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  1. Elfcat

    ol boy rush limbaugh sounding ignorant.

    I didn't get necessarily "Stay White" out of this. I got more the usual conservative stance that only the successful people matter, that cherry-picking those minorities which happened to make it and are amenable to Randist high-nosedness is something they've already done, and that oh well, if...
  2. Elfcat

    The Occupy Movement's Role in the Election

    Obama may have been the incidental beneficiary of Occupy to a degree, and the message of bringing the demand for accountability to the stock market's doorstep may have emboldened some against Romney, but most of the Occupy activists are not exactly DP cheerleaders. My hope is that this left-wing...
  3. Elfcat

    How many businesses have announced closing or layoffs since Obama won a second term?

    It is these capitalists who are killing capitalism. They are hoping to hold the whole thing hostage. Fire a whole bunch of people after Obama's reelection: great tactic to blow up the unemployment statistics, hammer consumer confidence with Black Friday a half month away, and pin it all on the...
  4. Elfcat

    Colin Powell's former chief of staff -- "my party is full of racists"

    Diesel, it's not that leftists never float reprehensible racial premises. It's that some recognize when they're exhibiting a malady's symptoms and others act as if the whole thing is a hoax.
  5. Elfcat

    HBO's Boardwalk Empire

    Man, earlier in the episode when the sharpshooter was talking with Darmody's kid and made some references to the slain Mrs Darmody, I said to Kat, "If he and Horwitz get in line-of-sight of each other, it's gonna be nasty." Little did I know he would walk right up and serve the butcher on his...
  6. Elfcat

    Roseanne Barr's Coming Campaign Stop in Oakland

    Roseanne Barr, who is running for President with Cynthia McKinney as the candidates for the Peace And Freedom Party, is coming to the Bay Area in a couple weekends, specifically to Oaksterdam University as part of a symposium on the future of medical marijuana. Barr and MkKinney came in to KPFA...
  7. Elfcat

    BBW Pin-Up Art

    I will definitely have to talk with you. I have an idea in my head for a Health At Every Size shirt.
  8. Elfcat

    Some of Chris Christie's Words Sound Familiar.....

    .... and he might be shocked from where. The idea that government must always be subject to "strict accounting" is one of the core ideas in The Shanghai Textbook of Maoist Economics. Christie exhorted that his way is to be plain and direct about what we have to do, and that one of those...
  9. Elfcat

    Who likes to watch Fat girl work-out?

    A fat gal's body in motion is a heavenly sight!
  10. Elfcat

    Who's Excited About the National Conventions?

    At least Democracy Now provided some interesting tidbits of the Ron Paul side event. I heard the man himself chiding those who say if his people were in charge that Bin Laden would still be alive. "So," said he, "would the 3000 people from 9-11". I think at another point in the KPFA...
  11. Elfcat

    Russia and liberal news channel

    Russia Today is indeed government-owned. This much is true. However, RT was founded in 2005. Free Speech Television was founded in Denver in 1995, and Democracy Now was founded in 1996 as a show on New York's WBAI Radio Station, owned by the Pacifica Foundation which began as the world's...
  12. Elfcat

    Game of Thrones

    Bragging to a big girl with a sword about rape is a very bad idea.... :P
  13. Elfcat

    Game of Thrones

    I've really enjoyed it as well. And being a short guy I definitely like Tyrion's character. I still relish the line, "THAT was a threat. See the difference?"
  14. Elfcat

    The Business of Ripping Off the Poor

  15. Elfcat

    Video for International Workers' Day

    Power of the People: an activist year in review. Enjoy comrades! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7g_g5odzE0&list=UUOdXFg44Fgk7wteWwNgSLVA&index=5&feature=plcp
  16. Elfcat

    FA isnt it about time we changed it

    As I had posted earlier, I am calling myself a fat-positive lover now. I feel that is a bit clearer.
  17. Elfcat

    The Cartoon Conspiracy

    Ahhhh, yes, the KGB I mean the KJB. :P
  18. Elfcat

    FAs, talk to me about things like cellulite, stretchmarks etc please!

    I've often compared stretch marks to those mother of pearl inlays in Chinese decor. And as for cellulite, well a la cream of wheat, nothing wrong with a few delicious little lumps! :D
  19. Elfcat

    It's the New Year - Let's Go on a Diet!

    Television, facebook, everywhere. I do have two items which are a little more sane however. First, KPFA hosted an author of a book published by University of California Press called "Weighing In". Though she's not as far into the fat-acceptance camp as some of us, her answers to several...
  20. Elfcat

    Asperger's Syndrome and FA-dom

    One on this site called HappyFatGirl which suddenly went dark at the end of last year, I was challenging this one guy who called himself Kyle about his "pray away the FA" stance. I mean he had a signature which said "The beauty of a BBW is bested only by her {something or other}", but when...