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  1. rollhandler

    Overweight women shouldn't get pregnant according to this.

    Looks like another media attempt to guilt people into selective breeding practices to remove or reduce an undesireable trait. It also deepens the prejudice that is used as an arguement of guilt along the lines of "Don't you care about your baby?" How dare you be an active sexual being? or If you...
  2. rollhandler

    favorite fa songs!

    The the only thing that would have made it perfect would have been if the female role in the video had been fat instead of stuffing a pillow up her shirt but a cute video all the same. http://www.funnyjunk.com/youtube/4094/Baby+Got+Fat/ Rollhandler
  3. rollhandler

    Internet forum abbreviations, spelled out.

    What does FTW mean and in what context is it used? Rollhandler
  4. rollhandler

    Internet forum abbreviations, spelled out.

    How many times have you read a post only to be stumped by a series of letters that you should know but don't? I am fairly savvy but occasionally I run into abbreviations that I just cant work out. I kinda feel silly asking around to find out that the shorthand is something that I feel I am the...
  5. rollhandler

    Overweight women shouldn't get pregnant according to this.

    I think it will be a cold day in Hades before humans figure out that Nature knows better than science what humans need, and stop tampering with the species. Nature would not provide those who prefer fat bodies, nor the ability to procreate at a variety of sizes, nor the propensity toward...
  6. rollhandler

    A naive Fa?.

    Hate and prejudice in any form is not inherent. It must be taught and learned somewhere. What makes it easy for me to let it roll off my back is the knowledge of who has the problem. I am confident in who I am. I am secure in my preference. If others have a problem with me or my preference, It...
  7. rollhandler

    FA Myths thread # 3

    This to me is two separate issues. First off gaining weight may simply be a matter of not paying attention to intake and simply letting it happen. For many this is the case, but I believe that the spirit of the thread topic in question speaks to deliberate weight gain. In this instance, It is...
  8. rollhandler

    Question with a Question

    Should I venture a guess to say maybe? Rollhandler
  9. rollhandler

    Continental Airlines is on my list...

    The only conversation I believe I would have, If ever in that situation, would be: Stewardess: "Through an error we have need of this seat." Me: "Because of your airlines rules I had to buy it. Sorry, but it is not available." Stewardess: "But we have one more person that needs a seat. Would...
  10. rollhandler

    Names for Vagina.

    I cant believe no one has mentioned: Gateway to Heaven Rec Hall Hot Pocket (shaved) Woolybooger (from George Carlin) Hair Pie Lilly Pad (shaved) Lotus Flower Cherry Pie Snizz (shaved) Bald Eagle (shaved) The "best ride at the park" Oil Slick (shaved) Prick (From George Carlin) Docking Station...
  11. rollhandler

    Whats your most bizarre feedee/feeder fanatasy!?

    Ahh, the stuff of fantasy. I actually have several good fantasies that get used regularly but only a couple that I am comfortable enough sharing. Immobility is not something that is an aim in any of my relationships. I am not opposed to it, although I feel it best to leave to the realm of...
  12. rollhandler

    Thin gain or fat fat gain?

    I am not exactly sure what is more erotic about it but it seems more taboo to see someone already fat performing the actions that lead them to continue gaining. So my vote is definitely on a fat person getting noticeably fatter. Rollhandler
  13. rollhandler

    eating/weight gain dating sites?

    That and fearful of meeting new people for the first time. Especially if they had not had the opportunity to get to know them well in advance. Rollhandler
  14. rollhandler

    New member, was at *NJ Bash*

    Welcome to Dimensions and I hope to meet you at a bash in the future. Rollhandler
  15. rollhandler

    new study - obesity linked to headlessness

    Maybe this is the reason why cars that are fat friendly and offer more belly / hip room have less head room. Rollhandler
  16. rollhandler

    Famouslastwords is in the Hospital.

    Sending get well wishes your way. I hope someone takes the messenger request and keeps some of the boredom at bay. Rollhandler
  17. rollhandler

    A question for you people

    Held at gunpoint I would be totally mind blank, and have to take suggestions from the one holding the gun. If necessary I would make up the words as I went along if I didn't know them. Rollhandler
  18. rollhandler

    Peanut butter sammiches.

    I have always differentiated between a sandwich being your basic average filling between two slices of bread and a sammich being a meal unto itself. LONG before Rachel Ray Rollhandler
  19. rollhandler

    Peanut butter sammiches.

    You are now officially the first person to mention my version of PB&J without the first question being; How can you eat a sammich with so much peanut butter on it? How do you swallow that much peanut butter? Or, how can you even chew that? I have been making and eating them this way since I...
  20. rollhandler

    Peanut butter sammiches.

    The almighty doubledecker! It's the only way I make 'em. Rollhandler