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  1. xxeell

    One Good Man by Ashblonde (~FFA ~BHM, Romance)

    I'm lovin this story so far. I hope to see more soon.
  2. xxeell

    BHM Double Date by xxeell (~BHM/~FFA, ~Romance, ~Sex )

    I plan on having the next part up soon. :}
  3. xxeell

    BHM Double Date by xxeell (~BHM/~FFA, ~Romance, ~Sex )

    Double Date: Part three Amber and Pam had both showered and gotten dressed. Amber wore a yellow top that did not cover her shoulders. Also, a skirt made of the same material as Pam's jeans and low heels the same color as her top. Pam wore jeans that did not go all they way to her ankles...
  4. xxeell

    John's Ordeal by Anonymous (~BHM, ~BBW, Feeding, ~Sex, ~XWG)

    Wow, this a great story. You're an awesome writer!
  5. xxeell

    Fantasy and Ideal BHMS from TV/Movies/Ect?

    Has anyone seen American Pie Presents: Beta House. Nic Nac (Bobby) is a great BHM. I don't swing that way, but all you FFA's may like him.
  6. xxeell

    Seriously speaking - who fancies doing a BHM/FFA website?

    I tried registering at BHM/FFA conection, but there was an error. :[
  7. xxeell

    BHM Double Date by xxeell (~BHM/~FFA, ~Romance, ~Sex )

    Part two Pam was siting on her couch. 7:00 o'clock was late and close to bedtime in her book. All she wore was her bra and panties. That and a T-shirt left by her ex-boyfriend. Her ex was a whole lot bigger than she remebered. The shirt covered everything all the way to her knees and elbows...
  8. xxeell

    BHM Double Date by xxeell (~BHM/~FFA, ~Romance, ~Sex )

    ~BHM/~FFA, ~Romance, ~Sex - Two twin BHMs, who are different in both personality and looks, go out on a double date with two FFAs who are best friends, but are equally different. Double Date By xxeell Part One Amber was in a hurry. All she wanted was to get home to her apartment...
  9. xxeell

    Picture Thread: Chris & Mary [SSBHM, FFA]

    I like to see some more. :}
  10. xxeell

    What do You BHM's Look For in a Girl?

    The main thing I look for is acceptance. These last couple months, I've dated a few different girls, who I thought were FFA's. But it turns out, after a few weeks they started talking to me about diets and exercise and stuff like that. Real disappointing. Especially when some of them had model...
  11. xxeell

    New Pictures!!!

    Great pics! I'm trying to eat as much as I can to get to that size.:eat1:
  12. xxeell

    BHM Melanie's Muse: Part 1- 7 - By Molly (~BHM, ~Sex, Romance)

    If this were a movie, I think ChrisVersion2 and MaryElizabethAntoinette would play the characters pretty good. In my opinion. :)