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  1. L

    Anyone in, or near, Portland, Oregon?

    I love living in Oregon So much. I call it a magical Wonderland. The beauty, the people, the weather. I don't know what it is exactly, but even though I wasn't born here, nowhere else feels like home.. And I've lived in Eugene Ashland, Portland and now somwhere South of portland.. But still...
  2. L

    Non Sequitur

    The Rashomon effect is the effect of the subjectivity of perception on recollection, by which observers of an event are able to produce substantially different but equally plausible accounts of it.
  3. L

    What is your SA (size acceptance) history?

    Well. When I was growing up I was really small and skinny through my freshman year in high school. I' am 5"0 and I was the cox for my school's rowing team and they had to weight me down to make me legal (you have to be at least 95lb). However, I switched schools a lot, and while I had...
  4. L

    Doctoring Up Ramens?

    I once made ramen pie. I was feeling creative.. I used the flavor packet to make a gravy like sauce and poured it over the broken up noodle thingy, and some potatoes and carrots in a pie shell. It was.. interesting. The noodles didn't get fully sturated, so it was kinda odd and spongey.. but...
  5. L

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Name: Laura Location: Oregon! It is a magical Wonderland! Profession: just finished my ba in Communication/Economics I have yet to decide what is next. I contomplate supervillainy. Music: I like a little of anything. I like the 80s synth pop. I like the indie rock. I like the classic...