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  1. mikael

    Owning Felicia (Ch. 1-5) - by Scx (~BBW, Explicit ~Sex, ~XWG)

    what a bummer, i had hoped you would one day return to this story
  2. mikael

    Summer Catch movie

    that's the only part of the movie i remember, but it's awesome, and it's the dude from Buffy... the rest of the film is... forgettable
  3. mikael

    why do people like hotel new orleans?

    why did you start a whole thread about this?
  4. mikael

    Hey Tubby (~BHM, ~~WG)

    good story. though i wish you had gotten more into him and katie. felt like you barely scratched the surface of their BHM/FFA relationship
  5. mikael

    A Very Fat-Centric Episode Of Bones

    i was glad the episode wasn't critical or mocking of the FA/feederism community. It didn't present feederism as revolting or disturbing in any way. But I've come to expect that from Bones. the character Temperance, as an anthropologist, is usually very neutral and understanding when it comes to...
  6. mikael

    Geocities closing

    the link didn't work for me. i hope it didnt get shut down already
  7. mikael

    BHM Quite a Change - by Boston1 (~BHM, Explicit ~Sex)

    great description. i hope you decide to add more
  8. mikael

    The Hotel New Orleans - by Casso (SSBBW/SSBHM, Immobility, , Heavy Sex, ~XXWG )

    another amazing chapter to a fantastic story
  9. mikael

    The superhuman Bake sale (BBW (multiple) Xwg

    i love it so far. i hope you continue!
  10. mikael

    Patronage and Pierogi - by Madeline Maple (SSBBW, Romance, Imagery, ~XWG )

    i love this story...i cant wait for more!
  11. mikael

    Your skinniest and fattest pics

    WOW you underwent an AMAZING transformation in the last 2 years. You look stunning.
  12. mikael

    Belly Batter (Chap 1-3) - by Mandylover (SSBBW, ~BHM Explict ~ Sex ~XWG)

    another great chapter... cant wait for more
  13. mikael

    Belly Batter (Chap 1-3) - by Mandylover (SSBBW, ~BHM Explict ~ Sex ~XWG)

    i hope you're gonna post more! awesome so far!
  14. mikael

    More - by CherchezLaFemme ~BHM, Stuffing, Feederism, Sex, ~~WG

    a great product of a Vassar education ;)
  15. mikael

    The Munchies! - by Coyote Wild (~BHM, Flatulence, Immobility, ~XWG)

    thanks for adding on to the story! i hope we see more in the (near) future