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  1. Rebel


    I generally like the show "Manswers!" because... um... well, I guess it's because I'm a man. That doesn't mean I ever expected to find something on the show that I would bring back to DIMENSIONS. Last week, in true Manswers' style, they announced "The Biggest Boobs In The World!" Of course...
  2. Rebel

    Un-Friending Feedees

    I find it interesting to note the differences in the replies I received here and on the Weight Board. I'm sure it means something important. Thanks Y'all!
  3. Rebel

    Un-Freinding Feedees

    I find it interesting to note the differences in the replies I received here and on the Weight Gain board. I'm sure it means something important. Thanks Y'all!
  4. Rebel

    help, please read

    Okay, let's accept that a woman actually said this... That being the case, she would never have said such a thing to you unless she already KNOWS that you are an FA. That should make your life easier.
  5. Rebel

    Texas beauty queen Domonique Ramirez wins 'fat' case

    If a person repeatedly cannot show up on time for a job, I will fire her. If I have another potential employee who is eager to do the job properly, there is no reason to put off firing her. I do not care what her size is. The fact that this pageanteer was able to win her court case more...
  6. Rebel

    Un-Freinding Feedees

    Thank you for that very thoughtful answer. You do allow the situation to make a lot more sense. Thank you.
  7. Rebel

    Un-Friending Feedees

    I just read a minor rant on another website, this one for Feedees. The rant was initiated by the fact that the writer was "unfriended" on Facebook by a woman who is very well thought of in NAAFA and generally in the Size Acceptance community. You may rightfully ask what was the reason behind the...
  8. Rebel

    Un-Freinding Feedees

    I just read a minor rant on another website, this one for Feedees. The rant was initiated by the fact that the writer was "unfriended" on Facebook by a woman who is very well thought of in NAAFA and generally in the Size Acceptance community. You may rightfully ask what was the reason behind the...
  9. Rebel

    Firefighter refused Giffords 911 call

    Inexcusable. Completely inexcusable. I am glad that he is no longer in the fire service. I wish that there was a way to strip him of his ability to ever identify himself as a retired firefighter. When the tone goes off, we go to help the people trusting us to help. We do not ask questions...
  10. Rebel

    Apparently, Bill O'Reilly doesn't understand how tides work

    I am still an Atheist, but I gotta admit that adolan55 makes a lot of sense here.
  11. Rebel

    Arizona Congresswoman shot

    These two posts seem to be at odds, in my opinion. I agree that this individual, based on his actions and regardless of his motivations, deserves to be killed. I am uncomfortable with the philosophy that we should have further restrictions on our ability to the means to defend ourselves...
  12. Rebel

    "City Island" - Movie Features a Feeder

    Thanks Bagalute, I knew it had to be in here somewhere.
  13. Rebel

    "City Island" - Movie Features a Feeder

    I know that this movie must have been mentioned this movie in here, but not as prominently as I think it deserves. It's a fun little dramatic comedy with Andy Garcia and Julianna Margulies as a married couple from The Bronx. They have a teenage son played by Ezra Miller, who is just finding...
  14. Rebel

    The Dream Act

    Very well said. I find it sad that more people don't see this as clearly as you've stated it.
  15. Rebel

    The Dream Act

    I added the bold to help point out the most glaring flaw in your logic. If a person knowingly and willfully breaks the law and continues to intentionally break it, he is a criminal. People who decided to come into this country illegally and stay here illegally are criminals. Politicians...
  16. Rebel


    To me "Full Figured" sounds like a woman who may one grow to be "Large and Lovely" I think a woman who is "Large and Lovely" has made some improvements on a "Full Figure." At least that's what it sounds like to me. Either one can certainly be a compliment!
  17. Rebel

    Carey Hart had to sit next to a fat person on a plane. Feeling so bad for him, omg.

    Who the hell is Carey Hart? Is that the "Sunglasses at Night" guy?
  18. Rebel

    Fat and Fit

    Yes. For example, the offensive linemen of the National Football League.
  19. Rebel

    Full Beauty Project

    I didn't see a similar thread, so I appreciate you calling this to my attention here. Thank you!
  20. Rebel

    Rebutting Creationism

    Thanks Bigmac. I have that bookmarked now.