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  1. Zoom

    Bbws that dont know what bbw is

    I said "female" instead of "woman" because there are teenagers calling themselves BBWs who obviously don't get that it's "supposed" to refer to big adult women. (Or maybe they do get it and are just trying to act mature.) As to it being "popular" (other than around here), I wouldn't say that...
  2. Zoom

    Bbws that dont know what bbw is

    I think the real problem here is the lack of a standard for sizes. Right now, any female can just walk in off the street and claim BBWness. However, so what? Like she's going to magically look more beautiful or fatter or something if she changes her initials anyway.
  3. Zoom

    Drop A Rhyme!

    I baked a cake, I said, I spake, My make I made was now at stake Yet soon I tripped, and thus a rake Ascended to hit my head.
  4. Zoom

    New collegiate program targets fat stigma

    Dickinson College program tackles fat stigma in a weeklong Love Your Body event This article has lots of ups and downs (the subject of the article was in a mental facility because of pressure to lose weight, plus three members of her family have had stomach surgery) but is generally favorable...
  5. Zoom

    Weigh More, Pay More (To Fly)

    I still don't see how this is a GOOD thing. It used to be that, no matter what one weighed, one could be assured of paying the same. ONE ticket for ONE person. Anything else (fuel consumption, seating space, etc.) was the airline's problem. If there were cost issues they were supposed to eat...
  6. Zoom

    NAAFA gets Disney to rethink anti-fat theme in exhibit

    Disney closes new Habit Heroes exhibit after criticism for stigmatizing fat kids Link to full article There's also a small thumbnail of one of the offending characters. Looks quite lovely at this distance though:
  7. Zoom

    Fat Sexuality on boston.com

    While I didn't think the accompanying images to the article were quite right for the tone of the piece, at least they weren't offensive or controversial. As far as I can tell. Wait, no, I'm offended! How DARE they use measuring tape that only goes up to 72"! And it isn't being used by anyone...
  8. Zoom

    Food police catch scofflaw preschooler in NC

    If this sort of crap happened when I was going to school in the 1980s, I would refuse to eat. I would also have told the inspector that he was NOT allowed to inspect my personal lunch. I would even use terminology like "Eat shit and die" if necessary. Now, a four-year-old doesn't know any...
  9. Zoom

    A friendly reminder from Mimosa

    I have one of those innie-outie boxes. I'd go see the doctor, but apparently he's golfing on another planet.
  10. Zoom


    A great response, and certainly better than my idea involving machine guns and explosives.
  11. Zoom

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    Frogito, ergo ribbit.
  12. Zoom

    Hansel and Gretel stories

    Bigggie's Hansel and Gretel story, in which they are a married couple: http://fav.me/dc0u57
  13. Zoom

    Studies Show....

    Of course lying with statistics, especially to justify anti-fat bigotry, has been around since the original study done in the 1950s which was used to show "fat=bad". Only the original study didn't say that. It could have been interpreted several different ways.
  14. Zoom

    2012 Singles Thread

    So! You all thought you could ignore the 2012 singles thread I started first, eh? http://dimensionsmagazine.com/forums/showthread.php?t=90266
  15. Zoom

    Change a Letter - 5 Letters: Part 4!

    still - stilt
  16. Zoom

    Should we update the Dimensions board software?

    The only time I've had trouble with the current forum software is when I tried to change my email to the new one. After some time and small annoyance, I was willing to just make a new account and go with that. Fortunately, our beloved webmaster came through in a pinch. Thanks CB! Anyway, I...
  17. Zoom

    What Are You Into?

    My hobby has always been, since I was about eight or nine, video games. Not just playing and enjoying them (formerly) in arcades and (currently) at home, but figuring out how they worked, the programming methods involved, system capabilities, and so on. Coding games myself would have been a...
  18. Zoom

    City of Heroes

    I played it once.
  19. Zoom

    What did you do in 2011?

    I finally got around to coding some games. Finished two this year. Have three big projects to follow in 2012, provided the world doesn't end before I finish. Depths of Darkness 1.1 A dungeon crawler game with huge sprawling mazes and extreme difficulty...
  20. Zoom

    Hey kids long time no see

    I actually remember you.