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  1. wrestlingguy

    Rosie Mercado on Body Shamers, Haters & Her 200 Lb Weight Loss

    My question to you is, based on her comments about her previous life, isn't she causing others who are fat to be judged? In other words, if she's reinforcing the bias that fat people are unhealthy/unhappy with their fat bodies, isn't she causing other people to judge fat people in the light of...
  2. wrestlingguy

    Rosie Mercado on Body Shamers, Haters & Her 200 Lb Weight Loss

    I take a somewhat different approach to this article, and to Ms. Mercado's comments, both in the article, and with some of the things she's said afterward. A friend of mine, after reading the story, summed up my feelings even better than I could. I'm going to quote her here: Mercado has since...
  3. wrestlingguy

    Rosie Mercado on Body Shamers, Haters & Her 200 Lb Weight Loss

    Original article can be found here Model Rosie Mercado expected to gain quite a bit as a result of her recent 200-pound weight loss, things like mobility, vitality and a new lease on life. But she didn't expect to gain social media haters. Mercado, a plus-size fashion model and the...
  4. wrestlingguy

    Evualating my body...

    Lots of people function with two inches. Both genders.
  5. wrestlingguy

    Evualating my body...

    Can I borrow a dollar? No, not that one........
  6. wrestlingguy

    Worst Movie Sequels Of All Time?

    I used to own several video stores in NJ back when video stores were a thing, and can list at least 100 sequels that people threw back at my clerks when they returned their rentals. One of the movies that escapes the sequel list typically is the Batman franchise, and maybe it's because there...
  7. wrestlingguy

    redhotphatgirl is alive

    Good to see your post.....I lost you on Facebook, and didn't know what happened. I hope that your memories of Dave and you are some kind of consolation. I've always felt that it's not the amount of time in your life that you spend with someone that's important, it's the amount of life in your...
  8. wrestlingguy

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    The Brothers Landreth - Firecracker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oN0eBWeNdo
  9. wrestlingguy

    Worst Movie Sequels Of All Time?

    The Blues Brothers 2000. Even John Goodman couldn't save this one.
  10. wrestlingguy

    SSBBW dreams

    You know I couldn't resist
  11. wrestlingguy

    A chance to apologize

    Often, the person who has committed a wrong (or at least felt they did), looks to the other party for forgiveness. That forgiveness can release them from the bad feelings they had about committing the wrong to begin with. For the person who was hurt however, forgiveness can also be a release...
  12. wrestlingguy

    just got kicked from a bbw facebook group because the mod thinks im not a real FA.

    I can give references, if you need them...........;)
  13. wrestlingguy

    A chance to apologize

    I'm a little (okay, a LOT) older than most of you. In high school in the 70s, I dated fat girls. It was my attraction, and I acted on it. A few guys tried to give me grief over it, and I can promise you that it quickly became a non issue for them. While I realize that not everyone is in...
  14. wrestlingguy

    A chance to apologize

    The size acceptance journey is different for everyone, and not everyone is at the same spot at any given time. I used to come here and flame a lot of people because I didn't realize that. At the time, I figured that they HAD to know what I knew, or feel what I felt. I ended up being more of...
  15. wrestlingguy

    Fat-Talk Nation

    Great article about an upcoming book that discusses our obsession with weight, from a Harvard anthropologist. I have to say that if this book is as described, it should be a must read in every college across the country. http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2015/09/weighed-down/
  16. wrestlingguy

    "Dear Fat People....."

    Well, it looks like Karma has reared its pretty little head, as it looks like someone who she was evidently set to work for has now decided NOT to use her on his project. Here's the thing, we all have the right to say what we want, in the US, our Constitution guarantees it, even if what you want...
  17. wrestlingguy

    "Dear Fat People....."

    I have a few questions for you or anyone else that wants to respond. If that type of shaming were to go on in a public place, would you allow it to go unanswered? Second question. If the same speech was hurled at someone you loved, whether on the internet or in real life, would you still...
  18. wrestlingguy

    "Dear Fat People....."

    I'm sure the regular readers here are aware of the fat hating video that went viral last week that starred a quasi celebrity named Nicole Arbour. She goes on and on for almost 15 minutes about how horrible fat people are, etc. I'm not going to link to it, simply because I don't want to give...
  19. wrestlingguy

    BMI Often Incorrect (at least for men)

    NPR did a nice segment on why BMI is a bogus measurement. I agree that it won't be considered relevant much longer. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=106268439