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  1. Rebel

    Greatest Country -- NOT!

    Thank you, Christian, for defining my belief system so succinctly. You are wrong, but at least you have done it in a minimalist way. And you are to be congratulated for being so offensive by accident. First of all, your insinuation that anyone who behaves in a greedy, inconsiderate, or...
  2. Rebel

    Greatest Country -- NOT!

    Okay, two quick points to an already over-long thread... #1. It would appear that Bigmac did NOTHING directly to help the old couple who so tuged at his heart. THAT is a wonderful example of why this country is not as great as it should be. People like Bigmac want to complain and they...
  3. Rebel

    "Get a job, ya bum!"

    What do we do about the homeless? That seems to be a frequent message in here when talking about any social crisis in America. Either the government should take care of them, or they deserve what they get, or any of the wide spectrum of alternatives in between. Well I'm not getting into that...
  4. Rebel

    Please help if you can with a comic set?

    Back in the Nineties, a guy named Ed Lundt from somewhere in New York published an odd little magazine called "GIANTESS!". I know that Wilson Barbers, Chelgi, and Kevin Tuma put some work into it. At least one issue featured a story called "The Blimper." Maybe that's what you are looking for...
  5. Rebel

    Bodybuilder - by SkinnyToChubby (~BBW, ~~WG, Lesbian)

    Outstanding! Great pace and believable conversations, and you certainly have a knack for wonderful descriptions. I look forward to redaing your next story. Thank you for sharing this one with us.
  6. Rebel

    Judge blocks parts of Arizona immigration law

    Exile, I admit that I did use an intentionally reductive argument here, catering to my expected audience. You have always been an exception to the rule in Hyde Park, so I am not at all surprised that you are the one who called me out on it. I work as a paramedic in a city in Texas. Yesterday...
  7. Rebel

    Judge blocks parts of Arizona immigration law

    I do not support the Arizona law only because it would unavoidably impact CITIZENS of the United States, both native and naturalized. Also, it would impact those legal resident aliens who have served honorably in the United States Military. I do not care that it would impact the lives of other...
  8. Rebel

    Llil Abner

    If I was to ask this question, I would address it directly to Mr. Wilson Barbers. I seem to remember reading about this from him.
  9. Rebel

    Outrage over Mosque being built near World Trade Center

    Okay then, let's just jump right into this particular non-sequiter. My father's family came here from Germany in or about 1802. My first ancestor here with my surname worked on the docks in Alexandria, not a job a "blue blood" would accept. From that beginning, he and his children worked and...
  10. Rebel

    Outrage over Mosque being built near World Trade Center

    Would I do it? No. In point of fact, I have no need to. Somebody beat me to it. Dr. King gave his famous "I have a dream..." speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. This is without question one of the most moving and influential orations ever to be made on American...
  11. Rebel

    Outrage over Mosque being built near World Trade Center

    Lastly, Bob is right. People who were personally impacted by the tragedies of the attacks of 9/11 will likely have deep emotional reactions to anything near the site of the World Trade Center. Included in that group are the families of the more than 20 innocent Muslims also killed in the...
  12. Rebel

    Outrage over Mosque being built near World Trade Center

    Nazis, for the most part, were Christians. As copied from the uniform belt buckle from Nazi uniforms during WWII; "GOTT MIT UNS" (God Is With Us). An important Nazi slogan;"Kinder, Kirche, Kueche" ( Children, Church, Kitchen). These are easily verifiable historical facts, check'em out. Read...
  13. Rebel

    Outrage over Mosque being built near World Trade Center

    Now THAT is a very well thought-out post! I love it! Exile is MY new favorite poster!
  14. Rebel

    Outrage over Mosque being built near World Trade Center

    The twenty-three (most common count) innocent Muslims who died at the WTC deserve their memorial too, even if it is a Mosque. There should be argument over that. Timothy McVeigh learned to improvise ANFO explosives in the U S Army, just like I did. Does tht mean we should not allow any...
  15. Rebel


    Angie, it sounds like you've really hit upon an outstanding idea there! Austin is a great town for visiting and playing, and the fact that it is so easy to get to from San Antonio, Houston, D-FW, and so many other parts of Texas puts you in a wonderful position to make it all happen. Geographic...
  16. Rebel

    Bhm moobs

    Okay, I'll admit it... I am completely jealous of these guys' moobs! Even at my very tip-top fattest, I never had good moobs, and certainly none of the uality shown here!
  17. Rebel

    Confederate Soldiers Were Terrorists

    Okay, now I'm going off-topic... YOU'RE Derrick Fish? I love your art work! Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us. And thanks to y'all who said nice things about my lengthy post. I really dig Blackjack's applause gif!
  18. Rebel

    Confederate Soldiers Were Terrorists

    I forgot to mention that the bloody fighting in Missouri and Kansas was equally vicious all around, and was shocking to both the Union and Confederacy. If there was terrorism in the Civil war, it was there and both sides were guilty.
  19. Rebel

    Confederate Soldiers Were Terrorists

    Sorry, I got here late. Sadly, what began as an interesting discussion has degraded into silliness and name-calling. Does anyone remember how all this got started? Oh yeah, some CNN guy got his feelings hurt by some Tweets... Before anyone has a chance to pillorize me for it, let me point out...
  20. Rebel

    What is your highest adult weight?

    I made it to 280 on the scale one day, so my actual highest weight was probably more like 278. Even so, I'm counting it as 280. Sadly, at that weight I was simply too fat and out of shape to do my job, so I had to lose about 50 pounds. I miss it though, I really do...