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  1. R

    I'm puzzled...

    Come on let's get serious here. Don't play make believe that we live in some kind of non-manipulative non-pressure society. The pressure on women to be skinny is ENORMOUS and EVERYWHERE; TV, Movies, Magazines, Books, ADs, Commercials, and the monster money machine Diet/Diet...
  2. R

    FA who avoid the word fat.

    I agree completely... fat is a biological term and for any FA to avoid using it is strange to say the least. I use it, often, since I desire FAT women, not "big" not "plus sized" not "chubby"... FAT
  3. R

    Happy Birthday, OneWickedAngel!

    OH MY Happy Birthday OWA!!!! :D:D:D
  4. R

    Wynonna Judd drops 60 pounds

    Took the words right out of my mouth! 99 times out of a hundred that's exactly what's going on
  5. R

    I'm puzzled...

    NO NO, I was referring to those inside of the Hollywood/media bubble, it seems every actress or media employ goes that way- thank god not every woman in the real world has fallen for this (although unfortunately many have). Kudos to you for not!
  6. R

    I'm puzzled...

    Indeed... I do my best to ignore it too but damn it's everywhere. The 'media world' has more technology and power then ever before in human history and its' primary goal is to sell stuff- shows, products, concepts etc. I've talked about this many times but in a nut shell women's bodies are a...
  7. R

    I'm puzzled...

    Exactly, it's only a question of when, the pressure is so great that basically they'll all surcome eventually.
  8. R

    I'm puzzled...

    I hate hearing about it because I'm attracted to fat women and don't want less of them in the world, especially when it is VERY likely that she is losing weight only to conform to our current unnatural standards. It's ridiculous, the less natural curves a woman has the more she is promoted as...
  9. R

    Fantasy Girl !

    Very true......
  10. R

    Retiring the “Good Guy” FA Card : Holding FAs to a higher standard.

    I agree with Lilly here, Nobody likes to be pre-judged, regardless of the bad experiences someone had with SOMEONE else. It's understandable if that person is on their guard but inflicting it upon the person they are now with is unacceptable. Also, I don't know, I find this thread to be...
  11. R

    The End of Men?

    The article's title is designed to enflame obviously- The End of Men? Ridiculous, and a lot of what is described is the result of forced compliance and not from any kind of natural phenomena. Much of what we have today is the result of decades of quotas, affirmative action, set asides and a...
  12. R

    FAs! Is weight gain arousing to you?

    No, but it's a little unusual that he wouldn't. Again, no but it's unusual in the absolute sense that you've written it here. Further, I was talking about the "result" while you're talking about the "process". I have met one FA, that's ONE, who has a lady who is fattening up, and he is...
  13. R

    FAs! Is weight gain arousing to you?

    Actually what I said was that they claim to not even understand why... and to that I said and say hogwash. You're reading too much into my post or I didn't word it well... but I maintain that SOME FAs play the political game around here
  14. R

    FAs! Is weight gain arousing to you?

    Someone made an interesting point- I thought it was Mergirl but now I can't find the post... Basically it was not wanting someone who only looked to the future and didn't appreciate what was in the here and now... An FA only desiring the fat a woman will gain in the future but not 'loving'...
  15. R

    FAs! Is weight gain arousing to you?

    I agree Orange Mage, I get the sense that many of the FAs who claim to love fat women in one breath but can't even understand the arousal from a woman gaining more of the fat they claim to love is bunch of hogwash- I think it's said mainly to appease the current floating politics of anti...
  16. R

    FAs! Is weight gain arousing to you?

    My exact feelings. Women gaining more soft feminine fat is very arousing to me. As a general statement I don't understand how it wouldn't for any man identifying themselves as an "FA"
  17. R

    Question for Feedees, M/F

    Well, I'm thinking sometimes what happens is that feeder FAs are so oppressed that when they finally find someone who truly makes them happy they tend to come on a little strong, perhaps in part for fear of losing what they've finally found combined with well, just being inexperienced.
  18. R

    Would you want your reality to match your FA fantasies?

    I would like my fantasies to become reality- all of them, ALL OF THEM.
  19. R

    Tired of Thin

    No Agreed
  20. R

    Tired of Thin

    Hollywood hates a womanly woman for a variety of sick reasons and most actresses unfortunately jump through hoops to conform... a wonderful exception I remember was Patricia Arquette who refused to lose weight when told by the producer of Medium to do so...