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  1. Amandy

    Big Boy Fashion

    My two favorite things put together... BOOKMARK! :wubu:
  2. Amandy

    Goth/Metal FFAs normal?

    I've observed a similar phenom here lately... and the tendency to be ready, able and willing to show oneself off, including some rather revealing pics, etc. I find it extra interesting because for several years (when I was a Dims underager), the FFA population here was mostly on the...
  3. Amandy

    Explaining Paquito for Newbies.

    123. Paquito has accomplished much in his young life. Makes me wonder wtf I've been doing with all of my time.
  4. Amandy

    BHM Available in all Sizes - by agouderia (~FFA, ~BHM, Drama)

    You really make us FEEL the yearning... la douleur exquise!
  5. Amandy

    am i allowed to ask a naughty question here?

    L!L!L!L!L!L!L!L!L!L!L!L! This thread... you guys make me LOL so much... and masturbate, you definitely make me do that too. My two favorite things - laughing and masturbating.
  6. Amandy

    All djudex all dtime

    Pretty please with a certain Albertan's sugar on top?
  7. Amandy

    All djudex all dtime

    The man doesn't just LOOK nice and put together, he *IS* nice and put together. HELLO?
  8. Amandy

    All djudex all dtime

    You should call it, "What are you BigChazing about today?" Now, can I please get back to enjoying what's turned into a djudex pool boy fantasy?
  9. Amandy

    All djudex all dtime

    You're my fantasy in YOUR thread. Wait, which one is yours? I need to know where to take my predatory sweet spot.
  10. Amandy

    All djudex all dtime

    I will now fantasize about you as my man servant who hates to wear shirts. I hope you're not offended, but either way, I'll still do it.
  11. Amandy

    If you know Toronto...

    Very interesting suggestions (esp the vodka bar - now on the site visit list). I'm also looking at river cruise or museum kinds of venues, but there's always those cool places not always on the CVB websites that you have to ask a local to find out about. Thanks! Back to the fatz!
  12. Amandy

    Picture Thread: Chris & Mary [SSBHM, FFA]

    if you two had a porn site, I would SO be a member :bow:
  13. Amandy

    FFA's: What's your ideal sized man?

    If I have to pick one, 300-400 is the general sweet spot for my sweet spot, but I'm very turned on by men who fall in a much wider range than this poll allows. And several of you post pics here, for which my sweet spot is very thankful.
  14. Amandy

    If you know Toronto...

    If you were going to throw a party in Toronto for a couple hundred of your closest friends, except they weren't your friends; they were nerdy, middle aged people with deep pockets that you wanted purchase orders from, where would you throw it? (late summer/early autumn). Note: they like the...
  15. Amandy

    Globe and Mail smears Toronto mayoral candidate for being fat

    The first few words of the article were sexy and then it just started to spiral into a steaming pile of pompous self important mapleleafhockeygooseshit. That reminds me, I need to ask the Torontarioites something... next post...
  16. Amandy

    Jung and Myers-Briggs Personality Test

    ENFJ... Idealist/teacher? Oh hell to the no. Rational/architect all the way. That test is flawed.
  17. Amandy

    All djudex all dtime

    Your eyes exude sex ... and your body? well that does too.
  18. Amandy

    HOZAY!!! (picture thread)

    Nothing wrong with being a B student... http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/590/1963 http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/664/5488 Hozay+beer thread - it's like two great tastes rolled up into one.
  19. Amandy

    What is your favorite thing about me?

    32 posts and no one said your belly? what the hell kind of fat board is this?
  20. Amandy

    What's your go-to drunk song?

    My Neck, My Back by Khia really seems to bring out the good in everyone, I find