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  1. PeanutButterfly

    Good Melissa McCarthy Article

    This is a good article but in typical Yahoo! fashion they managed to piss me off. The link I saw for it featured the headline "Melissa McCarthy: Wishes she could magically be a size six!" THATS NOT THE POINT OF THE ARTICLE. She said sometimes she wishes she could be a size six but you can't...
  2. PeanutButterfly

    Documentary: Chubby Chaser

    Actually she would agree with those observations and say that they fit her argument. Any augmentation of the breasts, hips or butt would make a woman appear more fertile in a man's eyes. But she would definitely disagree that men could ever find, say big bellies attractive without it being a...
  3. PeanutButterfly

    10 Honest Thoughts On Being Loved By a Skinny Boy

    I have major respect for anyone who can make me cry in under 3 minutes, damn she's good. Thanks for sharing!
  4. PeanutButterfly

    Documentary: Chubby Chaser

    My anthropology professor last semester tried to argue that beauty is biological, not subjective and that *everyone* is attracted most to the "ideal" male and female body types. I wish I'd had the courage to raise my hand and refute her. She tried to claim that women are only attracted to fat...
  5. PeanutButterfly

    No One Deserve to Die Campaign

    Has anyone here seen the "No One Deserve to Die" Campaign? For the past month or the campaign has posted pictures around major cities with captions like "Hipsters Deserve to Die" and "Cat Lovers Deserve to Die". On Thursday they revealed that the posters were to support the fight against lung...
  6. PeanutButterfly

    TLC's Big Brooklyn Style

    I really like this show! I can't believe TLC is running it. Usually they have the crappiest shows on telelvision.
  7. PeanutButterfly

    Weight Loss Commercials (argh)

    What bothers me the most about weight-loss commercials and celebrity weight loss in general is the obsession that comes along with it. I'm all for people wanting to be healthy and happy with themselves but I find it sad when they use the energy they used to channel into their art into their...
  8. PeanutButterfly

    obese expecting

    I feel like they should rename TLC "Lets gawk at the fatties" channel....
  9. PeanutButterfly

    Fat women's 'bad' bits.

    I had a very similar experience with my breasts. As a fat woman my boobs look very different from the perky ones you see in R-rated movies and for a long a time I thought they were weird and unattractive. After actually seeing what other FAT women's breasts looked like I learned mine were...
  10. PeanutButterfly

    One Door Closes

    YAY!!! this is great. I have noticed you seem to like the name Patrick ;) All your Patricks seems pretty hot so hopefully they're based off someone real and equally delicious.
  11. PeanutButterfly

    BHM Xander - by Undine (~BHM, Intrigue, ~~WG)

    This is sooo good! I think it would make an awesome tv show. I was supposed to be studying for my math exam but instead I couldnt stop reading. Can't wait to see what happens next!!
  12. PeanutButterfly

    Fat Sexuality on boston.com

    This was great! I love seeing pieces written by one of our own getting out into the mainstream. Thanks for sharing and writing :)
  13. PeanutButterfly

    My Fat, Beautiful Body

    This was awesome to read. Great writing and so easy to relate to. Thanks for sharing!
  14. PeanutButterfly

    Being a Statistic

    Is anyone else here getting a little tired of being "the obesity epidemic"? I sure as hell am. I know theres not much I can do except stop clicking on the asinine articles but it just seems to be getting worse. I am not a "disease". I am not a "problem". I'm a freakin' human being with just...
  15. PeanutButterfly

    you guys might wanna see dr oz to day

    Out of all the quacks who somehow got a TV show, I hate Dr. Oz the most.
  16. PeanutButterfly

    FA Hate, how do you deal?

    I honestly don't anymore. Surprisingly he's never said anything like this to me. I've never gotten a hard time about my weight from him, at least to my face. But he is the kind of guy who I'm sure makes comments behind my back because he's catty and immature and basically a douche. Even...
  17. PeanutButterfly

    FA Hate, how do you deal?

    Last night I had a conversation that I haven't been able to get out of my head all day. I guess it wasn't so much a conversation, more like a story a friend told me. It was like 3:30 am and me, my roommate, a mutual girlfriend and one of my guyfriends had decided to come back to my room after...
  18. PeanutButterfly

    Emotional Intimacy

    I've always been of the When Harry Met Sally school that says men and women are never *really* friends, or at least very very close friends. I've had a lot of really close, talk for hours, tell each other everything male friends but theres always been deeper feelings either on my end or theirs...
  19. PeanutButterfly

    How fat do you like 'em?

    I like about 220-320 on over 6 feet of man beef ;) I also love the muscle chub look. Like others have said it all depends on the face, shape, ect but the way a man dresses and carries himself is what I look for the most. A big belly in a suit or a nice manly pair of jeans hugging a chunky butt...
  20. PeanutButterfly

    What are you waiting for?!

    so awesome! this makes me want to give in and make a tumblr.