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  1. mischel

    Does this make me a whore?

    double post...sry
  2. mischel

    Does this make me a whore?

    There's no belly... Go back to the fat camp :D.
  3. mischel

    Let's place bets on Hozay's penis

    Someone fucked it up, i guess? ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddeUeTXUwwM&feature=related
  4. mischel

    Let's place bets on Hozay's penis

    You won in every kind of way :p. 1) I know, besides i always thought he's a girl.... ;D 2) You got a great body ronin. Glad to know you still can wank. :)
  5. mischel

    Let's place bets on Hozay's penis

    just sayin' xD All super fat guys have this funny problem :>
  6. mischel

    Let's place bets on Hozay's penis

    If his date can find his "best friend" anyway... :D
  7. mischel

    am i allowed to ask a naughty question here?

    Im sure no one will vote for a single poop. We should join our poops together in order to make a lovely family where everybody feels right to vote for. Our pooping kids will be the evidence of our sheltered ministration for the people!
  8. mischel

    am i allowed to ask a naughty question here?

    Are you sure you want your poop to loose his beautiful sense of anonymity? :eek::D
  9. mischel

    am i allowed to ask a naughty question here?

    did someone ruin this thread?
  10. mischel

    am i allowed to ask a naughty question here?

    Hopefully im not alone when i say that i love naughty questions... :blush: :D And i love answering them: Wanking became really exhausting and difficult since i gained so much :P. I cant do it while sitting or in any other position than lieing. So i only wank in bed after i saw some new...
  11. mischel

    Post Your Drunk Pics!

    Awesome^^. I love you girls :D.
  12. mischel

    Back to Basics

    In order to ruin your thread, i'll post here and i say: Swimming! hehe ;-)
  13. mischel

    Girls That Like Big Guys Post Pics And Any Comments Here

    I'd eat all four ! Are they filled with cream? :D
  14. mischel

    Has anyone else noticed this?

    Im not sure where i did exclude BBWs. I cannot consider a BBW as my girlfriend - but this is a personal matter, right? No BBW needs to care about my likings. Okok... that sign maybe was one^^. But more sort of: "i wanted to raise a hand for the slim girls, but totally went wrong in the...
  15. mischel

    What I miss most

    I'm sorry that my thread title misses these "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". :doh: Well, i give up. This thread now belongs to those who do respond to threads where legitimate questions are asked and these aren't filled with endless me-too-isms.
  16. mischel

    Has anyone else noticed this?

    Please consider that size can be small or big. Skinny girls should be accepted here too :). Especially when they're into fat guys :kiss2:. :bow:
  17. mischel

    What I miss most

    And sometimes there's a guy who needs support in love things. Im sure, it wont be recognized in these "unhappy, sad today" threads as it would/should be in a separate thread. Anyway this thread has his eligibility as any other threads here like: Jung and Myers-Briggs Personality Test...
  18. mischel

    What I miss most

    There's someone coming to this board because he's sad, and then he's welcomed with "this thread is pointless". Further more, it seems to me that everybody uses this thread now for his own amusement... But im not a native speaker, so i get things wrong on this board. Too many ironic things i...
  19. mischel


    What's binky? I love kinky PMs... ;) Lets collect some snazzy pornstar names: Mr. Eatsher Kitchenempty Dr. Isshea Goodcook
  20. mischel

    What I miss most

    If you'd be an atheist, you'd be less rude to other people - i'm sure! :D Poor Vageta :(. I miss hugging and kissing too. Last real hugging was in January :(.