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  1. bbwlibrarian

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    I overindulged in the sugary items this holiday, and so now my skin is breaking out. Time to go no-carb hardcore until this junk clears up.
  2. bbwlibrarian

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    Happy St. Stephen's Day! Elvis Costello - St. Stephen's Day Murders
  3. bbwlibrarian

    Christmas Dinner

    Sounds amazing!
  4. bbwlibrarian

    Favorite Poem?

    I normally think of Erica Jong as a prose writer (her excellent "Isadora Wing" books being foremost in my mind--Fear of Flying, most notably), but I've been digging some of her poetry lately. She's not as skillful as, say, Anne Sexton, but I do enjoy some of her work. "Aclestis on the Poetry...
  5. bbwlibrarian

    What are you reading?

    I got Absurdistan and Super Sad True Love Story by Gary Shteyngart today, and will start on them very soon. I have very high hopes, as Russian Debutante's Handbook is one of the best modern fiction books I've read.
  6. bbwlibrarian

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    I love when customer service actually does its job! In other news: I GOT A KINDLE!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I got just what I always want for Christmas: books, music, and chocolate. Couldn't be happier. Perhaps the greatest gift of all, though, is seeing my loved ones open their...
  7. bbwlibrarian

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    Yes! I know how this goes! "Bring a dessert." "K." *brings best dessert* *no one eats it* "Oh, well, there were just so many different desserts..." Yes, because instant banana pudding with Cool Whip, marshmallow fruit salad, and store-bought pie is better than a homemade pumpkin cake or my...
  8. bbwlibrarian

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    LOL! I can't imagine how terrible that would be. Sitting on a park bench eyeing Santa Claus with bad intent Snot running down his nose because it's cold outside, y'know? I'm breaking in my new earbuds/audio adapter with some Rammstein. Time to see what these babies can do!
  9. bbwlibrarian

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Best present so far: a new audio adapter for my laptop (since the plug on my shitty iPod buds broke off in it), and some nice, rugged, loud JVC XX earbuds. Now I can rock out and go deaf without disturbing anyone! We've only opened stockings so far, though, so who knows what's next. But, in...
  10. bbwlibrarian

    2012 Singles Thread

    As I came home from a drive this evening, I realized that the guilt I've felt for certain situations has really been what's been keeping me out of the dating pool. I dated someone awesome (as a friend?), and he crushed me through his own dishonesty and perpetual negativity, and I crushed him...
  11. bbwlibrarian

    BBW Confessions thread

    IC that I'm a n00b at this. I normally hang onto pain for dear life until it just completely consumes me. I'm learning that this does absolutely nothing for me.
  12. bbwlibrarian

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    Jackson Browne - The Rebel Jesus
  13. bbwlibrarian

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    I dated a Canadian off and on for... *counts*... six years? Yeah. He doesn't even know what a twofour is. I think my Canadian lingo is better than his, but he had to teach me how to say "poutine" (not poo-teen). Then again, the last I heard, French Canadians "don't count."
  14. bbwlibrarian

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    Bob & Doug McKenzie (Rick Moranis & Dave Thomas from SCTV)- "12 Days of Christmas"
  15. bbwlibrarian

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    Great minds think alike! Happy Christmas, your arse! I pray God it's our last.
  16. bbwlibrarian

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    "The Christmas Song" - Nat King Cole
  17. bbwlibrarian

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC that a little hot buttered rum and a lot of cheese spread has put me into the holiday spirit! I can't wait for Mass, and can't wait to see everyone's surprised faces when we exchange gifts tomorrow.
  18. bbwlibrarian

    Today I Learned...

    TIL that I actually like Stollen! I never thought I would, but one was purchased for my Christmas Eve party, and it was a huge hit.
  19. bbwlibrarian

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    I had a great Christmas Eve party! Now, to not fall asleep before Mass...
  20. bbwlibrarian

    What Are You EATING right now?

    Chipotle turkey breast sandwich.