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  1. Keb

    weight loss and salvation

    My sister's theory is that food has largely taken the place that sex used to in terms of social approval--perhaps moreso in secular society than in religious groups, but I've yet to see any religious society that didn't reflect the social norms around it in some way. What she means is that while...
  2. Keb

    Who do you wish was an FA

    All the guys? So I could get a date now and then?
  3. Keb

    Limbaugh's Views of Women

    Just wanna note that there are conservatives who do NOT follow Limbaugh and don't give two cents about what he says. Like me.
  4. Keb

    valentines day

    A date? I've never been in a very long relationship, so I've managed to never, ever have a sweetheart come Valentine's day. I've always wondered if it's any fun.
  5. Keb

    Court Upholds Right of Gays to Marry

    Thank you, Mack--I couldn't remember where it was happening, but that's what I was thinking about. And, personally, I've found the science tends to confirm my beliefs about God rather than contradict them. I suppose it depends upon where you are coming from, though!
  6. Keb

    Female: You're Doing it wrong.

    ...but almost all the words we use for sex/gender are also loaded. I guess I'm not familiar with "female" as an insult specifically though. And Dr. Feelgood, you made me LOL.
  7. Keb

    Court Upholds Right of Gays to Marry

    Congrats to everyone who was looking forward to this (pretty much inevitable) victory. I hope that it brings about much happiness. I am, however, concerned about pressure on religious groups to either violate their religious principles or cease activities that are beneficial to the community...
  8. Keb

    Female: You're Doing it wrong.

    As a student of descriptive linguistics and an English teacher/Master's candidate, I'd like to politely disagree. I won't argue that it may once have been true that "male" and "female" were exclusively used as adjectives. Rather, I will argue that if everyone begins to use a word in a...
  9. Keb

    has any one been keeping up with the SOPA bill that some politicians want to pass?

    Some companies are starting to drop support for the bill, actually. Yay!
  10. Keb

    Miss Piggy as a BBW role model??

    I noticed that they had several larger dancers in the dance sequences in the new movie. That surprised and pleased me. Also, it was a great movie. I dunno if Miss Piggy's exactly a role-model for me--let's face it, she's got her personality flaws--but she is an awesome character all the same...
  11. Keb

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas!
  12. Keb

    Single and/or childless in your 30s

    Blu, I'm glad it's working for you, but for me...being married is a requirement for having sex, let alone kids. I want my kids to have their father in their lives. And I do want to have a couple of my own, but I'd also like to be a foster mother. Again, that's something I don't feel I can do...
  13. Keb

    Holidays wishes for my fellow 30somethings!

    Whatever holidays you're celebrating, I hope they bring you love, peace, and happiness. (And I'll be celebrating as many of them as I can squeeze in!) Happy Hannukah, Happy Winter, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year, among others :)
  14. Keb

    North Korea leader Kim Jong IL has died

    My hope is that with his passing, Korea can eventually be reunited and healed from a very painful past. If that idealistic future is beyond possibility, I at least pray that the next leader of North Korea can improve things for the people there. It would be awful if things spiraled downhill...
  15. Keb

    Something truly horrible that I need some opinions on...

    The "in male fide" guy started a blog called fat girl jihad. ...I'm tempted to try to report it to the government as a terrorist thing, especially after one commenter posted about bombing a McDonald's, but I don't think it's worth wasting government resources over. Still...it's scary that...
  16. Keb

    FA and BBW Otakus

    If you ask for a taco, you're likely to get tako--octopus!
  17. Keb


    I'm now in grad school at Ohio U, in Athens.
  18. Keb

    Single and/or childless in your 30s

    The one thing that gets me really depressed is the thought that I might never get married & have kids. Now that I'm 31, I feel like my chances are diminishing soooooo fast. The rest of my life is pretty awesome...but I always, always wanted to marry and have children. I just don't know how to...
  19. Keb

    Why FA often refer to paysite models when they talk about their ideam BBW

    I suppose maybe intimidated isn't the right word. I'm struggling to put the emotion into words. And I agree that on one level it isn't any different from men using Hollywood actresses as shorthand. On the other hand, aren't a lot of girls desperately trying to mimic those impossibly thin stars...
  20. Keb

    Why FA often refer to paysite models when they talk about their ideam BBW

    I think that for some of us who don't want to be paysite models, it's a little intimidating when FAs focus so much attention on the models.