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  1. Your Plump Princess

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear life, I'm begging you, please.. PLEASE let him come to me this time. This is our best chance, but our track record for this happening isn't the best.. I really need him, we both really need this, please! Thanks, Moi.
  2. Your Plump Princess

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Gozer [my cat] is settling in quite well here, that makes me very very happy! :)
  3. Your Plump Princess

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    Downloaded Battlefield 3 from PSN since it was free, I have to admit -- I never expected to enjoy that sort of game this much. I'm doing campaign mode and play it pretty much whenever I don't have guests in my room. :p Also just finished the Tiny Tina DLC for Borderlands 2, that was pretty...
  4. Your Plump Princess

    Now I'm Craving...(the craving continuation thread)

    Gah, what I wouldn't give for Chinese food!! Egg Rolls, Crab Ragoon, The chicken oooh the spicy chicken..
  5. Your Plump Princess

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    A week ago my mother told me that she'd take me and my brother to the fireworks tonight. She asked my brother if he'd eat grilled hot-dogs, and he said yeah he loves them!... now after she was done shopping, she called me, and he told me that he won't eat grilled hot-dogs. -__-V I have a...
  6. Your Plump Princess

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC I found out today that my kitty is not a girl as we first thought -- he's a neutered male! :p Woops!
  7. Your Plump Princess

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    I got my kitty! I got my kitty tonight! :)
  8. Your Plump Princess

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    I'm pissed and annoyed because the people/neighbors who were poorly attempting to take care of, and then abandoned the stray/drop-off cat over by my moms [ that is going to my cat as of tomorrow] told my mother that they were gone because they're in the process of moving to a town that's a 45...
  9. Your Plump Princess

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    I just hate how the aloe gets everything I touch sticky, that's why I haven't applied any yet because I was trying hard to take naps. ><;
  10. Your Plump Princess

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    I'm soooo sun-burnt.. So tired, but it hurts to lay down, walk, and sit with my back against something.
  11. Your Plump Princess

    The Thread for Random Single Confessions Part ... I don't know what Part

    IC I'm throwing a pool party for my friends 30th birthday and I'm nervous as hell that it won't go well.
  12. Your Plump Princess

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Oh man, where do I start. I got my pool up, I managed to make a vet appointment so I'm rescuing a drop-off kitty from over by my moms next week [on the 4th] PLUS My boyfriend just bought his plane tickets to come see me on the 14th! I am cautiously happy-as-fuck. [Cautiously because I am...
  13. Your Plump Princess

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

  14. Your Plump Princess

    Twinkies are coming back

    Honestly, I don't really care for Twinkies. The thing I hope they make again are Sno-balls ;( Those were my crack, man.. seriously. One time in an "I had to fast for a doctors appointment" post-appointment splurge I ate 3 packages of Sno-Balls and still wanted more. :p I love...
  15. Your Plump Princess

    It's OK to be Against the ACA in Public, While Begging at the Back Door for Money

    I think what makes it even more-so disgusting to me that nobody talks about that anymore. Like, they wanted money for aid due to the chemical plant tragedy. They want money for this, want money for that. But nobody [even in the media] has the balls to sit there and point out that they HATED...
  16. Your Plump Princess

    NSA "Big brother" surveillance and Edward Snowden

    Snowden wasn't doing anything alarming when he came out and said that Verizon was collecting phone data. Anyone who paid attention and knew the Patriot Act was extended understood exactly what that meant. The problem was more-so when he began talking about what the US does in regards to...
  17. Your Plump Princess

    It's OK to be Against the ACA in Public, While Begging at the Back Door for Money

    Why is Texas asking the government for anything? I thought Texas republicans wanted less government intrusion? Weren't they the ones who hated America so much they didn't want to be part of it anymore?
  18. Your Plump Princess

    Now I'm Craving...(the craving continuation thread)

    Ugh, my Kingdom for a stuffed crust meatlovers from Pizza hut >.O I LOVE Pizza hut so much, I get it like.. once every-other year, if I'm lucky. xD When I have the money, nobody "Feels like" it, and when I don't, everyone is like 'oh my god you suck now I want it' :doh: Oh, and duh, Chinese...
  19. Your Plump Princess

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    ...My 10 year old brother can't control his stream, ever; so now our bathroom smells like concentrated urine...
  20. Your Plump Princess

    Fat people are now diseased.....

    As if it isn't ENOUGH of a struggle explaining how being happy with my appearance and encouraging others to do the same isn't "Promoting an unhealthy lifestyle" -- This news story literally had me in frustrated tears.