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  1. OriginalCyn

    married FA men who approach me

    ...non-monogamy (aka "polyamory") not NECESSARILY being death to a relationship. But it's usually not a "mutually-consensual-all-around" situation. I'm sorry to say this, but it's usually some guy who's got what I call an "infinite sense of entitlement" being a "dawg". Or it's a case of a man...
  2. OriginalCyn

    Why do BBWs Feel the Need....

    ...doesn't it? I can think of one legit reason wanting to know, but I wouldn't expect an honest answer if the guy had a negative reason for his preference, and that's why I'd never ask! What sort of "negative" reasons am I talking about? Well, we all know that there are people (usually...
  3. OriginalCyn

    Not to be Morbid, but how do they die?

    This, from a health newsletter that I receive regularly: Gastric bypass may cause hypoglycemia BOSTON, -- Boston scientists are warning physicians of a hypoglycemic complication among gastric bypass surgery patients. Collaborating researchers at Boston's Joslin Diabetes...
  4. OriginalCyn

    Fat comment in the news

    Like most of us here, I wish that "fat" were merely a neutral adjective, without having the whole "insult word" baggage attached to it. I don't mind being described as being "fat"--especially if the context is neutral--after all, I AM fat.
  5. OriginalCyn

    About "bumping."

    Slightly off-topic, but I thought I'd let everyone know about this: Most forums--unlike this one--don't have spell-checking features. I got the free Google pop-up blocker several months ago, and I noticed that the new Google toolbar that comes with it has a spell-checker included. It works...
  6. OriginalCyn

    Not to be Morbid, but how do they die?

    "On the table": Most likely a strain on the heart (surgery is hard on EVERYONE, and if one is unhealthy and/or if ones system is already stressed, then one is more likely to die during any operation). "Immediately, or Soon, Post-Op": Likely to be due to infections acquired during the...
  7. OriginalCyn

    Worst Restaurant

    There is a buffet place that's very close to where I live. It's just a few yards away from the bus stop where I get off to go home, so when I'm hungry, it's a real temptation to go in there. And the prices are right: I can fill up on whatever they have for under $10, including a small tip for...
  8. OriginalCyn

    Men are such losers.

    I'd like to put this issue into a more-general perspective. Statistically-speaking, far more males are "bent" (i.e., "into various fetishes") than are females. The end result of this is LOTS of frustrated males! These men basically NEED to have their fetishes satisfied in order to be able to...
  9. OriginalCyn

    Anyone else with strange hobbies?

    I work out of my local community college, the College of San Mateo. Most of the pics of my work are posted here ('though I don't have pics of my VERY latest works posted yet): http://groups.msn.com/AstarteGalleryandDecor Do you have a Web site for your art? Cyn
  10. OriginalCyn

    Anyone else with strange hobbies?

    DO you mind my asking just what it is that you can buy multiple bags of for relatively little money? The usual "rule of thumb" is that each bag of groceries will average around $10, and that's why I'm asking this weirdly-personal question. Do *I* have a weird hobby? I create ceramic art...
  11. OriginalCyn

    This is a painful thing for me....

    Craigslist is a great idea. Yahoo is still no-charge. I pay a nominal $12 per year for a wonderful neighborhood network called "Local2Me" (--'though I'm uncertain as to how well-received an invite to a "fat pride" get together would be on that venue--people can get pretty opinionated there...