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  1. Admiral_Snackbar

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear D: Sorry you caught me at a moment last night when everything was laid bare and I was more pissed off at everything than I should have been. I'm glad we were still able talk things through this afternoon. :)
  2. Admiral_Snackbar

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    Oh, Vienna Fingers, why can't I quit you? :p
  3. Admiral_Snackbar

    Recent Picture of You Part XI !

    Great dress! Looks like you had a good time. Happy birthday as well! :)
  4. Admiral_Snackbar

    The Dimensions Dungeons and Dragons (DD&D) Thread!

    I like to think that in some parallel universe, a group of adventurers are gathered around a table. A burly dwarf is playing his level 12 IT Technician with the Virginal Potency feat, and a svelte, busty barbarian woman is playing a level 8 Chubby Administrative Assistant wearing a Bra of...
  5. Admiral_Snackbar

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    But what if you're "bleck"?
  6. Admiral_Snackbar

    Random FFA encounters

    It's been my experience that a man would step over the prone form of his own mother as she suffered in agony with a sucking chest wound to get at a woman who gave him the winky-dink. Nothing's fair in love or war, especially when you can get away with it.
  7. Admiral_Snackbar

    Horny Meter

    It's shameless the way you two flirt ;)
  8. Admiral_Snackbar

    Just so you have a basis for comparison

    But you didn't tell a generic, work-related story about an annoying co-worker or stressful days or working long hours - something we all sympathize with at a high level. You told a detail-oriented story about a very common IT problem with a public interest, which may have prompted some of us to...
  9. Admiral_Snackbar

    The Dimensions Dungeons and Dragons (DD&D) Thread!

    OK, gonna resurrect this thread. By now most of the gamers have heard that D&D is coming out with a 5th edition ruleset, with their focus being on user input as part of their new approach. I for one am too uncertain about it yet. I lost my gaming group when I moved to Michigan, and six months...
  10. Admiral_Snackbar

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC that I am happy the endocrine surgery I thought I'd be dealing with in a month is going to be forestalled by taking horsepill amounts of Vitamin D for the next month to see if that fixes the problem. Unnecessary medical intervention avoidance ftw.
  11. Admiral_Snackbar

    First Thread

    I think the answer to that question is 72. ;)
  12. Admiral_Snackbar

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    Not sure how awesome it is, but one of me in the Nerd Cave tonight, post-head shave, post-contacts (I wear glasses in the evening), chilling and reading up on graphics cards. FYI, that's a H.R. Giger print behind me, "The Way of the Magician"
  13. Admiral_Snackbar

    Biggest. Turn-Off. Ever

    I tend to hear that a lot, both directly and from nerd friends. The significant others love the income and lifestyle that nerdy tech jobs provide but frown upon the hobbies and interests related to it. Boys will always have their toys, whether it's light sabers or fishing lures. My retort is...
  14. Admiral_Snackbar

    Gingrich's NAACP, Food Stamp Remarks Stir Controversy

    I think when it comes to the topic of racism and economic race equality, wealthy, old, white politicians should just use their fine command of the English language and say nothing. They've always been the problem, never the solution. The entire spin for the GOP this election is to make it...
  15. Admiral_Snackbar

    2012 Singles Thread

    After several years of trying to avoid it, it came down to a series of brutally honest, heartfelt discussions after Christmas. We were finally blunt with each other about things, and ironically, being single again (well, separated for now) feels good. For both of us. We're finding that we work...
  16. Admiral_Snackbar

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    The trick to getting through Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (and in many ways, it is a good movie) is to pretend any actor except Michael Cera is playing Scott. Jay Baruchel. Justin Bieber. That "Leave Britney alone!" dude. Any. One. I realize that the whole Pilgrim character is like this...
  17. Admiral_Snackbar

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    COH was the one game I came damn close to getting into. Did the trial and had it two months, but didn't have enough personal time to really dedicate to it. A kid with sleeping problems definitely put a damper on joining a group or playing long-term. With TOR I hope to have more time.
  18. Admiral_Snackbar

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    Dude's so fucking creepy he'd make the bad guy from Saw shit himself.
  19. Admiral_Snackbar

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    I'm looking to pick it up sometime at the end of January (doing a graphics upgrade for Batman), and some friends have highly recommended it. I've been a BioWare fan since Baldur's Gate/Icewind Dale/Planescape, and although I missed out on Dungeon Siege, I found the Star Wars gameplay to be fun...
  20. Admiral_Snackbar

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    Got Batman: Arkham City for Christmas, but the old boy needs a graphics card upgrade to really take advantage of it. Played it this weekend with the Nerds-In-Training watching intently. Had to turn it off when the language got a bit intense, but the gameplay is as fun as the first Batman game.