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  1. MissToodles

    Asian Pickled Vegetables

    is there a particular brand you buy? sounds up my alley and there's a Vietnamese restaurant/market a few blocks from my campus.
  2. MissToodles

    Foodee Complaints

    cheesecake is not a substitute for cake cake. first off, it's not a real cake, it's a custard. so when I go to the bookstore and I sit at their little cafe, don't fill the case with cheesecake. I want something made with frosting and crumbles at the bottom of the dish. this is a travesty and...
  3. MissToodles

    Side dishes

    I've been there and don't understand those people ;) . maybe he grew up with overdone veggies or just canned ones. that would make anyone into a vegetable hater! does he like salads? you can always make them taste better by slicing vegetables into tiny bits and adding cheese. how about hiding...
  4. MissToodles

    New Year's Eve outfits

    love that leopard dress! okay, I have a problem now. I went into the Avenue (30 percent off non-clearance items, came out empty handed) today and they have a sequined dress. So tempting but in all honesty, where else would you wear a dress full of sequins?
  5. MissToodles


    has anyone ordered anything from qvc before? their sizes range from xs to 3x (26/28). how do their items run--small or large? I admit I really want this in pink but it's waitlisted in my size and I don't have $79 laying around anyway.
  6. MissToodles

    Your Kitchen Christmas Wish List!

    a new kitchen! barring that, a whirly popper. I eat so much microwaved popcorn, I think the real stuff would be healthier for me (less chemicals and sodium)
  7. MissToodles

    UGH Uggs

    would uggs or emus fit 21 inch calves?
  8. MissToodles

    New Year's Eve outfits

    major necro bump since I'm working on a paper and need something ridicolously shallow to amuse me, what is everyone wearing this year? I'm planning on wearing a bronze halter top I bought from torrid 2 years ago, but I don't know what to pair with it. I was thinking a dark rinse denim on...
  9. MissToodles


    best wishes to you! people do and can recover from strokes all the time. his language areas weren't affected and he's alive, don't give up hope and check in if you can.
  10. MissToodles

    britain's "fattest teen" wishes she never had wls

    maybe her being so young, she had such different expectations. losing a great deal of weight is marketed as the great cure all for all your woes. so she lost a lot of weight and she ends up still ''being her''. I also can't help but wonder if she's just a sickly girl to begin with, was she...
  11. MissToodles

    My WLS Journey Parts 1&2

    healing wishes your way!
  12. MissToodles

    CPAP - new user.....

    Has anyone here used this type of pillow with any success? I'm a side sleeper and hate how my regular pillow sort of jabs into my face and mask. $70 does seem awfully pricey to pay for a pillow though. Rip off?
  13. MissToodles

    What's on the dinner table tonight?

    mock tuna salad made with chickpeas, celery, onions, mayo and pickle relish. I'm not a vegetarian but I prefer it to the real canned stuff.
  14. MissToodles

    offensive concept restaurant?

    or at least their little philosophy? 4food is a new ''healthy'' fast food place opening up in midtown Manhattan. go watch the cartoon under "our story" on their website 4food.com and see what I mean. I'm so sick of fatness being this underlying theme of general overconsumption/malaise...
  15. MissToodles


    my mom had similar pain, and it would be exacerbated by breezes and colder weather. she was finally diagnosed with neuralgia.
  16. MissToodles

    Compulsive Eating, Overeaters Anonymous, Etc.

    that's not the focus of my discussion. I don't think I ever brought up weight loss in that context. I can tell you life is a lot easier and I can move so much better now. I try not to focus on mainstream diet boards, because I've been very fat and don't care what others think. my body, my life...
  17. MissToodles

    Turkey time

    also, what is the point of frying a turkey? I understand fried chicken, it usually has a batter so you can this delicious crust/spices adhered to the skin. turkey seems like everyone fries it naked. does it enhance the flavor?
  18. MissToodles

    Turkey time

  19. MissToodles

    Where do you get the energy?

    intuitive eating is lovely and all, but doesn't work for everyone. can we accept, especially since if you get to a much higher size, there may be something wrong with your satiety cues and hormones. what's wrong in admitting this? no one wants to listen, no one. okay, I'm being melodramatic...
  20. MissToodles

    Where do you get the energy?

    we're told to ignore the weight board, ''grin and bear it'', if you will. fine, I'll respect those rules. but this website can't have it both ways. let's be realisitic, dims is a hub of supersized activity on the web, for lack of a better term. but sometimes being very large comes with a...