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  1. R

    Dim Bash Thread - The Feeder/Feedee Lifestyle

    Agreed, I am also sick of the patronizing silly reminders heaped upon us, but especially on female feedees
  2. R

    Dim Bash Thread - The Feeder/Feedee Lifestyle

    How about some more fantasy talk for the thread? My first fantasy -ahhh the one where I kidnap and force feed a girl, stuffing her, with maybe her not wanting it at first but then perhaps loving it later; fattening her up into a big fluffy sex doll where she becomes so fat and soft that any...
  3. R

    Dim Bash Thread - The Feeder/Feedee Lifestyle

    Yeah I agree, not putting anything "down" here but I still think we're pretty innocent This is true, :) A good point, and hopefully this will change for many
  4. R

    Dim Bash Thread - The Feeder/Feedee Lifestyle

    Ooo that's was very nice Lilly :D A diamond in the rough here, I love it
  5. R

    Dim Bash Thread - The Feeder/Feedee Lifestyle

    You know I was just thinking and I have to say something in defense of us- With all the incredible variety of fetishes and sexual variations that exist out there, some of them patently VERY bizarre and extreme How the f*ck is the feeder/feedee stuff so controversial? When you think...
  6. R

    Dim Bash Thread - The Feeder/Feedee Lifestyle

    I have to agree, that was a contradiction... We should not be afraid to express ANY desire or fantasy. I don't give a flying you know what about the feminists or the public or the disapproving SA peeps because no matter what "face" we present "they" will still think the same way about us- we...
  7. R

    Dim Bash Thread - The Feeder/Feedee Lifestyle

    Hey I think my general definitons over on the thread I started we're pretty damn good :D I got my vote :p
  8. R

    Dim Bash Thread - The Feeder/Feedee Lifestyle

    It was clear until I read the rest of her text. Fair enough, I agree I may have been too aggressive. I may be too geared up for a fight. In my defense this subject has been nothing but a constant and ridiculous fight for years so yeah maybe I need to take a breath or two.
  9. R

    Dim Bash Thread - The Feeder/Feedee Lifestyle

    Yeah I figured until I read the rest of your post which I inquired and quoted but you didn't respond...if you had, because your sentence structure and word choice apparently don't do you justice, I would have said ah-ha gave you a smiley face and moved on. As for rest, well not my thread and I'm...
  10. R

    Dim Bash Thread - The Feeder/Feedee Lifestyle

    Larry's a good man :)
  11. R

    Dim Bash Thread - The Feeder/Feedee Lifestyle

    Because some people (too many) are busy-body control freaks who think if they don't like something or are offended by some act no one should be allowed to engage in it.
  12. R

    Dim Bash Thread - The Feeder/Feedee Lifestyle

    Really? When the first part of your first sentence is yeah I'm going to react negatively, especially on this thread on this board. I'm not drumming this up again, it's over, but because I was quoted I responded
  13. R

    Dim Bash Thread - The Feeder/Feedee Lifestyle

    Come on Lilly, you honestly think this is not the start to derailing the thread... for me it's here we go again, let's talk about those annoying men/feeders Been there done that to DEATH on so many other threads... I am so sick of it -this is suppose to be a safe place for feeders too thank you
  14. R

    Dim Bash Thread - The Feeder/Feedee Lifestyle

    It's not inappropriate, why are you saying this here? :doh: Despite your quotation marks this statement should not be here on this thread - yes I read your whole post and some of it is pretty negative. There are so many other places to go to air issues- the purpose of this thread is to be...
  15. R

    Fat Princess

    Oh dear god this game sounds like an FA dream... man oh man now I have to get the PS3 :D
  16. R

    Dim Bash Thread - The Feeder/Feedee Lifestyle

    I for one would like to hear what you have to say. This is a feeder/feedee friendly place- and eventually we will break down the negativity in our own ranks... the fact that we even had a feeder/feedee workshop was a great start
  17. R

    Dim Bash Thread - The Feeder/Feedee Lifestyle

    Not a chance... from a behind the scenes talk of persons previously involved in NAAFA and the fact that a certain prominent someone was unable to attend the feeder/feedee workshop because of potential flack with other insiders -we know what the general policies are.
  18. R

    Dim Bash Thread - The Feeder/Feedee Lifestyle

    NAAFA and this so-called international group sound quite co-opt by some less than balanced individuals. I love it when a group talks about consenting adults in one breath and then lays down the "rules" for acceptable behavior in the next. This ISAA is particularly laughable- and my...
  19. R

    Game Idea for Dims Bash - 2010

    Perhaps a squash raffle which randomly pairs off squashers and squashees- perhaps as a fun side event complete with photos
  20. R

    Game Idea for Dims Bash - 2010

    Haha! I was just going to inform BeastofBurden and Blackjack that I will be in that fight!