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  1. R

    Starting to gain at 146lbs

    Lots of calories, big meals and plenty of snacks combined with lots of sitting and relaxing. Imagine yourself a queen and lounge to your heart's content - you should fatten up in no time. :eat1::D
  2. R

    what sort of Fa are you?

    I agree. I didn't "choose" to be an FA, I have been for as long as I can remember. Interestingly my uncle is a complete FA, but my father is more of a "give me a little extra and I'm happy" kind of guy. I take after my uncle (I'm also tall like him where my father is merely average in height).
  3. R

    what sort of Fa are you?

    I agree with you Mergirl 100% and disagree with you Katherine 100%. I am sexually attracted to fat women in the extreme. I love the overwhelming softness that comes with what I feel is a real woman. I love the weight (especially on me), the size, the shapes, the heavenly bounce and jiggle...
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    Agreed... two thumbs up
  5. R


    Your belly is wonderful... very hot, great gain :wubu:
  6. R

    Immobility: is anyone comfortable with becoming immobile

    I know your question is rhetorical but the answer is no. I think (speaking in general and not to any one specific post) FAs need to stop apologizing, rationalizing, back-peddling, second guessing, looking for permission, and pandering. If someone has a problem with your fantasy, or your...
  7. R

    On Weight Gain, Limitations, And Love...

    He was making a statement and it wasn't silly. Ahhh, now here is a general response that is repeated often around here. I disagree by the way and let me illustrate why. Putting aside legitimate medical problems which are a different story - Let's reverse those roles. Let's say a girl starts...
  8. R

    On Weight Gain, Limitations, And Love...

    Well said Gutsgirl... Drop the silly nonsense about control Dism4l, everyone changes some to accomodate who they are intimate with and if you're both happy it's a good thing and if you're really not than you're not compatiable and it's a bad thing (if it's extreme go find someone else)...
  9. R


    I think it was Collared Princess who put together a feeder/feedee party in New York... maybe this or something like it could be put together on a regular or semi regular basis.
  10. R

    How Much...

    Post a recent pic and we'll guess :) I am 250lb (solid) and am working towards 225
  11. R

    Our Community Loss - Cindy G.

    I am shocked that this happened:( I thought for sure I'd be reading about her being back and ready for more. I just can't imagine the Dimensions community without her, she's been here from the very beginning. Horrible... my prayers go out to her family.
  12. R


    When I have a woman on my lap or anywhere else I want and have (many times) all of her weight on me... I've done a lot of squashing (squashee) with many others and I've never seen any guy get injured. As far as trampling goes there are a lot of men who are into it and by some pretty large women...
  13. R


    Awesome! I have ELS and need constant therapy!! My lap is always ready for attention of the fat kind! I've had 5-600lb women use me as their personal chair and god I soooo loved it. If there was a lapsit and body-squash club for FAs I'd never leave it. :D
  14. R

    Who's Coming Thread - Are you coming? Let us know!

    I am booked, 17th-21st :D:D
  15. R

    Gaining girlfried concerned about cholesterol...

    Cholesterol is genetically controlled. The science behind the need and use of cholesterol lowering pharma drugs is a fraud. Arterial S-heart disease is caused by a lack of vitamin C (ascorbic acid alone is NOT vitamin C) and the amino acids L-Proline, L-Lysine and non-synthetic B-Complex...
  16. R

    SSBBWs on scooters

    Your post is honest Jim but I found it unnecessary and I disagree with your sentiment completely. SSBBWs have limited mobility, that's reality, and if you find that pitiful then I highly suggest you don't ever get involved with one. Also Jim is not a barometer for other FAs, many, dare I...
  17. R

    hi i ma new here

    Hello and welcome, thanks for sharing the pic- very nice
  18. R

    "I Love Those Guys that Love Bellies" appreciation thread

    Don't feel bad there are A LOT of BBWs that love skinny guys!!
  19. R

    SSBBWs on scooters

    I would rub your back (and belly :)) and help you in and out of a scooter anytime you wanted Ashley :D
  20. R

    SSBBWs on scooters

    If you knew this was a 'threadcrash', and was bound to make the ladies who need scooters feel bad why... :doh: oh never mind, a bad post James.