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  1. PeanutButterfly

    Who Taught You to Hate Your Beautiful Body?

    Unfortunately the person who made me hate myself the most when I was younger was my mother. She's a great woman and I admire many things about her but her prospective on weight is not one of them. She always wanted either the skinny child she never was or the fat child she could bond with over...
  2. PeanutButterfly

    "Unconventional" Bodies and Camaraderie

    I almost clicked "yes" at the top until I really thought about it. I'm definitely more comfortable with new people if they're fat also. I particularly don't like being the only chubby chick in a group, there are just certain things that make me more uncomfortable than skinny girls and many are...
  3. PeanutButterfly

    Dimensions YouTube Page

    I've been watching some of the videos (instead of writing my paper, damn you Dims! gets me everytime ;) ) And I have to say I absolutely adore all you non Americans! You guys have the cutest, most awesome accents ever! So jealous.
  4. PeanutButterfly

    Middle and high school...

    I'd like to say I never had many real bullying incidents, more of the snide girly comments that other here have commented about. However, one time in Sophomore year of high school might be helpful for your comic. I was in gym class, just had gotten changed and had on a pair of sweatpants I'd...
  5. PeanutButterfly

    Sharing a pace of life

    Totally unrelated but I climbed the stairs up to Mont St. Michel this summer!! They were sooo brutal. I almost thought I was going to pass out at one point, even my "fit" friends had a pretty hard time. In case anyone's wondering there are 280 (one of my friends claims she counted). As...
  6. PeanutButterfly

    Chub or Musclechub?

    mmm muscle chub. Ex-linebackers are so yummy. :eat2:
  7. PeanutButterfly

    Stop "Coddling " overweight people

    Ruffie I totally agree with your post, great points! I didn't find this article anywhere near as offensive as Maura Kelly's (although it is still so obviously skewed and written by someone who has never experienced being overweight). I actually found some of her points to be at least thought...
  8. PeanutButterfly

    You know you are an Fa when.......?

    you know youre an FA when you stumble across pictures you drew as a kid and all the stick figures have bellies like this O instead of | ;)
  9. PeanutButterfly

    Marie Claire: "Fatties Get a Room".. wtf

    This is what confuses me. I've watched many episodes of Roseanne, I love that show :wubu: but when it first came out I was too young to watch it. Can some of the older Dimmers help me out? Did Roseanne receive the same amount of negative feedback that Mike and Molly seems to be generating...
  10. PeanutButterfly

    Feeling conflicted about my attraction

    CastingPearls- I do agree with you about not speaking for anyone else and that no one knows your pain but you, 100% agree. I just think that maybe we should use that same logic with the original poster? Since we don't really know where he's coming from we shouldnt assume he's a troll or...
  11. PeanutButterfly

    Feeling conflicted about my attraction

    ^THIS. My intention is not to cause drama, however; I feel the above bolded statement clearly shows my point. As BBWs we're quick to shout "YOU"LL NEVER UNDERSTAND" but yet we very rarely give the FAs on here the same courtesy. Maybe I'm naive because I'm still young but I can't imagine that...
  12. PeanutButterfly

    Feeling conflicted about my attraction

    I really don't think thats what he was trying to convey to us. As both a BBW and an FFA I definitely understand both sides of the equation. What I tend to find tiring about Dims is the BBWs on here who continue to demonize every conflicted FA out there, while not being FAs themselves. Its one...
  13. PeanutButterfly


    Thanks everyone for all your wonderful suggestions! They're definitely a big help :) When I have more time to devote to myself, probably over winter break, I think I'll give that Bio Oil stuff a try. I believe its like 13 dollars at Walmart and even if it does nothing for my stretchmarks it...
  14. PeanutButterfly


    Just wanted to say I absolutely *love* this poetry slam and the poem itself. America puts so much pressure on women to look a certain way, to be classically "pretty". It's not even just the pressure we put on our celebrities but also on average every day people. Case in point, my cousin...
  15. PeanutButterfly

    Female feeders, how do feel about starting off with a thin(ish) guy & fattening him?

    I'd consider myself a female feeder and while I do love big men, I'm just as happy with a thinnish guy and fattening him up into a BHM. I'm not really a fan of "skinny" guys though, if I can see ribs it just doesn't do anything for me. I should say rather I wouldn't mind fattening up a...
  16. PeanutButterfly


    Hi everyone, Im sure there have been other threads addressing this (i'm just too lazy to find them :p and I'd honestly like some current information) As BBWs I'm sure most of us have experienced stretchmarks. A recent 40 lb gain has made the ones on my hips and inner thighs worse but today...
  17. PeanutButterfly

    Oh no, not Jennifer Hudson...

    As Ive said in another recent "celeb weight loss" thread, this is *exactly* my point. What bothers me is that these statements, baby steps on the road to fat acceptance and tolerance, are now null and void. The person who said them obviously didn't believe them, so why should the jaded thin...
  18. PeanutButterfly

    I'm puzzled...

    While I wouldn't say I'm against celebrity weight loss, I do lament the loss of "one of own". As a girl who's always been plus size, I view chubby/fat actresses and media images as role models. Growing up watching all the stick thin celebrities out there kinda sucked, so when I found someone...
  19. PeanutButterfly

    Is it okay for a woman to find bbws a turn on?

    yep, perfectly normal. at least i think so. the ladies on the paysite board are hotttt. haha. i'm definitely straight but i find some fat women to be very sexy. i wouldnt want to have sex with them though, kinda a contradiction i guess. i just like to look at them. maybe because i'm into...
  20. PeanutButterfly

    A good ol love story would be nice :)

    I actually met my current boyfriend on here :) and i guarantee he reads this post (hi babe! hehe). I messaged him with no further intentions than just having a fellow FA to talk to and bounce ideas off each other. We started talking online but kept missing each other. We both thought the...