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  1. idontspeakespn

    We don't have enough threads about racism

    It probably has come for some--but not most. And that's the real issue. The few that are ahead of the game (presumably) don't account for most of society, and until the tide turns and most of society finds the term acceptable, I don't think there is a justification for using it so readily in...
  2. idontspeakespn

    We don't have enough threads about racism

    There is no justification for anyone to really use that word in my opinion. It really doesn't matter how you, as an individual see the word, whether its a person who isn't black using it in a friendly way, or an unfriendly way, or a black person using it as a 'show' of solidarity. The word is...
  3. idontspeakespn

    Cinderella foods

    This is exactly what I do with the butter, lift the skin up slide a few pats of butter and set to bake. My Thanksgiving feast last year is still talked about :D *sigh* I keep wanting to rep you for your insightful replies, but apparently I need to whore out the reputation a little more...
  4. idontspeakespn


    Ha ha ha!! I'm sure it's not that funny to you but ZOMG, that is hilarious! :D
  5. idontspeakespn

    You know you are an Fa when.......?

    I like the word Zaftig, myself: Zaftig, adj: having a full rounded figure; pleasingly plump. I think it should be used more in everyday conversation. I used the word Rubenesque the other day to describe my boss, who, I think, is truly one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen in my...
  6. idontspeakespn


    OMG, you still played even after you did that? Hard-core. Is this normal for Rugby players?
  7. idontspeakespn


    The only thing I can think of is when I put bones back into place. A few toes (I'm horribly clumsy) and one instance after a bad car wreck pulled a serious Mel Gibson and wrenched my shoulder back into place. I couldn't take the pain of it being knocked out of its socket, and, for some...
  8. idontspeakespn

    Cinderella foods

    Turkey! Cooked normally, meh. :happy: But Smoked, or cooked in an oven with pats of butter, lemon wedges and fresh thyme stuffed in the cavity and under the skin--T-day magic! :D
  9. idontspeakespn

    What did you buy today?

    These are adorable! I want I want gimme gimme! :D
  10. idontspeakespn

    What are you happy about today?

    You goose. :p I have no idea about football at all other than it certainly looks entertaining. The only experience I have with football fans is when I go into Apres for drinks during a game and one drunken enthusiast constantly screams 'Come on Rooney, Come on!' whether or not Rooney is...
  11. idontspeakespn

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    I don't know...that one with the cane look like she knew how to carry herself. I might have gotten an old-lady ass-whopping if she had not been so surprised by my speech. Old ladies can give a real beat down!
  12. idontspeakespn

    2011 Singles thread

    Ha ha! I knew there was someone who understood this. I will happily pummel her for you the next time I'm in Canada ;-)
  13. idontspeakespn

    Food Glorious Food: Foods and Restaurants you miss

    Seriously, I got scared for a minute. I'm back home for Christmas and my first stop was to Ole' RL to pick up a dozen of those bad boys for muchin before heading to mom's house. Glad to know they are still there. :D
  14. idontspeakespn

    2011 Singles thread

    And on the opposite note, how come I see decent, respectable men with the trashiest pieces of shit alive who berate them, consistent lie to them and emotionally blackmail them, and yet they keep on going back for more even though she treats him worse than a dog she hates and she's FUGLY as hell...
  15. idontspeakespn

    Question for the bisexuals

    The terms 'bisexual, heterosexual and homosexual' are socially constructed in order to simplify the nature of human attraction, which is preposterous. What I believe is that 'straight' people such as myself will find members of their own sex attractive at some point, and 'gay' people will find...
  16. idontspeakespn

    "You can do so much better"

    I think you handled that the best way possible. It was classy and you showed more restraint that I would have. This type of ignorant response is the same kind of response people give me if I am in a mixed race relationship--only I'm the low point, and my boyfriends could surely 'do better'. I...
  17. idontspeakespn

    Hurricane Irene

    My mom said she lost power at 4:00pm her time which was, maybe 4.5 hours ago? Said the sky is so black it looks like night. But they're obviously still okay, if she's able to text...she lives in Maryland and is somewhat near the water so hopefully, it won't be too bad when all's said and done...
  18. idontspeakespn

    What did you buy today?

    I bought this: with the matching knickers (boy shorts) at Debenhams. The knickers were free and the bra itself was 30% off. Couldn't believe they had my size, I was flabbergasted.
  19. idontspeakespn

    Reagan vs. Obama - their legacies

    *SIGH* I was really hoping this was regarding the revival of Celebrity Deathmatch by MTV Mr. T FTW!
  20. idontspeakespn

    Random FOODEE Thoughts and Confessions

    I know exactly what you're trying to accomplish sir...quid pro quo. You're after my Regency salmon hash :-)