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  1. Admiral_Snackbar

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    I think we should call this: The Men of Dimensions - Khazad Style :D
  2. Admiral_Snackbar

    What Mitt Romney Really Thinks About You: Unscripted Honesty

    I think SNL's parody of Fox and Friends pretty much summed it all up: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/21/snl-spoofs-fox-and-friends-mitt-romney-video_n_1902969.html Stay for their fact checks at the end...
  3. Admiral_Snackbar

    Is the war against women over???

    This pretty much sums up my opinion of the narrow-minded viewpoints being expressed here. You can't open the minds of people who epoxy them shut...
  4. Admiral_Snackbar

    Is the war against women over???

    Not all English users agree with you. Let me highlight your lack of one: Birth control: A means to prevent the birth of a fetus or to prevent embryo implantation. There are many conflicting definitions, and contraception is included, but from a linguistic perspective, contraception should...
  5. Admiral_Snackbar

    Is the war against women over???

    Abortion IS a form of birth control... :doh: In addition to tests on civics and critical thinking, can all politicians please take a course on human reproduction and sexuality?
  6. Admiral_Snackbar

    Is the war against women over???

    No, this thread needs an enema, because there are too many impacted turds in it. I've been following the Akin gaffe since it broke, and I've read a ton of apologetics for him, the Republican Party, Romney, Ryan, Love Canal and mutual-assured destruction. But some of the cognitive dissonance...
  7. Admiral_Snackbar

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    Politics of the recent few days. I hate the fact that the GOP seems to think The Handmaid's Tale is a PNAC guidebook and not a work of fiction. The stupidity doesn't just burn, it disintegrates.
  8. Admiral_Snackbar

    Happy birthday Admiral_Snackbar!

    You're not belated - my birthday is August 2nd. Some people got started early cuz they're on the opposite side of the world. Thanks for the music links! What's interesting with your links is I was listening to variations of two of them last night: Tom and Jerry - Pecos Pest (Froggy Went a...
  9. Admiral_Snackbar

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear Yorik, Didn't I tell you that wrapping the hamster with duct tape beforehand was a good idea? Your friend in infinite jest, The Admiral
  10. Admiral_Snackbar

    Happy birthday Admiral_Snackbar!

    Thanks! Methinks the Enterprise is running short on crew members...unless Scotty automated everything so well that a chimpanzee and two trainees could run her... ;) Awesome cake, for which I will refrain from discussing the Marvel/DC crossover issues...and I'm sure Batman could use the cake...
  11. Admiral_Snackbar

    Happy birthday Admiral_Snackbar!

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes and the awesome cakes. I mean, what would a big-person thread be without cakes? On that note, I offer a little limerick: There once was an old guy from Michigan Who asked a genie if he could wish again "Can you set my age to be It's square root, plus three?"...
  12. Admiral_Snackbar

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    If sports journalists knew as little about sports as science journalists know about science, they'd all be replaced by tomorrow morning.
  13. Admiral_Snackbar

    Creationism and MRSA

    OK, we're dealing with several loosely-related conversations here. Let me see if I can address them: 1) Creationists can't explain or accept something like MRSA. Actually they can. Many creationists and Intelligent Design proponents accept MICRO-evolutionary processes, which include...
  14. Admiral_Snackbar

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    I spent an afternoon migrating my Star Wars - Old Republic characters over, now need to find time after next week (work is in maintenance mode, so 10-12 hour days the next week or so) to start playing. Got Diablo III, and on one 2 hour stint last Friday night got booted from the server 10 times...
  15. Admiral_Snackbar

    I can only tolerate but so much.

    Is this live, or is it MEME-OREX? I would also say that if you gotta pull a piece on someone, use this. It's the type of weapon that just screams, "pants, meet shit." If you gonna be a bear, be a Grizzly!
  16. Admiral_Snackbar

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    I'm watching Science Channel, seeing a Morgan Freeman TV show bumper, and I can't help but picture him throwing in "titty sprinkles" at the end. Some memes just bore into my brain like a Ceti Alpha V eel...
  17. Admiral_Snackbar

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    Given that knowledge is power, there really ought to be a Schoolhouse Rock song about getting laid and/or losing one's virginity: "Oh, Humping Junction, what's your function? Hooking up nerds, and hopeless causes..."
  18. Admiral_Snackbar

    New Girlfriend

    But the real question is: Is she a sexy, God-fearing Conservative or one of those atheist, Commie "libruls"?
  19. Admiral_Snackbar

    What book are you reading right now?

    Masters of Doom, by David Kishner. Basically a biography of John Carmack and John Romero created id Software and the games Doom, Quake and Wolfenstein, forever changing the world of computer games. I read it once a while back, reading it again to catch up on what I may have missed.
  20. Admiral_Snackbar

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    I'm supposed to get Diablo III for Father's Day. Given how far behind I am on Star Wars - The Old Republic, I don't know if I need more competition :P.