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  1. wrestlingguy

    Body Acceptance Book List

    I'm in the middle of reading a book called "Fat Kids: Truth and Consequences" by Rebecca Jane Weinstein. The short version is that it's adults recounting their fat lives growing up, which mostly start out bad, and then of course happier as they travel in their journey towards self acceptance...
  2. wrestlingguy

    Arealfg (Ginagv) Passed 4-4-15

    I'm so sorry for your loss, brother. I've lost several good friends over the past calendar year as well. I remember Gina. Not just from her pics, but from some of the size positive activities she engaged in during better times. I pray that you can be consoled by how she lived her life.
  3. wrestlingguy

    Just a Lil Help

    The trolls have invaded Dimensions. God help us all.
  4. wrestlingguy

    The biggest plus size model ever to get a contract with a major modeling agency

    I wouldn't have thought that, except for the fact that she also said she's "tired" of the praise as well. That wouldn't come from fat haters, the praise typically comes from her supporters.
  5. wrestlingguy

    The biggest plus size model ever to get a contract with a major modeling agency

    Evidently she's already grown weary of being the "role model" for impressionable young fat girls....
  6. wrestlingguy

    Pornography's place in Size Acceptance

    I'd still be willing to sit and listen if someone can rationally explain to me the connection between what makes you horny and a social rights movement. A little over 4 years ago, I wrote a blog called the "BBW=Porn Connection". I don't believe much has changed over the years. I have written...
  7. wrestlingguy

    Fat Man Dancing

    I don't want to throw any shade on this guy at all. I think he deserves the "break" that he's getting. HOWEVER, I see more women being the target of people who harrass, dox, and ridicule them online, and no one throws a party for them. I think the next time I see someone go through this &...
  8. wrestlingguy

    RIP CastingPearls

    According to one of her relatives (that Lissa spoke with today), her landlord found her. I feel so bad. I was thinking about her today as I was driving through Pennsylvania, and was going to have Lissa call her to see if we could bring her to New Jersey for a few days. She was originally a...
  9. wrestlingguy

    Scaring people with our bodies ?

    I believe there's merit to this point. Recently NY Times travel writer Karl Ove Knausgaard published an article about his travels through North America, specifically Newfoundland, he was taken aback by how fat people who lived in the area appeared to him. "I had never seen people that fat...
  10. wrestlingguy

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    Love me some Carlos Vamos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwm-vxGgFf4
  11. wrestlingguy

    What book are you reading right now?

    Reading "Fat Kids" by Rebecca Jane Weinstein. Got it as a Christmas gift, but just getting around to reading it now.
  12. wrestlingguy

    What Are You Watching Right Now?

    Better Call Saul, on AMC
  13. wrestlingguy

    The biggest plus size model ever to get a contract with a major modeling agency

    If it were as easy as you say, I would think that more people could/would do it, rather than having to deal with all the fat hate that exists both online and in the real world. Of course, it's really not that simple for everyone. I was fat as a teenager. I put myself on a path towards health...
  14. wrestlingguy

    The biggest plus size model ever to get a contract with a major modeling agency

    She's also pissed on some of the people who've supported her in the past, mostly taking money for orders of her "merchandise", and then not only not delivering, but also blocking them from contacting her via any social media. These amounts are obviously too small to bring lawsuit, so many of...
  15. wrestlingguy

    Size 16 Model breaks SI Swimsuit Issue

    My Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue came in the mail today. Normally I don't get it with my subscription for 2 reasons: 1. I think it objectifies women 2. Never figured out what bikinis have to do with sports (except volleyball) Anyway, I accepted the mailing this year because of the fact...
  16. wrestlingguy

    Size 16 Model breaks SI Swimsuit Issue

    It IS a step in the right direction, albeit a small one, in my opinion. Remember, magazines don't have to accept an ad, just because an advertiser wants to be in a certain media. Ads get refused all of the time. Now, I'm not saying that SI was noble for doing this. My guess is that it was...
  17. wrestlingguy


    A couple of points. There isn't much known about the new owner(s), except for the fact that they seem to be invested in websites much like this one, though quite varied in interest. I'm sure they're feeling their way around here themselves, tweaking the site to more represent their business...
  18. wrestlingguy

    Do you think that plus size acceptance has increased or decreased in today's society?

    The one thing I think has been missed in most of these posts is that while many people are working tirelessly in promoting size acceptance (both on the internet and in real life), generally people have simply become more shitty to each other. While that has nothing directly to do with size...
  19. wrestlingguy

    My Big Fat Fabulous Life

    PLEASE, read the comments. Better yet, respond to them, if you have the patience to do so. There are countless armchair physicians, nutritionists, and health experts that crawl out of the woodwork to spread their fat prejudice & hatred. I realize that it can be demoralizing to see that, but...
  20. wrestlingguy

    Do you think that plus size acceptance has increased or decreased in today's society?

    Yes, because people are going to listen to other people that are considered fetishists. First thing some of you may want to do is to stop using a fetish term like "fat admirer". Is it really much different today than the now antiquated term "chubby chaser"? Fat people are people, regardless...