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  1. pdesil071189

    A few new pics....

    Looking good as always
  2. pdesil071189

    "Biggest Loser" Under Investigation

    I was always taught in health class that healthy weight loss is 6 to 8 lbs a week. Some of these shows do push it to the extreme. Just because you can lose 20 lbs a week dosent mean you should. Seriously wanna lose weight walk like a mile or so a day and never step on a scale it works. Weighing...
  3. pdesil071189

    Belly library (men/women)

    Here is my 2 cents for the BHM lovers :)
  4. pdesil071189

    Google Street View!!!!

    Funny Exaggeration video of it kinda comes back to you post lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kswJuKfYtI :happy::happy:
  5. pdesil071189

    Google Street View!!!!

    Ive used it on more than one occasion on my phone with the google maps application. When the GPS isnt enough it will show u what a building looks like. You wouldlnt realize how important this is. If you have ever been to St. Petersburg, FL you would know I found myself using this all the time.
  6. pdesil071189

    Google Street View!!!!

    lol found him on the porch at his house. kinda funny
  7. pdesil071189

    Google Street View!!!!

    Its actually a rather neat travel tool. Its been around for about a year or so now. You can actually look up your adderess and get the view of your own house
  8. pdesil071189

    Google Street View!!!!

    Interesting or Awesome Pictures from it post em here or comment. I actually rather enjoy browsing through it. He are my contributions Hawaii San Francisco
  9. pdesil071189

    Change a Letter - 6 Letters: Part 2!

    bliss- bloss
  10. pdesil071189

    Change a Letter - 5 Letters: Part 4!

    shard - harps
  11. pdesil071189

    Change a Letter - 5 Letters: Part 4!

    heard - heart
  12. pdesil071189

    Change a Letter - 6 Letters: Part 2!

    splits- stilts
  13. pdesil071189

    Change a Letter - 5 Letters: Part 4!

    adore - dares
  14. pdesil071189

    Change a Letter - 6 Letters: Part 2!

    spells - spills
  15. pdesil071189

    Change a Letter - 5 Letters: Part 4!

    doors - roads
  16. pdesil071189

    Change a Letter - 5 Letters: Part 4!

    soada - toads
  17. pdesil071189

    Change a Letter - 6 Letters: Part 2!

    shoots - stools
  18. pdesil071189

    Change a Letter - 5 Letters: Part 4!

    class - lasso
  19. pdesil071189

    Change a Letter - 6 Letters: Part 2!

    sooths - Booths
  20. pdesil071189

    britain's "fattest teen" wishes she never had wls

    You know I feel you on something had to done immediently but 20 years ago when this stuff happened ppl went out and exercised and watched what they ate not the loose skin makes her hate her body. All I gotta say is that if your so hell bent on losing weight u should expect this. I personally...