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  1. Keb

    Redefine RAPE to make it harder to get an abortion?!?

    I get your point, but I disagree. For one thing, to have a cat sterilized, or a person even, is not the same as killing the kittens/fetus after they are created. Sterilization is simply a form of prevention (like abstinence, birth control, etc). There is no killing involved because there is...
  2. Keb

    Redefine RAPE to make it harder to get an abortion?!?

    To me, your position reads: No one has a right to make any moral judgment, privately or publicly, about anything whatsoever. You could as easily say well, rape's caused by man, man's caused by God, therefore it's all good. That doesn't make the victim of a rape feel one bit better, I'm sure...
  3. Keb

    Redefine RAPE to make it harder to get an abortion?!?

    By not giving her the contraception/abortion no questions asked as her right. By treating it as a medical procedure rather than a choice or a right. By actually doing something about it when when she seeks help, even if she asks caregivers not to (because the abuser often is someone very close...
  4. Keb

    Redefine RAPE to make it harder to get an abortion?!?

    In my view, ideally early medical intervention to prevent pregnancy (morning after pill, unless the girl is opposed to that for religious or health reasons), an abortion if she wants it as early as possible OR abundant access to alternative choices like adoption. Along with that, though, should...
  5. Keb

    Redefine RAPE to make it harder to get an abortion?!?

    What about women who think that abortions should be severely reduced? There are anti-abortion women, and no, they're not all brainwashed. They're not even all Christian. I really dislike the pro-choice tactic of "you aren't a woman, you can't talk. Okay, so you're female, but you haven't...
  6. Keb

    Redefine RAPE to make it harder to get an abortion?!?

    And the timing of the bill wouldn't be coincidental at all to the fact that RvW's anniversary is going on? Timing a bill for maximum public support is all part of politics. The bill, incidentally, does not ban any abortions. It simply restricts public funding of some abortions. People can...
  7. Keb

    Redefine RAPE to make it harder to get an abortion?!?

    It's in the news right now because we just had the anniversary of Roe V Wade in the US. Tends to bring up the debate, and there is always a protest/counter protest in DC. That's why it's on people's minds just now.
  8. Keb

    The Next Crisis -- Student Loans

    I was working and saving and living with my parents for some time while working out what to do next after my stint in Japan. Now I'm going back to school. I have some residual debt from my first degree, but I'm paying this one as I go and applying for a teaching assistantship at each of the grad...
  9. Keb

    He'll forgive infidelity......

    What I got from the stats was that, clearly, we girls are irresistible. I'd say a more productive study would ask people about actual relationship behaviors they have had. More difficult, it's true, to get such data and interpret it--but it would likely be more accurate as well.
  10. Keb

    Does Abortion Reduce Crime

    I intend to, once I have my own home and the resources to manage it. In the meantime, I'm making my own difficult choices to prevent the abortions that I have direct control over--ie, mine--and waiting until marriage for sex. Doesn't really matter to anyone except me, anyone I'm lucky...
  11. Keb

    30 somethings

    31 in March.
  12. Keb

    Does Abortion Reduce Crime

    I agree with you that abstinence-only is a silly idea. Teens need to have the facts, so they can make positive decisions. I don't think the comprehensive sex-ed I was taught was perfect, by any means, but it did give me enough information to know I wanted to wait. Education alone isn't enough...
  13. Keb

    Does Abortion Reduce Crime

    I agree with you that we do need to address the cycle of poverty far more seriously than we are. I also agree with you that abortion shouldn't be banned; I just think it should happen so rarely, and primarily for reasons of self-defense rather than as a "choice", that it wouldn't be much of an...
  14. Keb

    Does Abortion Reduce Crime

    Okay, if a woman feels that abortion is her only option (and I have no doubt that many, many women who abort do), then she's not really making a choice at all, is she? She's simply using the only path out she can see. (One more reason I hatehatehate the labels we use in this debate.) And...
  15. Keb

    Does Abortion Reduce Crime

    I feel like part of the problem is that we've (as a society) set the issue up as a conflict between life and choice. Neither term is a good descriptor of the sides in the debate. Pro-life groups sometimes advocate against other things, like euthanasia, but it's rare, and of course it's silly to...
  16. Keb

    The Liberal Media Myth

    Yeah, that's the flip side of it. And tolerance--the word itself--is about accepting the presence of opinions/people you don't necessarily agree with. So, being cool with Klan members in your neighborhood would, in fact, be being tolerant of Klan members. One can think they're scum, actively...
  17. Keb

    The Liberal Media Myth

    Nothing wrong with it, but it obviously games the results to make liberals tolerant and conservatives intolerant by their definition of tolerance. A different set of standards might find very different results. The point is that I think their metric is flawed and that nobody should be shocked to...
  18. Keb

    The Liberal Media Myth

    Does "open mind" = "liberal mind"? I often have reason to suspect that when people say "open mind" what they really mean is someone who thinks like themselves, whether or not they intend to mean that. But when tolerance, for example, is measured by support for gay marriage, which everyone...
  19. Keb

    Ever wondered where all the marriage minded men are? They're on marriage strike!

    I wonder what would happen if we started treating cohabitation as marriage (as was once done with "common law marriages"). Or created a formal relationship between any couple who had a child together, if there was not already a formal legal relationship present. It be interesting to see how...
  20. Keb

    NO Westboro "Church" protest

    Well, they're planning to go ahead with their protest anyway, at an intersection about 1,000 feet from the funeral, so their spokesperson said it doesn't affect them. Whatever. They're dang good at getting media attention. That's about all that can be said about them.