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  1. Admiral_Snackbar

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    Another classic R&B tune in Star Trek Picard Season 3; reminds me of the music in The Green Mile.
  2. Admiral_Snackbar

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    Although I might have a measly shiv, it is quite effective when applied to the jugular. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDQx-guzx2s
  3. Admiral_Snackbar

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    Trying to figure out WTF happened with the 3.0 update to Star Wars Old Republic. Changed the whole goddamned game while I wasn't looking. Felt like a Wizards of the Coast D&D edition gambit.
  4. Admiral_Snackbar

    What book are you reading right now?

    I'm twenty pages into House of Leaves and already I feel this townhome must be growing another room.
  5. Admiral_Snackbar

    Favorite Cartoons from the 80s and 90s

    Battle of the Planets, formerly Science Ninja Team Gatchaman from 1970s Japan. Sandy Frank adapted them for American audiences, dubbed in English, added in a deep space travel theme and removed what was at the time content considered too violent for US cartoons. It was the closest a Midwestern...
  6. Admiral_Snackbar

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    Timeo Cubanos et Daisy Fuentes
  7. Admiral_Snackbar

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    The Taalbi Brothers doing "Freestyle". This was first featured in the Season 4 finale of Breaking Bad (episode "Face Off"). It was the background music as Walt and Jesse destroyed Gustavo Fring's meth lab. Oh yeah, spoilers on that. Still kick-ass flamenco rock...
  8. Admiral_Snackbar

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    Casual workday pic - Hoodie Fridays. Totally not on Facebook at all.
  9. Admiral_Snackbar

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    Freshly shaved and ready for Monday's cavalcade of working whimsy.
  10. Admiral_Snackbar

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    Workin' in the Nerd Office. Need a shave, and healthier eyes.
  11. Admiral_Snackbar

    What book are you reading right now?

    Michel Faber's Under the Skin. I watched all the WTFery with the Euro arthouse wannabe film disguised as a sci-fi thriller and a completely non-erotic, naked Scarlett Johansson for 2 hours. So far the novel is much better, and I'm able to actually interpret all the backstory and satire that...
  12. Admiral_Snackbar

    Evolution, microevolution, or just change? I found the article.

    The Lenski paper was originally published in 2008, and if you want to read what happened when Creationists/anti-evolutionists attacked Lenski's work, read about the "Lenski Affair," a ridiculous argument from a conservative wiki page, which led to an absolute slam-dunk putdown by Lenski to his...
  13. Admiral_Snackbar

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear Admiral: Hey, I know you tend to be a Johnny-Sung-Lately to all things musical, but I'm truly saddened by the fact you didn't discover the awesomeness of fat, singing Aussie blondes, beatboxing Asian ladies and projectile-vomiting a-ca-biatches until last night. Your loss, motherfucker...
  14. Admiral_Snackbar

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    Everyone wants to forget the Adam West Batman years ever happened, and that's why Odin put me here to remind you that we survived it - so can you.
  15. Admiral_Snackbar

    What book are you reading right now?

    Ernest Cline's Ready Player One. If you're a child of the 80s, it's basically porn. If you're not, try porn; you'll be bored as fuck otherwise because, Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called Economic Dystopian Fantasy. Cline takes hyper-nostalgia to a...
  16. Admiral_Snackbar

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    Wearing a comfy shirt that's as close to a turtleneck as I'm comfortable with.
  17. Admiral_Snackbar

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    Her: 9/10. Given that I hated Being John Malkovich, this movie was an incredibly subtle sci-fi, romantic film. My usual ire for Joaquin Phoenix was lessened seeing him so nerdy, and ScarJo did an amazing job with just her vocal presence. Not really a twist ending, but it's definitely not the...
  18. Admiral_Snackbar

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    The generic Froot Loops are better than the brand name, but the generic Frosted Flakes taste like cardboard coated in sweet wallpaper paste; this does not make sense.
  19. Admiral_Snackbar

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    #1 Son picked up my Skyrim install (he has since gotten his own on Steam) and has played through the entire base game over the holidays. It's got me interested in it as well (one of those games I got on sale but never pursued) both from a single and multi-player perspective, not to mention all...
  20. Admiral_Snackbar

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    Now that is the kind of pudding that only $240 can buy.