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  1. lovelocs

    What are you unhappy about today?

    I just don't understand people: I constantly feel like I'm standing in life's foyer, and all around me, people are going in and out. I'm not just talking about sex and relationships. I'm talking about friendships, alliances, connivances, networking, and all the shit people seem to do when...
  2. lovelocs

    BHM/FFAs Introduce yourself here

    Welcome newfolk! :)
  3. lovelocs

    Memorial Tattoo

    Everybody's got good ideas. I just wanted to suggest, perhaps, a butterfly, since they are representative of transforming souls. I looked up "Celtic butterfly" and there were some nice patterns, which were recognizable, and masculine. Maybe incorporate her initials.
  4. lovelocs

    What are you happy about today?

    I said I wouldn't leave the house today, and I didn't.
  5. lovelocs

    What Are You EATING right now?

    I had one last week, and was underwhelmed. I remember thinking: this needs cheese...
  6. lovelocs

    Horny Meter

    The pot is on simmer.
  7. lovelocs

    Ten Things I *blank* About You...

    1. So *THAT'S* why the bear spit you out... 2. For better or worse, you make every day a sophomore Groundhog Day type experience (TM). 3. I guess it's really over (sick joke, I know). 4. People who routinely fuck over other people are doomed to be insecure. 5. You shat where you eat. Deal...
  8. lovelocs

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    Despite your invitations to dance, I think I'll sit this one out... :rolleyes:
  9. lovelocs

    2012 Singles Thread

    You didn't do anything wrong. There are a lot of "just lookings" on dating sites... Or they could be intimidated. Or they could be fake profiles. Or...
  10. lovelocs

    I'm tired of...

    I'm tired of "appreciating" shit. I get more "If I were you's" but nobody I know wants to be me. I'm tired of delaying gratification. My coupons are about to expire. I'm tired of being praised for how strong I am. I am no stronger than anyone else, I was just raised to take more, and...
  11. lovelocs

    What is making you SAD right now...

    My hormones reacting with caffeine. The knowledge that even though I'm the daughter, I'm going to have to do the majority of the emotional work, and have most of the maturity, in the relationship with my mom.
  12. lovelocs

    What are you unhappy about today?

    That really does suck. If they had hunkered down, they might have survived...
  13. lovelocs

    R A N D OM Awesomeness

    3-6-9... damn you're fine...
  14. lovelocs

    2012 Singles Thread

    Single, and tired of pretending to be OK with it. A face can only be so brave.
  15. lovelocs

    What Are You EATING right now?

  16. lovelocs

    Slate Mag Says Mitt Should Get Fat

    Not caring abut his politics or how he runs the state: he's pretty much a perfect "Papa Bear." That's right, I'm objectifying him.
  17. lovelocs

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    No Ovaries! Nooooooooooo!!!!
  18. lovelocs

    Trying to live on my own

    There's a phrase that comes to mind in the situation: "on my own shit," which basically means that you are so deeply engrossed in your own life, and getting your own needs met, that you just didn't have time to take note of anyone else's objections. You're not pretending to not care, you just...
  19. lovelocs

    Horny Meter

  20. lovelocs

    First World Problems

    No Twinkies at ANY stores I've been to. Watching them go on eBay for abt $75 a box...