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  1. Zoom

    Appearance on LIVE TV

    I didn't see too many responses defending a pro-fat position. Even the video's uploader wrote hurtful things. What, did we all just agree to lose the war of words or something?
  2. Zoom

    If you're a wine drinking BBW/BHM/FA...

    Just putting this old panel from the comic Muertitos here.
  3. Zoom

    Georgia Billboard Campaign targeting oveweight kids

    Though the magazine mentioning the offensive ads was not responsible for them, said magazine itself was too propagandistic for my tastes regardless. My vote for "hurt" also included some barbs directed at them in the comments. I would urge others of similar inclination to do the same, but...
  4. Zoom

    Billy Idol

    "Standing by candles!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmngLUtxwJM
  5. Zoom

    One Completely Random Sentence...

    "Where's my ledger??" screamed the savage R.J. Flank, accountant at large, as he bit into a tomato.
  6. Zoom

    2011 Singles thread

    Make mine a double!
  7. Zoom

    What does your name mean?

    Zoom is a bit of onomatopoeia, which apparently means either "a giant book with lots of words and pictures that educate people on the existence of such books", "a can of French Onion soup that goes out of date the moment you lift the spoon to your lips", or possibly "a small species of rodentia...
  8. Zoom

    Yes, it is from Fox News

    Just because Rupert Murdoch stated in a court of law that Fox News has the right to lie if it wants to, doesn't mean that Fox News always lies about every single thing that comes across the airwaves. If it did, people would catch on.
  9. Zoom

    WMG And You Tube

    Of my four YT videos, the earliest had a very, very obscure backing track that I was sure nobody would notice. It was muted some months ago after a couple of years on unrestricted. The other three videos have backing tracks that I deliberately modified with Audacity so nobody will be able to...
  10. Zoom

    Opinion split in Twain over book's substitution for N-word

    I just read Twain's Autobiography, Vol. 1, and they didn't censor that of N-centric words... However, if you find yourself bereft of N, you can take heart in Stanislaw Lem's fable, "How the World Was Saved", appearing in his book The Cyberiad, in which two constructor robots build a machine...
  11. Zoom

    Model Railroaders on Dims?

    I have tons of old 1950s- 1970s Lionel trains. I set them up all the time on the floor when my old house was carpeted. Yes, you heard that right; that is a major fire hazard and my parents didn't care one whit. It was mostly their old rusty track I was using too. Then as soon as the floor was...
  12. Zoom

    Caption This Again!

    "The hand is quicker than the OWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!"
  13. Zoom

    Fav place to buy your video games?

    I use Amazon to buy almost everything. That said, I am buying fewer and fewer games. All too often I am disappointed with the result. I am beginning to feel as though the only kind of games I will ever enjoy are the ones I program myself. So that's exactly what I've been doing in my spare...
  14. Zoom

    What was your favorite TV show as a kid?

    My love of TV began with Sesame Street. Apparently (too young to remember this) I cried a lot when they interrupted it for the Watergate hearings. Though I do remember them interfering with both "The Electric Company" and "Zoom" for PBS auctions. With both of those shows cancelled suddenly, I...
  15. Zoom

    You tube--Fat girls and feeder (parts 2 to 5)

    I was under the impression that the weight gain was because of the medication taken to treat the lymphedema. But anyway...
  16. Zoom

    Agadbam: India's Norbit?

    Actually this film is Marathi, which is seperate from Bollywood. Also, it came out in theatres on Oct. 8, and there is already a sequel planned. http://www.facebook.com/agadbam
  17. Zoom

    Agadbam: India's Norbit?

    Upside-down it seems to spell "LELQSICLE", which also happens to be my comment on the fat suit. Edit: I watched the trailer and a couple of music videos (film itself not available yet apparently) and the most noticeable defect with the suit is that the neck bulges are mostly absent. Also, no...
  18. Zoom

    love for fat lois lane?

    Yeah, I bought all four of those in the early 00's, excepting that the WW issue was the giant-size reprint (#211?). There was also a Jimmy Olsen where he had to solve a mystery while undercover as a soda jerk (or something like that) and in testing a scale he needed his 300-pound co-worker to...
  19. Zoom

    Six Of One...

    Six of one what?
  20. Zoom

    Casio Watch

    It isn't that sort of time machine. I don't remember a watch that looked like that in the 1980s-- maybe early 90s though. Mine was a Casio, but a simpler, 5-year warrantied model that lasted 10 years. Maybe that's why I don't remember; I never went out shopping for a new watch the whole...