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  1. OriginalCyn

    bad news!

    ...if I were to go by what you've written, and not by what it says in your profile, then I'd assume that you're a teenager, not a 26-year-old. In other words, you "come across" as being really young, even if you're not. I'd guess that by the time a gal reaches her 20s,she might be more in...
  2. OriginalCyn


    ...something that I've only seen at the take-out at Suruki Super Market in downtown San Mateo, and that's the "Suruki Special", which is a California Maki with Teriyaki Eel draped over it. If you happen to be in San Mateo at lunchtime, there is a very reasonable all-you-can-eat (it's only...
  3. OriginalCyn

    TLC is at it again

    I got rid of my cable TV a few months ago, so I haven't seen the TLC show in question. But the PSAs, basically, show scenes in which a little kid gets little sweet treats constantly throughout the day. Or, in another one, the voiceover actor talks about how he constantly got treats throughout...
  4. OriginalCyn

    Help please :( (naughty men)

    I'd venture to say that what he did was way beyond "naughty." He, basically, deliberately misrepresented himself to you in order to get you to like him. He's a "cad," not a "naughty boy." And your having caught him in a lie is not being "stalkerish," it was a spot of luck. Yes, despite...
  5. OriginalCyn

    Redbook promotes "obesity"

    I believe that rates for most cancers are increasing, and Type II Diabetes is also becoming every-more prevalent. These factors, not obesity per se, are what is lowering overall life expectancy. But the statisticians always LINK obesity with cancer and diabetes, hence the whole "Fat Kills"...
  6. OriginalCyn


    I saw most of the first season when they ran it. (Since that time, I've had my cable disconnected. No more F/X for moi.) Like "Seinfeld," it was based on characters who were intended to be perceived as being repugnant personalities--this aside from their various food obsessions...
  7. OriginalCyn

    Is anyone watching Prime Time Tonight???

    ...two thoughts occurred to me: 1-These people set themselves up for possible "disgrace" willingly. Is wasn't that they were tricked into getting into bikinis while their photos were taken secretly. 2-Some of the guys on this site would just LOVE to see those photos! ;D What is sick and...
  8. OriginalCyn

    Going to a Whole Foods Store Thursday

    And both W.F. and Trader Joe's have got these wonderful chocolate truffles in a small cardboard box for a not-unreasonable price. (I think that they're made by the same manufacturer--only the box is different.) I like their hot food/salad bars. Fill your box with anything you like and...
  9. OriginalCyn

    Is anyone watching?

    ...(or maybe it was shortly afterwards), Al Roker was doing some segment or another about how he was trying to lose weight by dieting. I believe that Roseanne and Carnie have rebounded, as well. (And, to answer your question, no, I have not seen that show, and I've only seen that other...
  10. OriginalCyn

    How to deal with weight obessed co-workers?

    ...and sometimes they're obsessed with everyone else's weight. Both are annoying, the former somewhat less-so (IMO). I had this skinny little co-worker back when I was in my 20s and weighed "only" about 160. She was a sincerely nice gal from Korea. --Not a mean bone in her body. --But...
  11. OriginalCyn

    Leg and foot pain

    I had P.F. when I was in my mid-30s--it was only in one foot, if memory serves. It'd hurt like Hell when I first got up in the mornings, and the pain would lessen as I'd go about my day. The doc (I worked in a hospital at the time and was lucky to have free on-the-spot medical care there)...
  12. OriginalCyn

    Ah ha its Ambien's fault!

    (I'll try to find the link later.) It seems that a woman wrote in to say that her boyfriend ignores her and is only "affectionate" toward her when he's on Ambien! And there have been a spate of news features recently about "sleep-driving" while on Ambien. I have heard, in the past...
  13. OriginalCyn


    To my mind, the adjective "fluffy" connotes a girly-girl type of a woman with lots of curls and a fancy manicure, not a fat broad like moi! ;D I would NEVER call myself "fluffy," but, OTOH, I wouldn't say anything negative to her if a friend were to use that word to describe herself. (Well...
  14. OriginalCyn

    A very tiny "fat goddess fetish"

    I don't usually do figurative ceramic items, but maybe I'll start now. My instructor asked his students to each contribute a small (<2") "fetish" for a conceptual art project that he's working on. It wasn't easy doing something that's so small! I'm posting the photo here because I know that...
  15. OriginalCyn

    At the end of my rope.

    I understand what you're getting at, but, as desperate as the military may be to fill their quotas, they do not take EVERYBODY. AAMOF, yesterday I read a very interesting newspaper article about people being turned away from the Army. The reasons? Mental health issues. Check...
  16. OriginalCyn

    At the end of my rope.

    ...want to hook up with someone like you? You know what she would have to offer you, but what do you have to offer her? You say that you hate people, you want goodies without having to figure out a way to pay for them, and you just want to have fun, doing the stuff that you like doing all day...
  17. OriginalCyn

    At the end of my rope.

    It looks as if you've been on this board for a while, and you've posted quite a bit. I apologize, first off, that I haven't read any of your previous posts and that I don't know you better. (I don't hang out here a whole lot, as I'm busy with so many other things.) I have to agree with you...
  18. OriginalCyn

    Usually-Hip, San Francisco Columnist Grouses about Red State Fatties

    IMO, overweight/obesity DOES fit the "widely prevalent" version of the definition of the word "epidemic," so I wouldn't fault Morford for using that term on the basis of its being inappropriate. One problem is that the word "epidemic" has a very negative connotation. There will never be...
  19. OriginalCyn

    If you are single, is it because you choose to be?

    ...I am one of those folks who is only minimally-social, and I enjoy my "alone time." I also have little toleration for the "typical" male ego, and I hate compromising when it's all about someone's sense of self and pride and not about what's best or most-practical for me or for us as a...
  20. OriginalCyn

    Usually-Hip, San Francisco Columnist Grouses about Red State Fatties

    My response is too long to post here, so here's a link to my blog (also, embedded within that page, is a link to his original article): http://pissycat.multiply.com/journal/item/27