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  1. Keb

    Uncovered: The 15 Tax Hikes Hidden in Obama’s New Budget

    One that stood out to me as quite likely affecting ordinary Americans whether they notice it or not is the raising of unemployment taxes. Companies are charged these per employee. That will be a discouragement of hiring (so fewer new jobs) and will also cause companies to be less generous about...
  2. Keb

    Valentine's Day -- Bah Humbug

    Well, I admit I'm a little annoyed that I've never had a boyfriend on the day itself (my longest relationship started in March and ended in January of the next year...so...). But that's all the more reason to extend the love that the holiday celebrates to other people you care about; coming up...
  3. Keb

    Valentine's Day -- Bah Humbug

    Absolutely. It can also be a good excuse to show love to family members, friends, coworkers, students, teachers, random people you meet at the bus stop... I love love.
  4. Keb

    Valentine's Day -- Bah Humbug

    Oh, interestingly, Valentine's is a little different in Japan. Women make chocolates for the men on Valentine's Day. Then, a month later on March 14th, they celebrate "White Day," when the men return the favor by getting gifts for the ladies (and my understanding is that the men's gifts are...
  5. Keb

    Valentine's Day -- Bah Humbug

    Besides, while some people just aren't into holidays/gifts, a lot of people are eager to use any good excuse to demonstrate a bit of affection/appreciation for the people they love. I'm one of those people--I bring in candies for coworkers or classmates, I make presents for close friends, and...
  6. Keb

    Ever wondered where all the marriage minded men are? They're on marriage strike!

    I agree with some of what you said, but I don't think the statistics bear out your statements here. Even historically, less wealthy individuals have been less likely to marry than wealthier ones. The highest rates of out of wedlock births are in the poorest communities. The group in the US...
  7. Keb

    Ever wondered where all the marriage minded men are? They're on marriage strike!

    Actually, that stat presumably -does- affect the marriage rate. The number of African-American men in prison is often cited as part of the reason that out-of-wedlock births are so prevalent among African-Americans as compared to other races. It may not affect the male desire to marry, but it...
  8. Keb

    Even Teen Hookers Need Abortions

    Yeah, if it was just not scaring away the pimp, that would be one thing. These PP employees were telling the pimp (and unless they were in collusion with him, there's no reason to believe THEY thought the whole thing was fake) how to avoid getting in trouble by referring him to centers with less...
  9. Keb

    Even Teen Hookers Need Abortions

    A teenage girl pressed or forced into prostitution is NOT in control of her own sexual and reproductive health. If Planned Parenthood (or even its employees) are willing to collude with the abusers who are harming her, then even if they are providing necessary abortions (which I am defining as...
  10. Keb

    Even Teen Hookers Need Abortions

    Nurses and doctors have a legal requirement and a moral obligation to report even suspected cases of abuse. Prostituting a child IS abuse. This obligation is and should be PART of caring for the patient. What good does it do to provide an abortion or other health care to a young prostitute...
  11. Keb

    Ever wondered where all the marriage minded men are? They're on marriage strike!

    Well...just about everyone I know has been telling me since I was old enough to care whether I had a boyfriend that it's cuz I'm fat. So it might be that, too. Or that all the men are on marriage strike. Ya never know, I guess. Times like this, though, when my hair is feeling very soft...
  12. Keb

    Should an 11 year old be sntenced to life for murder?

    A life sentence is probably not appropriate, and I'm not sure that trying him as an adult is, either. My hope for this kid is that he ultimately has a chance to get help, rather than being locked up and forgotten. A kid his age can change, a lot--I know I have since I was 11. But at the same...
  13. Keb

    Redefine RAPE to make it harder to get an abortion?!?

    Fair enough. Thank you for clarifying.
  14. Keb

    Redefine RAPE to make it harder to get an abortion?!?

    It was an assumption based on the positions you've taken in this thread, which is why I included the question since I wasn't sure. What restrictions do you think are reasonable?
  15. Keb

    Redefine RAPE to make it harder to get an abortion?!?

    I include unborn women (and men) in the people I care about. That does not disinclude women who have been born.
  16. Keb

    Redefine RAPE to make it harder to get an abortion?!?

    Yet, you oppose any restriction whatsoever on the "right" to have an abortion, don't you? A shared goal of making them as rare as possible would be a really good place to start on mending the deep divide between the camps. So few abortion-rights supporters seem to focus on it, though; they'll...
  17. Keb

    Redefine RAPE to make it harder to get an abortion?!?

    No, it won't, just as every child born won't necessarily become an adult, and not every adult will reach 80, 90, 100 years of age. The end of a pregnancy, no matter how it happens, is a tragedy. Some end so early that none but God and the new being itself could be aware of it, but that...
  18. Keb

    Redefine RAPE to make it harder to get an abortion?!?

    I agree, the process has to be as quick and painless as possible when a woman reports a rape and seeks medical attention to prevent pregnancy or STDs as a result. Yet to let her keep the rapist's identity entirely secret, for whatever reason, will only allow the rapist to victimize other...
  19. Keb

    Redefine RAPE to make it harder to get an abortion?!?

    Nope, cuz sperm don't have the potential to be people all by their onesies (eggs, interestingly, do have that potential, but it's rarely realized--weird stuff has to happen first). At conception, a new person is created, with individual, unique DNA, different from both parents. I agree with...