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  1. E

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    While I definitely don't get how Inception could NOT grab someone, here's an amazing, awesome interpretation of the plot, as well as a possible reason as to why some of the characters are not as fleshed out as they could be...
  2. E

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    Recently polished off Transformers: War for Cybertron on hard mode on the PS3 - after finishing the Decepticon campaign, I thought the game was merely good, but the Autobot campaign stole the show. Especially the reveal of Trypticon leading up to the end of the second to last stage. In fact...
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    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    This - so very much this. And spoilers: Holy shit, what an amazing 45-minute, 5-states-of-reality tiered climax. Riding the kick all the way out of the dream within a dream within a dream within a dream was as close to a film orgasm as I've ever had. PERFECT.
  4. E

    A Lost Generation?

    I can definitely understand this plight. I finished my masters in December 2008 and have been freelancing ever since, because the second the recession hit, the publishing industry closed up its doors. For a long time I was finding that my education was actually getting in the way - I can't...
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    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    Last night, midnight showing of Inception at the Langley, BC IMAX. Can the scale only go up to 10? I need to see it again. Right the fuck now. One of the best movies I've -ever- seen. Spent the better part of the morning reading the negative reviews of the flick, and in every one of them it...
  6. E

    What book are you reading right now?

    See my above post - they're a great deal of fun.
  7. E

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    Yep, doing it on my own. I definitely died more than a few times, but eventually took him down. For me, it was just a matter of catching the pattern, and also realizing that you CANNOT stand and gun him from the turrets when his chest cavity is open. If you do that, you won't have enough time to...
  8. E

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    Just finished the Decepticon campaign in the PS3 War for Cybertron - took down Omega Supreme on hard mode (so satisfying). That game is so much better than I ever thought it would be (mind you, my expectations for a Transformers game have been beaten down to "just be fun and playable"...
  9. E

    What book are you reading right now?

    Finally finished Mein Kampf and decided to wash my brain out with The Tibetan Book of the Dead. This week, read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and am now 300 pages into its sequel, The Girl who Played with Fire. Some questionable plotting, but overall very fun - and Lisbeth Salander is one of...
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    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    Oh definitely - I've heard that the Wii one is simply too broken to play. I've got the PS3 one myself and it is essentially a Gears of War type 3rd person shooter, though with transforming in place of cover mechanics. It's pretty good - looks amazing, and the sound is spot on as well. I do wish...
  11. E

    Canadian Aliens

    Looking at that list, there's very few I think we'd want to take back - we shipped Bieber south for a reason, dammit!
  12. E

    HST is lame

    I voted Green in the last election as well. I'm always so torn when voting though: Harper is evil and represents the very worst of this country; Ignatieff doesn't really seem to have a clue what side he falls on in any situation (reminds me way too much of John Kerry); I like NDP ideas but Jack...
  13. E

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    Hmm, it's Canada day, but far too grey and potentially rainy for a trip into Vancouver to see the fireworks tonight. What does that mean? Time to start a new game! Update on War for Cybertron. It's pretty good, but not good enough on the gameply side of things that I'd recommend it unless...
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    Gay Marriage

    This is exactly how I feel about any politician claiming that video games are the reason kids shoot up schools. Thank fuck these fools will not be gracing us much longer.
  15. E

    HST is lame

    Hey, I did my part in trying to oust the sonuvabitch - sadly, can't say the same for the rest of my family.
  16. E

    Gay Marriage

    And NoWayOut, I do not agree with anything you wrote in response to the question I posed, and I do feel that it was not answered to my satisfaction as I was hoping and asking for a non-religious answer, to strip that out of the equation, but I do appreciate that you took the time to think...
  17. E

    Gay Marriage

    Thanks for writing this - this sums up a great many of my thoughts perfectly. I struggle to see it as a sanctified term anymore, because of the legality it holds, and the lack of restrictions of the presence on the church in heterosexual relationships that do not fall under the umbrella of the...
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    Gay Marriage

    Yeah, I know - I've asked it in every thread on gay marriage that's popped up in these forums and have never gotten even a shred of a reasonable reply. You'd think i would have learned my lesson by now...
  19. E

    Gay Marriage

    Where i see your stance as having a bit of difficulty, Keb, is that what we want more than anything is NOT to religion-bash, but to actually have an answer based in the reality apart from the bible as to why this way of thinking is ok. We've asked again and again but have gotten a whirlwind of...
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    Gay Marriage

    I would still really love an answer to why it is okay for a straight couple that pisses on the face of god and concept of religion in all forms to marry and call it marriage - legally - but to not extend that same right to a gay couple that is devoted to your god, your faith, and all that is...