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  1. idontspeakespn

    BBW meat up?

    How Northwest are we talking? I'm American, and crap at English Geography, so you'll have to be very specific. I pretty much only know major cities and the Cotswold area where I live.
  2. idontspeakespn

    T M I, W T F Thread

    I have a fantasy of having the hottest, dirtiest, borderline-illegal-breaking-the-bed-we're-rocking-it-so-hard sex with the man I love (who I'm not with, at all), and then having his girlfriend walk in on us. And I wouldn't feel a bit sorry, in fact, I'm sure I would come all the harder if she...
  3. idontspeakespn

    Food Glorious Food: Foods and Restaurants you miss

    I thought of a few others: Buffalo wings Horchata (From Mexico/Southwest) The Kahlua Coffee Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory...or, well any cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory...I f*ing love cheesecake. Cream of crab soup Maryland crab cakes. The Blueberry hotcakes...
  4. idontspeakespn

    Have you ever had anyone envy you for being fat?

    I find it weird that people say this to me...why can't they, the non-fat people, eat a piece of cheesecake? Do they think that one slice will kill them, or cause them to explode in fatness? One slice of cheesecake, or pie, or treacle tart isn't going to ruin your life...so weird. Even if I...
  5. idontspeakespn

    Plus-size models wearing fat suits are new fashion low

    This is a serious WTF moment from the fashion industry. And in true 'dumb supermodel' style, using fat suits to continue to get plus size modelling work but not actually be plus-sized . If you want to be healthy and thin and a model, than be a thin model, don't insult the rest of us by putting...
  6. idontspeakespn

    Should parent's lose custody of their obese kids?

    I wanted to think about this a little before I replied. First, I didn't view the article everyone is mentioning, so don't take my response as if I have, I'm just posting some thoughts on the topic area. I think that in most cases, it probably isn't necessary and may even cause...
  7. idontspeakespn

    What turns you on?

    I've always liked Cowboys. Tight jeans, dirty boots, Stetsons, special relationships with horses (not in the sexual way, of course)... *purrs* Nothing like a good cowboy.
  8. idontspeakespn

    Dating non FA's. Yay or Nay? (BBW input only please)

    Yes, this I can understand. The concept of FA's is still new to me, so I'm trying to study the dynamic of it; whether it is a physical preference, a fetish, both, and how the definition of it changes with each person. I do however, would want someone to be attracted to me in a holistic way...
  9. idontspeakespn

    Food Glorious Food: Foods and Restaurants you miss

    OMG, yes to pepperoni rolls!! I used to live in WV and they are freakin awesome!! Also, yes to Sheetz--its amazing how good their subs and nachos are...nom nom nom :eat1:
  10. idontspeakespn

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    This is the best day I've had in a long time, and certainly since I've been in England: 1) I turned in my dissertation. The thing that has been a plague upon my life is out of my hair and on its way to the exam board. 2) I got offered a permanent post at work that I REALLY wanted, and...
  11. idontspeakespn

    What do women look for in a man?

    What am I looking for in a man? I never knew the answer to this question until February 16th of this year. And after that day, I knew exactly what I wanted. And he was nothing like I expected. He's: 1) Old-fashioned. Put his arm around me in the movie theatre in the classic 'I want to put my...
  12. idontspeakespn

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    Update on that: Not singing it, was found to be too much trouble for someone to learn the guitar bit. New song: Creep (Radiohead cover in the style of Eliza Dootlittle) This might give you an idea http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7tWW246-EI
  13. idontspeakespn

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    I love this song! And I know where you heard it too! :p
  14. idontspeakespn

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    Finders Keepers by You Me At Six Trying to figure out if I can sing it at open mic night down at the Tavern by tomorrow, if I can find someone to play guitar :-) It could be pretty nice with a sweet female voice. I'll have to change the cords, sing it a third of an octave above in some of...
  15. idontspeakespn

    job interview-being judged based on looks

    Yeah ditto to this. All my skinny friends said the they had the same criteria on job applications. It because if you work in a grocery store, for instance, elderly people often can't lift stuff out of the cart after they've put it in, or someone may carry a large pack of beer or something and...
  16. idontspeakespn

    Fat-Friendly Photography

    I LOVE the shot of the woman in the blue plaid shirt and the fedora hat...so vivid! You have a wonderful eye. Now I really wish I were able to fly you over here for a photo shoot :D
  17. idontspeakespn

    Food Glorious Food: Foods and Restaurants you miss

    All of these places sound amazing! Keep 'em coming! I also miss the very politically-incorrect Wigwam Bakery that's shaped like a Tiki-hut...best eclairs ever...so creamy, chocolate was ultra dark and fudgey and they weighed about the size of a small child each. Heaven! :eat2: Some other...
  18. idontspeakespn

    Food Glorious Food: Foods and Restaurants you miss

    That's a crime...and in Alabama too? I actually make an oven-roasted pulled pork, and it almost has the same taste as home...not quite smoky, but almost.
  19. idontspeakespn

    Food Glorious Food: Foods and Restaurants you miss

    I love brewhouses! I miss a few in Florida, and there was a great one near Richmond, VA *sigh*
  20. idontspeakespn

    UK ladies over size 32... WHERE do you get clothes?

    I'm American and I live in the UK, so just know that if you do order from the U.S., you are about 2 sizes smaller in American sizes. So UK 32 = US 28/30 What a self-esteem bust. I get here and instantly I'm two sizes larger. The only consolation I have is that my shoes size is 2 sizes...