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  1. lucyp

    My belly and her hands on it (pic)

    What a wonderful awesome picture! <3!
  2. lucyp

    I need a hug

    ...Yeah, me too. My husband has lost something like 40 or 50 pounds over the last few years, slowly, without any diets, simply because we moved into a less stressful lifestyle situation and I guess he had been eating as a response to stress. And he's had these foot problems, so bad he had to...
  3. lucyp

    Dominant or Submissive?

    I think both my husband and I are dominant. Neither one of us is at all submissive. Well, we might play pretend for two minutes with either of us going in either direction, but as a lifestyle we'd be doing that equality thing.
  4. lucyp

    In defense of FFAs -- waif to SSBBW

    ...Had no intention of causing a ruckus (or *another* ruckus. This happens all the time here you say? Oi.) but can't be sorry to have possibly inspired you to post. =) You're really sweet and I do appreciate it. *hugs from the waif* :wubu:
  5. lucyp

    Where are the Skinny FFAs at?

    Not just you.
  6. lucyp

    Where are the Skinny FFAs at?

    Ed, you phrased that VERY strongly, context or no. If I see someone say something that is downright unpleasant about me or those who look just like me, something that is no doubt is true but which I can't change, I'm NOT going to engage in discussion. I'm going to walk away. I'm not a masochist...
  7. lucyp

    Where are the Skinny FFAs at?

    *laughs* Okay. Woo, travel! ;) 'Walk with pelvis tilted in the right direction'? Oh, dear. Is that a thing now? I suspect I'm glad I haven't come across it. Like people aren't already selfconscious enough. *sigh* Yeah, I'm not really attracted to my own body type either, and were I...
  8. lucyp

    Where are the Skinny FFAs at?

    Hmm. Yeeeah, I guess I'd count as skinny. I'm about 5'1" and 100 pounds. Here in NZ I'm a size 8, but in the US that'd be about a size 2. Size 8 is not rare here in NZ, lots and lots of very small, short, petite women here. Maybe you short BHMs might try looking outside of the US? =) From...
  9. lucyp

    Pics of me for all

    I especially like the hands in the pockets pose and the expression on your face. I'm imagining a little speech balloon over you that says, "What's that? My shirt went missing? No, really? I hadn't noticed. Heavens." Such insouciance. ;) And, yes, you're yummy. =)
  10. lucyp

    Wookin' Pa Nub in all da wong paces: Advice to BHMs on finding love, from a BHM

    *Gives you a standing ovation.* Everything you said, right on! Awesome. Yeah. Like that. :wubu:
  11. lucyp

    Love and Lust

    *raises hand* Yeah, me. I fell in love with a guy and I thought he was attractive and awesome, but the fact that he was fat was just sort of ... neutral. Yeah, whatever, I didn't care. And then over time it became- well, this is rather fun... And also, gosh, that's nifty. And, hey, isn't this...
  12. lucyp

    BHM Musicians

    I *love* a cappella! Do we get to see a pic of you singing? =)
  13. lucyp

    BHM Musicians

    Hahahaha! It's not just me. =D Yay. <3!
  14. lucyp

    BHM Musicians

    I'd like to think that I'm a classy, sophisticated broad with excellent taste in art and music. Yeah, I'd *like* to think that. But then I hear the opening bars of a Meat Loaf video and I teleport across the house to in front of the TV where I sit, utterly rapt, waving my invisible lighter...
  15. lucyp

    extra weight an advantage?

    I do gardening, and frequently I want to dig holes. Sometimes (often) I find a hard bit of ground and I jump up and down uselessly on my shovel for fifteen minutes (I weigh only a hundred pounds) until I give up, and cursing, go get my husband. And he puts his foot on my shovel and it slides...
  16. lucyp

    Hello All!

    Oh, you're cute. And I love your shirt, too. =)
  17. lucyp

    First post. I need someone to talk to. Somewhat*EXPLICIT*

    Turn it around and look at it from another direction. Imagine: you're a married man, you've been married 15 years and you love your wife, suddenly you get health problems and are afflicted with impotence. You are afraid and ashamed, you feel unmanly, you are in mourning for what you have...
  18. lucyp

    First post. I need someone to talk to. Somewhat*EXPLICIT*

    Oh, yes. And then there's the whole 'Why your wife won't have sex with you' blog. http://blogs.salon.com/0003935/stories/2004/08/13/introduction.html If you read that one all the way down to all the comments you'll get a lovely eyeful of the nitty gritty of female vs male psychology. It's...
  19. lucyp

    First post. I need someone to talk to. Somewhat*EXPLICIT*

    I think Laura's right. This may not really be about your weight, it may be an excuse. If she's not been interested in sex for *just the last year* (and before that she was interested) it may be something else and she's just latching on to an easy excuse. Is she stressed about money, or the...
  20. lucyp

    The Hotei Thread

    This bit caught my eye and made me remember. Back when my BHM husband was doing martial arts, I could not keep my eyes off him, thought he was just amazing to watch. One day I went to a event thingie with him and several other schools and he was going to spar against someone, and as I was...