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  1. Zoom

    2014 Singles Thread

    I've arrived at the conclusion that I'm trapped in the singularity because I post on these things at the start of the year. So I'll just stop posting on these threads. D'oh!:doh:
  2. Zoom

    Do not know where this would best be posted

    George de Mohrenschildt was the only one who could conceivably have posted bail for Oswald, and he was letting the "patsy" take the fall. Oswald couldn't even get the famous lawyer John Abt to represent him. (He was busy on the east coast.) It's not just the autistics who obsess on this...
  3. Zoom

    An Awesome Takedown of a Fat Hater

    It's a great post, but we will likely never know that "Anonymous" learned his/her lesson. Thus paving the way for him/her to continue a path of destruction and soundbyte philosophy.
  4. Zoom

    vending machines to furnish calorie count

    Short story, they paid somebody to make it up.
  5. Zoom

    Fantasy Feeder Fake!

    It's always a good idea to also check deviantART in case the offenders decide to put up your stuff there. Art is polluted by misuse.
  6. Zoom

    Insane size discrimination

    This was just on the TV as well. Now, I'm all for making sure people don't fall asleep while piloting an airplane, but forcing them to see a "sleep expert" if they have a BMI of 40 is just insanity. I hope their union has something to say about this.
  7. Zoom

    Advice Needed

    So what happens when you need to turn right?
  8. Zoom

    why do so manywomen strive to have a flat tummy ?

    I hope I don't become like that when I'm 50. Or ever.
  9. Zoom

    Woman to hand out 'fat letters' instead of candy

    You guys, this was a hoax! It was shown that her voiceprint was identical to that of another caller on a prior show who was supposed to be a completely different person. But yeah, now she's given this idea to the mainstream public, they will start to think this is acceptable. The damage has...
  10. Zoom

    Please Consider Signing This Petition To Michele Obama.

    Signed! But of this, like the dozens of petitions I have signed in the last few years, I am increasingly disillusioned at its efficacy. In the Middle Ages, people used to petition a king, or a cardinal, but they still went ahead and did what they felt to be right. How can we convince Mrs. (the...
  11. Zoom

    Disgusted by Maury!

    I remember both of your appearances-- in fact it was one of those shows in which I (and probably many more FAs) found out about Dims. Except... a few months later there was a third show, during which the entire tone changed. Geraldo wore a fat suit and went on and on about how uncomfortable...
  12. Zoom

    Did You Know It's Fat Shaming Week?

    And whose art is that being stolen? Derrick Fish's? Satsurou's? I don't recognize it.
  13. Zoom

    Good for her!

    The joke was the phrase "Fridge Raider", which was actually in an FA work of art around 2002. (Don't ask me to name the artist; it's too long ago.) So it's impossible to tell if the troll remembered that (positively or negatively) or if he/she thought he/she was being original.
  14. Zoom

    Peoples comments

    Well... we can just say "sizeist" at them in the same tone that others say "racist" or "sexist" when they hear something they don't like. If being demeaning, they should be de-meaned. Know what I mean? Or there's always something witty. But even the witty don't always have the cunning quip...
  15. Zoom

    Where to begin as an FA

    I will hold you accountable for those words. Some of us have been waiting for the right person to come along for decades. Many have died with no success in love (Isaac Newton springs to mind). It's nice to be optimistic, but let the examples of those who do not succeed spur the rest of us...
  16. Zoom

    Long boring account of a battle with a medicine supply company and a drug store

    It's not all that long or boring, compared with customer service rants that go on at sites likeCustomers Suck, on the forums of which I used to post a lot (and which contains many, many examples of bad customer service).
  17. Zoom

    Someone Cares :)

    Link to article It's very poignant. However... The followup, wherein the parents of the bullies will say they'll bring up their children any damn way they please, and the teachers will say nothing else can be done about the problem, will not appear on a news website. Some of the comments...
  18. Zoom

    Webmaster thanks!!!

    Thanks Mr. B! Of course, this tends to suggest the blacklisting wasn't political. Oh well, so much for paranoia.
  19. Zoom

    AMA says obesity is a disease

    Stop saying "Doctor Who". :) The AMA have been trying to get (the O word) declared a disease since the mid-1980s. I, on the other hand, may be perhaps a little too reactionary in my declaring them and their money-grubbing ways to be diseased. But I feel better for it, and certainly (a...
  20. Zoom

    WLS Documentary

    Ah, the days when Steve Martin was still very funny.