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  1. wrestlingguy

    "The Myth Of The Chubby Chaser"

    An article from last year, but in light of some of the recent discussion about FAs, I thought this might be significant. Here's the link to the original article: http://powderroom.jezebel.com/the-myth-of-the-chubby-chaser-1579120277 Some people prefer to f**k thin people. Some...
  2. wrestlingguy

    Fat Acceptance vs F/FA Acceptance movements

    I won't speak for her, but I think I can address this in a roundabout way. For example, I still have friends here (though fewer than there were several years ago) that I enjoy reading their posts. It's certainly possible to no longer enjoy the site (which let's face it, can be disappointing at...
  3. wrestlingguy

    Fat Acceptance vs F/FA Acceptance movements

    Interestingly enough, my experience was that there were lots of great people in the community here years ago that seemed to be replaced these days by a lot of not so nice people (and no, I don't think for a minute that includes you). So, where are all of these wonderful people? Some ended up...
  4. wrestlingguy

    Fat Acceptance vs F/FA Acceptance movements

    I love sex as much as the next person. It was the reason I visited this site for the first time in 1997. Obviously it's not the reason I'm here today. I'm pretty sure that most of the people who come to this site/forum everyday are here for the sexual attraction. The amount of people hitting...
  5. wrestlingguy

    Fat Acceptance vs F/FA Acceptance movements

    Most of the people who post today on these forums haven't been around for more than 10 years. While they enjoy this site, they don't really know or understand the history of Dimensions Magazine & the website, whose purpose was to separate the fat admirer part of the fat acceptance movement that...
  6. wrestlingguy

    Fat Acceptance vs F/FA Acceptance movements

    Two points: 1. People who run bars, clubs or hotels aren't looking for any kind of social justice as fat activists are, and 2. As someone who chose to get involved in running those events, I also chose to stop being involved in running those same events. I chose not to engage in what I felt...
  7. wrestlingguy

    Fat Acceptance vs F/FA Acceptance movements

    I don't think it's rhetorical, though I do think that the mix of people being referred to can also be said for groups like politicians, clergy, and celebrities. That isn't to make it sound "right" because everyone else may be involved in these activities. However, in a world where we strive to...
  8. wrestlingguy

    A Poll, if you will...

    I am attracted to fat women. I find all women attractive in different ways, but my preference has always been fat women. With that said, I've been in relationships with women of all sized, including a size zero. I used to call myself a FA when I first started visiting this site way back in...
  9. wrestlingguy

    Why Not Fat Acceptance

    A couple of years ago I wrote a blog titled "Heat Seeking Missiles" which really amounted to a critique of people in the fat community who must feel a need to be on TV, or other media outlets. In the past, many of them would show up here in Dimensions and other forums proclaiming that they were...
  10. wrestlingguy

    Why Not Fat Acceptance

    Here's the problem. As a Fat Admirer (I only use the term because it's the most common term to describe the physical attraction), you simply like who you like, and there is nothing wrong with that. HOWEVER, when you have guys who seek out the media (whether it's TV or YouTube, or other social...
  11. wrestlingguy

    Any Fat Activists ? NO FETISHISTS!!

    I think that part of activism is confronting the backlash that you're speaking about. While it's not the only aspect of fat activism, it's one of the more important ones. I belong to a Facebook group that does just that. Not everyone in the group confronts the haters, some simply leave fat...
  12. wrestlingguy

    Any Fat Activists ? NO FETISHISTS!!

    I wouldn't say the Dimensions community has died off. I think it's become more of a social community with less of an emphasis on size acceptance issues, hence there are more "how was your weekend?" threads then there are "Hey, do you know about the fat flash mob that's scheduled for this...
  13. wrestlingguy

    Any Fat Activists ? NO FETISHISTS!!

    It would be here, in the Main Forum. The description when you come to the forums page says the Main Forum is for "Size, and size acceptance issues". Fat activism goes part & parcel with ending size acceptance issues. There's a thread in this forum that asks bloggers to post links to their...
  14. wrestlingguy

    How many inches is your belly ?

    Mods, can this thread be moved to the appropriate board. The Main Dimensions Board is o"For Size Acceptance Issues" Mr. Bell, can you please post your posts in the forum where they belong going forward? Thank you.
  15. wrestlingguy

    wife reduced her belly by 28 inches inthree years

    Mods, can this thread be moved to the appropriate board. The Main Dimensions Board is o"For Size Acceptance Issues" Mr. Bell, can you please post your posts in the forum where they belong going forward? Thank you.
  16. wrestlingguy

    Why Not Fat Acceptance

    I first visited Dimensions in 1997 because I'd read somewhere that there were pictures of fat girls on the site. I was one of the people who joined the community to look at all of the beautiful women, and to talk, not only with the ladies, but the men who shared my same attraction. We talked...
  17. wrestlingguy

    Why Not Fat Acceptance

    The entire method of working for fat acceptance has changed over the past 20 years. Today, fat acceptance is talked about in blogs. Sure, there are occasional demonstrations and flash mobs, but the bulk of the fight is on the internet. I know, because I wrote blogs for well over 4 years on...
  18. wrestlingguy

    Any Fat Activists ? NO FETISHISTS!!

    I'm friends with Marilyn Wann on Facebook,someone that I consider a TRUE activist. She not only blogs, but speaks publicly about fat bias and discrimination at schools & meetings all over the country. She financially supports fat positive endeavors, and I encourage anyone who isn't familiar...
  19. wrestlingguy

    RIP CastingPearls

    A reminder to her friends (although many of you already know), today is Lainey's birthday. “They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it. Death cannot kill what never dies.” ~ Williams Penn Happy birthday, my sweet friend.
  20. wrestlingguy

    Any Fat Activists ? NO FETISHISTS!!

    I think the OP ignores that one can still be involved in fat activism and get hard when they look at a fat person that they're attracted to. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive. I consider myself somewhat of an activist, having run size positive events, blogging about fat acceptance...