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  1. Your Plump Princess

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    I have 10 days to get a good costume/outfit put together for going to see Rocky Horror Picture Show with my friends, and I have no idea what I'm going to wear! =( I can't find key pieces to the outfit I had in mind for so long. ><
  2. Your Plump Princess

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    I got VERY relieving news, and celebrated with a big alcoholic drink and watching "Lords of Salem" with my friend! :p
  3. Your Plump Princess

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Saturday I did some digging, and found an affordable no-contract internet for my boyfriend, as we speak he is having internet set up at his grandparents - SO HAPPYYYYYYYYY!
  4. Your Plump Princess

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC I Feel like I'm one wrong look or tone away from unleashing such a fucking beast.
  5. Your Plump Princess

    Let's see an OLD pic of you!

    This thread is so full of win! :) I love seeing what people looked like when they were younger :happy:
  6. Your Plump Princess


    Oh, Hm. I have big-ish thighs and calves. I'm still tempted though.. >< Gah, decisions. Why can't Fishnets be one of those things you can make yourself, damn it. Rofl
  7. Your Plump Princess


    Really? See I thought about those a while back, but was Wary as they warn it only fits up to 250lb, and besides being short-ish [5ft 6] I carry most of my weight in my belly and butt. So the weight limit things aren't always a no-go, but most of the time they are.
  8. Your Plump Princess


    I'll have to look more into the Hips and Curves ones, thank you! I hear Torrid sizes run small, has anyone ever purchased anything from "We Love Colors" ?
  9. Your Plump Princess

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC I am very nervous about tomorrow, and conflicted, and overall just very.. blah.
  10. Your Plump Princess


    My Kingdom for fishnets that'd fit my size-32-wearin' arse! They're the one fashion item that makes me just wanna cry because I can't fit into any. [Swear to god, if and when I find some, I'ma buy like 40 pair! .. Okay, maybe not 40, but at least 3! ]
  11. Your Plump Princess

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    I. -LOVE-. This. Fucking. Game. SO MUCH. Literally, I'm always placing a hold on it at my local library [gawd I can't wait to own it.] I think Raiden is probably my favorite, or damn close. Then again I've tried almost all the main characters, except Fat Princess, and I've played as Issac...
  12. Your Plump Princess

    What is making you SAD right now...

    Thank you! I keep busy for the most part, but when I lay down for bed it catches up with me, and then I can't sleep and I can't shake it. I haven't been able to actually sleep 'normal' yet, I usually have to just wait until I'm so tired my brain is fuzzy.
  13. Your Plump Princess

    What is making you SAD right now...

    I miss him, I miss seeing him on skype and playing games with him, and now chances are we won't be able to do either of those things until november/december when his friends are able to get a place with him. :.( It hasn't even been a full month since I've seen him last, and I cry at last once...
  14. Your Plump Princess

    Let's see an OLD pic of you!

    Tee-Ball, I think I was 7? Lol.
  15. Your Plump Princess

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC I'm starting to think I won't sleep soundly again until I'm nestled into the same bed as he is, and that's fucking insane, because that's anywhere from 3 to 10 months away... I'm tired, damn it! :'(
  16. Your Plump Princess

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    90's Green Day and Offspring mix playlist I made up last night.
  17. Your Plump Princess

    Post pics of yourself....LIVING

    Adventuring with my friends, we decided to climb this big tree that had fallen almost all the way across the river. :) It brought me extra joy, because my friends JACKASS boyfriend was making comments about how I couldn't go out there without losing my balance due to my weight "more...
  18. Your Plump Princess

    Post pics of yourself....LIVING

    You look like you're having a lot of fun! :) Love these!
  19. Your Plump Princess

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    So many changes, so little time.
  20. Your Plump Princess

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear Fate, Please, please bring us together for good before winter.. the Farmers Almanac prediction has me fearful, especially with certain things still unknown. I'd. . I'd really appreciate living with him before then, if for no other reason than that. Pleadingly yours, Moi.