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  1. idontspeakespn

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear Hair, Listen...we need to talk. We've been together a long time, you and I. We've been through it all: Hot combs that have burned my scalp as a child; my Aunt's terribly rough hands when braiding my hair; countless hours spent at the beauty salon, ANY salon trying to make you...
  2. idontspeakespn

    What Do YOU Do To Feel Pretty?

    I put on this fantastic Pearl and gold earring/necklace set my mother gave me last year...so classy and high-brow, it makes me feel like a modern-day Jackie O' :)
  3. idontspeakespn

    Study finds fat acceptance blogs can improve health outcomes

    Really interesting study...I would interested in finding out if any more research has been conducted relating fat acceptance to mental and physical health. Thanks for posting. :)
  4. idontspeakespn

    What is making you SAD right now...

    My father died two years ago yesterday. I had a really nice day yesterday, and was quite surprised when I didn't fall apart at work, but it was okay. Sure I remembered him, constantly, but it wasn't the crushing grief I felt last year. So it was even more of a shock when I woke up this...
  5. idontspeakespn


    Sorry, I was thinking of the movie she starred in, and then, because my mind and my hands obviously don't coordinate, I wrote the Actress instead. I'll fix it *goes to fix really obvious mistake* Well, I can't fix it, but I'll state the original thought here instead: The Valley of Decision
  6. idontspeakespn

    Food Glorious Food: Foods and Restaurants you miss

    I am a Trader Joe's fanatic and I remember this...God, I miss Trader Joe's. Now I remember something in particular from TJ's that I miss: Their tropical fruit pops. Soooo good on a hot summer's day. Not that I remember what that's like, now living in England. I'm lucky I remember what the sun...
  7. idontspeakespn


    Greer Garson
  8. idontspeakespn

    Sexy Songs

    Into dust is such a beautiful song..it played during a relative's funeral, so yeah not exactly sexy time for me either, but still amazing. And, surprisingly, I really liked the Fairyland song! Its not a style of music I usually listen to, but that was really good, thanks for listing it :-)
  9. idontspeakespn

    Sexy Songs

    Uh wow. This turned me on even without hearing it. Deftones, love. No ordinary love, love. Together, how can they go wrong? :smitten:
  10. idontspeakespn

    Sexy Songs

    My top sexy-time songs: Fade into you- Mazzy Star Six Underground-Sneaker Pimps Infinite Arms - Band of Horses (although due to emotional trauma this song now causes me, it's removed off my list) Lately -Tyrese (seriously, the sexiest song EVER. Oooh yeah, baby :kiss2: ) Immaculate - Seal...
  11. idontspeakespn

    Sexy Songs

    OMG Yes. that is part of my permanent 'sexy-time' song list. It is just...yeah.
  12. idontspeakespn

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    Planet of the Apes (1968 Original Version) 8/10 I figured I had to watch the original all the way through before going to see the Rise of the Apes. Now that I've seen the original, there's no way in hell I can see the prequel. POTA scared the bejezus out of me. So freaking disturbing on so...
  13. idontspeakespn

    FA/FFA Who was Your First Plus-Sized Crush?

    I loved her in Sister Act! She reminds me of myself. All sunshine and rays...well, in person. On paper or the internet I turn snarky and sarcastic. But I am a ball full of positive giggly energy when you meet me.
  14. idontspeakespn

    Do you enjoy kissing?

    I don't know. It's been so long since I've been kissed I have no idea if I still enjoy it. *LONGFRUSTRATEDSIGH* :(
  15. idontspeakespn

    We don't have enough threads about racism

    Actually, I've known one or two black people who are prejudiced against their own ethnicity. Not really 'racism' as Webster's defines it, but it does happen. It's probably not likely, but I know it's a possibility.
  16. idontspeakespn

    At what weight or size do/did you feel the best?

    I feel best at my current weight. I'm the smallest I've ever been as an adult, around a UK size 22 (US size 18) however, I definitely would like to be a size UK size 20 or 18 at the smallest. I feel that's where my natural weight 'sits' at, nothing smaller. But I've got so much more energy now...
  17. idontspeakespn

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    Emile Sande- Heaven It's been a long time since I've been truly awed by an artist. Check it out
  18. idontspeakespn

    We don't have enough threads about racism

    I think that it could be argued that her reaction might not have been as strong if the person telling her off wasn't black, however without reading the story, or hearing what the woman has to say, I can't be sure one way or another. I think it is clear by her language that she harbors some...
  19. idontspeakespn

    Food Glorious Food: Foods and Restaurants you miss

    That's what my mom says. 'Just bring back a suitcase that's empty'..but that looks highly suspicious to airport security LOL. And, some stuff is contraband in the UK...like corn syrup (although I hardly see how things like Bovril and Golden syrup are any better). I'm afraid of being detained at...
  20. idontspeakespn

    Food Glorious Food: Foods and Restaurants you miss

    I love places like that...ones that look like dives, are in the middle of no-where, or look completely unassuming. Those are the gems. There's this BBQ pit called Randy's and it is literally the size of a small camper, and its stationed outside a bingo hall where I used to live and it had the...