to send it. Basically, it said: I like you. Hope I haven't scared you off with my neuroses, of which there are many. It would be nice to hear your voice, I miss it. I miss you. All the...
  10. idontspeakespn

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear Body, I love you. I don't say it often enough, its true that your appearance causes me some disappointment every now and then, but...you came through for me. The day after my sexy weekend Aunt flo arrived, and it couldn't have been better timing. You knew that you had to hold off...
  11. idontspeakespn

    seeking... advice?

    I totally agree, balls of steel my friend. Now...I'm a bigger girl who is on the lower end of the BBW scale (as far as this site is concerned anyway), and I find that me being on top is a pretty good deal if you're worried about fitting, I seem to fit my partner better when I'm on top. I...
  12. idontspeakespn

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    3 Things from least to greatest: 1) Federal loans have been approved for this school year, and are rolling through at the end of this week. Tiffani lives to almost fail another degree programme :rolleyes: 2) Made an awesome dinner, bangers and roasted potatoes, smothered with a red...
  13. idontspeakespn

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    Facebook. Like millions of other people. Facebook, you're a stupid idiot.
  14. idontspeakespn

    Would you do it?

    That's such an amazing story...that should be in a lovely, old-fashioned novel about love. :)
  15. idontspeakespn

    Would you do it?

    I've never done it before, but I would say it all depended on the situation. Moving long distances wouldn't concern me (being an expat myself) but I think it would matter if I was in a place I could find employment, or whether or not he could afford to take care of me if I didn't/couldn't work...
  16. idontspeakespn

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear Barry, Dude, I totally respect your right to be an Anarchist, feel free to spout your hatred of anything Capitalistic, Commercial, Materialistic, etc. But I can't have you as a friend on Facebook anymore. You post too much Anti-order shit for me to be associated with you. I sound like a...
  17. idontspeakespn

    How much do you think your size has influenced....

    How you operate in an interpersonal relationship isn't the same thing as your personality. Personality traits can affect your interpersonal relationships, but those aren't interchangeable terms. I don't think being stubborn or selfish or sweet-natured is wholly dependent upon size. Traits like...
  18. idontspeakespn

    Happy Birthday OneWickedAngel!!!

    Happy Birthday, hope you had a lovely day! :)
  19. idontspeakespn

    How much do you think your size has influenced....

    I honestly don't think my weight has influenced my personality in any significant way, other than to perhaps develop a thicker skin for insults. I was a normal-sized child and I'd say about 70% of my dominant personality traits have carried on since my earliest days. I was always a very...
  20. idontspeakespn

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    Sounds like your roommate needs a ticket to the Tool Academy.