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  1. Amandy

    women going topless

    I'm more for the bra as fashion wear (without the hooker stigma). I think my girls look better in a nice little lacy number. That, and Sue Ellen Mischke is my hero.
  2. Amandy

    Rabbits Clips of the Week

    I'm not normally an encourager-feeder-whateverthefucktype... but DUDE, I would love to see Greg Grunberg get fatter - that's one celeb I want to churn butter with, if you know what I'm sayin *nudgenudge*
  3. Amandy

    MasterShake 365 - all of the Master, all of the Shake!!!

    L! Although his obsession with "results" is becoming almost classic. Like a good interlude in between the usual drool-wubu-nicepic-bow-spank-me-you-hot-hot-man comments, if you will.
  4. Amandy

    Fish Taco's

    mmmmmm... Rubios....:eat1:
  5. Amandy

    Why I love getting to grips with a fat man

    Yes, this. I stopped short of calling out the part about wanting him initially to go to the gym, because I get that FAs don't all come to their preference the same way. But how easy for dramatic effect that she was just skipping along through life with thin guys and then some slightly chunky...
  6. Amandy

    Why I love getting to grips with a fat man

    There are aspects of this article I really like, but the hardcore FFA in me rolled my eyes at his description... 2-3 stone above svelte? the guy's hovering in the low 200s maybe - yeah, she's really off the deep end with such a YUGE guy. How avant garde of her.
  7. Amandy

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    don't get me wrong, I like glasses, but you look reeeeally cute without them too :wubu:
  8. Amandy

    All djudex all dtime

    (except replace skinny Brit with hot Albertan)
  9. Amandy

    How do you just not give up?

    The poor OP is still trying to get laid while you heartless pricks sit here and get drunk. Nice.
  10. Amandy

    BHM Available in all Sizes - by agouderia (~FFA, ~BHM, Drama)

    As much as I want to know what happens, I'm glad to know there's more to come - great update!
  11. Amandy

    WillSpark Pic Thread! Yay!

    Old enough to feel like the five-o are gonna bust in and take me away for ogling the freshest meat :blush:
  12. Amandy

    WillSpark Pic Thread! Yay!

    you youngster ffas have much to be thankful for
  13. Amandy

    How Do I Meet a FFA?

    I was (jokingly, ahem, of course) referring to Escapist's tales of the all you can eat FFA buffet to be easily had, if you have your PUAskillz down, of course.
  14. Amandy

    All djudex all dtime

    you said moist
  15. Amandy

    How Do I Meet a FFA?

    be sure to wear protection tho, they sound kinda easy out there - what happens in Vegas can come home with you to the free clinic
  16. Amandy

    If you had the power to change your FA-ness...

    This has been very true in my experience. I've known many, MANY women who are attracted to men who are moderately big/overweight, but not so many who like a SSBHM or the marshmallowy soft body type :eat2: And further, I've always felt comfortable sharing my preference for "big men" but not...
  17. Amandy

    All djudex all dtime

    That was the most informative, fun and useful youtube porn I've ever seen. Well, it was porn for me... p.s. Is it okay if I substitute ground turkey?
  18. Amandy

    Why is there a need...

    Thank you Conrad, I SO appreciate that you have seen the validity in the F that some of us feel is intrinsic to our sexual/gender identity. I'd argue that having the extra F actually makes the community more welcoming. At first glance, a smaller woman can feel out of place here - the extra F...
  19. Amandy

    I've passed 400lbs - I come with pics

    you ought change your user name then... :eat1: p.s. I miss you on youtube :(