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  1. Amandy

    All djudex all dtime

    apparently I need to whore my rep around more before I can hit you again
  2. Amandy

    Is it true that the BHM board is just a bunch of pic posting threads?

    I know I learned my lesson. When I've gotten down verbally here it just ended with a wiggity whack. I stick to wiping drool off my screen so I can see the rep button. It makes me feel 100x better than the alternative.
  3. Amandy

    Public displays of fat...

    In an ideal world, the BHM in question has simply grown a bit out of his stylish Hugo Boss polo and showing a bit of belly - fashion forward and feckin hot.
  4. Amandy

    All djudex all dtime

    OMG. Now I see why you live way up there... fortress of solitude! Those stats+cute+sexy= you are Superman. :smitten: amirite?
  5. Amandy

    All djudex all dtime

    Oh dear... :blush: :wubu:
  6. Amandy

    Any Nietzsche fans out there?

    okay... so my mea culpa even got slapped... Kinda makes me sad. Like actually sad:( I swear I'm not being sarcastic or condescending here, or whatever else seems to sit between the lines of unintended meaning. So to be clear, if I IMPLIED something insulting to you, I'm sorry. I can't be any...
  7. Amandy

    Any Nietzsche fans out there?

    when it comes to free will I get a little passionate - I regret you took me the wrong way... I'll remember to show less emotion next time.
  8. Amandy

    Any Nietzsche fans out there?

    That an organism is not an agent of his or her own change is highly depressing to me. Determinism in its various flavors has been used and far to often misused over the centuries by princes, popes and media moguls as bread and circuses to keep the masses placated. It's like a shiny silvery...
  9. Amandy

    All djudex all dtime

    so, speaking of bondage...
  10. Amandy

    Any Nietzsche fans out there?

    That free will may be motivated by physiology shouldn't take away it's existence. The beauty of free will is that I can choose to reject the tyranny of determinism, which gives me the total skeevies. If I'm going to be in bondage, it's going to be during a sex act, TYVM.
  11. Amandy

    All djudex all dtime

    I'm seeing lots of cute, but I'm not feeling the sinister... I gotta have more sinister <insert cowbell sound effect>
  12. Amandy

    The Syndicate - by Ashblonde (~FFA, ~BHM, Romance)

    Did you ever know that you're my hero?
  13. Amandy

    Any Nietzsche fans out there?

    I get that western enlightenment thinkers are terribly unfashionable, but IMHO, no school of thought seeped so deeply to the masses with the concept of the self as an indivdual - a free, independent, self-directed member of society - quite like Locke, Hobbes, Hume, Rousseau, Voltaire et al...
  14. Amandy

    Training Courses - by agouderia (~FFA, ~BHM, Romance)

    The big fat wolf going after his little red riding hood imagery is so flippin hot... swoon!
  15. Amandy

    Any Nietzsche fans out there?

    While visiting the Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh a couple of years ago I was happy to find this painting of David Hume... nothing like a chubby empiricist. "Beauty in things exists merely in the mind which contemplates them." Quite.
  16. Amandy

    A question for FFAs

    He's definitely in manziere territory, but I think I have a slight edge on him. Fortunately, mine are much perkier.
  17. Amandy

    All djudex all dtime

    oh my! :smitten: submissive never felt so good
  18. Amandy

    Solid, Soft, or in between?

    Soft all over, all the way. I'm crazy for the fat ex-jock type (broad-big-strong), but especially when softened. But "hard" fat doesn't do it for me so much.
  19. Amandy

    I'm like a guy

    :eek: Well, there's always your charm to fall back on when all else fails... I wasn't really trying to justify anything. I'm not running around with a guilt cloud over my head for my tastes and desires; I'm relatively "out," so to speak. It was just a curiosity if more FFA women had these...
  20. Amandy

    I'm like a guy

    In the back of my head, when I posted this, I kind of thought that these sexual musings of mine (the question of whether my FFA-ness is what makes me on the hornier side of the sexual spectrum) could devolve into some socio vs biological argument over how women measure up against men; it's such...