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  1. PeanutButterfly

    Dating non FA's. Yay or Nay? (BBW input only please)

    I tend to agree with the OP a lot. Thats pretty much my perspective on dating. I've dated/had flings and such with non-FAs and the whole time I felt self conscious and insecure. FAs tend to work best for me because the community is a big part of who I am and I dont know how well I'd be able...
  2. PeanutButterfly

    Whats with all of the negative topics lately?

    I think a lot of it has to do with American/Western culture. Obviously there are posters here who aren't from these parts of the world so I'm not sure if my little theory applies to them too (someone let me know if it does?) I feel like the West, specifically American society, is...
  3. PeanutButterfly

    BBW Confessions thread

    I confess I'm so in love its scary. I never thought love could last this long. I always figured that after the initial "honeymoon" phase (i.e. those first few months) that everything would cool down and it would be more a comfortable love, not the sparks flying, tingling, I never want to be...
  4. PeanutButterfly

    What book are you reading right now?

    I just finished Jodi Picoult's Nineteen Minutes. I loved it. An easy read, little mystery and a thought provoking at what drives someone over the edge. I'm reading Absolute Power now, by David Baldacci.
  5. PeanutButterfly

    Skinny celebrity look-alikes. Compliment or insult?

    Hmm no one's ever said "You look like a fat version of *blank*" to me. When I was thinner I used to get Scarlet Johanson facially. Thats how people would say it though. "Your face looks like Scarlet Johanson's." Or I would assume they only meant my face haha as Scarlet is quite thin. I...
  6. PeanutButterfly

    How to help someone accept size?

    This about sums my opinion on the situtation. A lot of times people hide their true feelings about weight behind the guise of "I just want you to be healthy". That statement is often code for "I want you to look socially acceptable and not have your character flaw (fatness) reflect on me."...
  7. PeanutButterfly

    BBW Confessions thread

    I confess this was my life exactly one year ago. Going for it was the best decision I've ever made. Everyone always says nothing good comes from long distance. The love of my life came from long distance. It can be worth it. I'm so happy things are working out for you too :)
  8. PeanutButterfly

    An Alternative to Headless Fat People

    You're totally right, they are 100% dehumanizing. It's a lot easier to hate a group of people when theyre just a mass of fat bodies vs. the kid who sits next to you in psych or the woman who works in the cubicle next to you. A lot of fatty haters will shout loud and proud how much they hate...
  9. PeanutButterfly

    Plus size model Tara Lynn stars in new H&M campaign

    Love her. Love H&M. I can't wait to see dresses there over a size 12 :)
  10. PeanutButterfly

    Guys Who Like Fat Chicks: Village Voice Article

    Hmm... I'm not sure how exactly I want to word my thoughts on this. I think the word "objectification" gets thrown around *a lot* on here, and I think theres a big difference between dating someone just because they have a fat belly and saying that people with fat bellies are your preference...
  11. PeanutButterfly

    Plus Size Yoga Studio

    http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110509/od_nm/us_fitness_yoga_plus_odd Anyone else see this article? I know it's on yahoo so it's not exactly the best journalism... but I love that it got some press. I think it's a wonderful idea to open a place like this. I go to the gym regardless of what...
  12. PeanutButterfly

    Guys Who Like Fat Chicks: Village Voice Article

    I agree with this. I think that main point of the article was to show that fat can and IS sexually attractive to a percentage of people. A lot of fat women know they have "beautiful souls" or "beautiful personalities" but if they haven't been exposed to our community they often doubt being...
  13. PeanutButterfly

    Has There Ever Been a FA/BBW Couple Pic Thread?

    This is sooo cute!! These made me so happy. This whole thread does. Yay for chubby love :wubu:
  14. PeanutButterfly

    Guys Who Like Fat Chicks: Village Voice Article

    This is a great article! I wish more stuff like this would make it into mainstream society.
  15. PeanutButterfly

    FA is an action verb

    Hmmm my ideal FA/Partner is someone who knows when to treat me like everyone else and when to realize I'm different due to my size. I'd like him to treat me like everyone else: -by introducing me as his girlfriend to friends/family members -hold my hand in public -tell me I'm beautiful...
  16. PeanutButterfly

    Your reaction to FAs

    See I think this part of my post came out wrong. I am in no way shape or form condoning objectification. I just think its hard for someone to love me if they don't love my body/fat too. I'm not just the sum of my lovehandles obviously, but I refuse to ignore their existence. If a guy loves...
  17. PeanutButterfly

    Your reaction to FAs

    As I thinking about my last post I may have stumbled upon my real question in all this: why is so important for us as fat women to be seen around our fat? Is it because society refuses to so we seek that quality out in a partner? Has your fat made you into the person you are today? If so...
  18. PeanutButterfly

    Your reaction to FAs

    I dont have anyone to quote specifically but just a comment on the general way this thread has unfolded. 1.) Thank you so much for everyone who has responded. I love hearing your opinions on why you chose to date an FA and why you wouldn't/haven't ect. 2.) Sometimes I think we...
  19. PeanutButterfly

    The Funny Things Thin People Think...

    Ive had idiots make those kinds of comments around me too. I think its because (as previously mentioned here) skinny people have no idea how much fat people weigh. This same person probably assumes your 400 pound manager weighs 250. Im not the best with weight either but a lot of skinnies...