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  1. shandyman

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    I would eat you out of house and home...
  2. shandyman

    My biggest fear is...

    Weirdly for me reviewers comments do not scare me that much. It is when my supervisor (as was) and now co-authors who worry me more. I hate the thought my might think I am stupid
  3. shandyman

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    You are talking me in to a visit to Balitmore...
  4. shandyman

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    Unfortunate timing!! That could have been the secret BHM/FFA retreat.
  5. shandyman

    What are you happy about today?

    I fully agree :) I am excited as it grand prix weekend. I have a lot of friends marshalling there and look forward to next year when I am qualified to do so.
  6. shandyman

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    I have always fancied spending a stint as some kind of wild man. Has anyone got a remote log cabin I can borrow? Hehe
  7. shandyman

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    I have never seen Vikings, any good? A couple of my friends say I am looking like a Viking
  8. shandyman

    Things the opposite gender should know

    Fancy coming round with a box of gloves ;)
  9. shandyman

    Where is your favourite fat area

    I love feeling the sides of my belly, the skin there is very soft and I am always warm there, I stroke myself there from time to time when I am relaxing. From the point of view of others, I would say my moobs and the fat part of my arms get the most attention, followed by the hanging part of...
  10. shandyman

    Fat sex

    I have a pretty big belly that can/does get in the way during sex. I much prefer my partner to tell me if something isn't working for her. Personally I would not have a problem in the slightest if I was asked to move my belly for better access ect. I just need more practice :P
  11. shandyman

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    Thank you for the kindness.... They may well be his eye and he is not getting them back muhahaha
  12. shandyman

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    One more of me, note more messy hair. I should smile more, maybe the grey skies were messing with my mood
  13. shandyman

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    Thank you very much :)
  14. shandyman

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    I am loving that jacket!! I need to find myself one of those in my size!
  15. shandyman

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    A friend of mine managed to take a picture of me where my face does not look too fat and I look half decent. I look happy because i was cooking :) The second picture was taken after I had finished about a month of field work on some Scottish Islands, I decided to go native... (note the sunny...
  16. shandyman

    LADIES post an awesome photo of yourselves!

    So much hottness..... Intelligent... beautiful Marry me?
  17. shandyman

    My biggest fear is...

    My biggest fear is a strange one and quite hard to fully pin down. My biggest fear is to be proven wrong by something that is very obvious. As a result I become obsessive with my work. The fear of someone finding a significant and obvious flaw with my research can drive me to utter distraction...
  18. shandyman

    The i am too fat for..............Thread

    My thighs rub together too and ruin the inner parts of my trousers. We need a clothes manufacturer to make rub resistant trousers!
  19. shandyman

    What are you happy about today?

    My Dad has just woken up safe and well after having an operation. Very happy :)
  20. shandyman

    The i am too fat for..............Thread

    It seems I am too fat for my underwear..... my big fat bum tore a hole in them when I crouched down. Oops