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  1. Saisha

    Change a Letter - 5 Letters: Part 4!

    gamer - grape
  2. Saisha

    Change a Letter - 6 Letters: Part 2!

    tagged - dagger
  3. Saisha

    Don't Even Know Why I'm Here

    Hi :) You are definitely in the right place to be appreciated! There are people of all ages, sizes, weights, shapes, heights, and significant other preferences. Take the time to look through different threads - especially those with photos - I think you will be pleasantly surprised - this place...
  4. Saisha

    Random health related "confessions"

    I fully understand that but I also know that when being recommended to see a cardiologist as you suggested, no matter someone's size, age, health, weight is factored in, period. Also, if the cardiologist feels it is warranted, a patient will be put through the same battery of tests - stress...
  5. Saisha

    Random health related "confessions"

    If you become a cardiac patient, weight issues have to be discussed and addressed - it determines what kind of stress test you will have - I had to have a nuclear stress test - I was lucky enough to be able to fit into the scanner once I had the medicine injected into me - I was too weak to have...
  6. Saisha

    Random health related "confessions"

    I am a heart patient - have been for 7 years - been overweight all my life but was also very active - came down with the severe flu that was killing a lot of people in my state - had a pulmonary embolism which caused my heart to enlarge - causing congestive heart failure - I made it to the...
  7. Saisha

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    Starting to write out memories of things that deeply bothered me from over my life - something I need and want to do but it's not easy, especially trying to do it in a neutral way - stepping back from the emotions to list facts - but the emotions come out naturally and I don't want to assign...
  8. Saisha

    To The New Webmaster....

    Hi, Thank you for continuing DIMs after Conrad deciding to retire - this place is an important resource to many for a variety of reasons and we appreciate it being here. When you have a moment, would you be kind enough to give us a bit of insight as to how you foresee DIMs future? We all only...
  9. Saisha

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Oh Camille, what a wonderful picture of your loves :) Thank you so very much for sharing :) Make sure you rest up good and take it easy as you can :)
  10. Saisha

    Change a Letter - 6 Letters: Part 2!

    burros - borers
  11. Saisha

    Change a Letter - 5 Letters: Part 4!

    barks - shark
  12. Saisha

    Change A Letter - 4 Letters: Part 2

    gene - need
  13. Saisha

    Free Association - Part 4!!

    If you call the hazmat team, they will change the game from Twister on the bubble wrap to making it a slip and slide!
  14. Saisha

    Post pics of yourself....LIVING

    Congratulations Oona!!!! :) So happy for both of you :) and everyone else's pics look great :)
  15. Saisha

    What Are You Happy About Today? Part 2

    Congratulations to all of you :) :wubu::):wubu:
  16. Saisha

    October Question Of The Day....

    Oct. 11th: What are your plans for the weekend? Some cleaning around the place, library, make an arse out of myself, a.k.a. the usual.
  17. Saisha

    Just a thought....

    This one's good!
  18. Saisha

    I Am Struggling With Depression

    I definitely do not have anxiety attacks. Palpitations from heart stuff when I lay down, yes (which the doctors still can't figure out why, especially when my heart looks so good quote un-quote - but not anxiety attacks. Depression on the other hand, yes. At least right now.
  19. Saisha

    Random health related "confessions"

    Another 5 vials taken today for a total of 12 in the past 24 hrs, get to wear a heart monitor for 14 days, echo-cardiogram next week. I hate this stuff. Oh and also a sleep study in the near future too.
  20. Saisha

    October Question Of The Day....

    Oct. 10th: You can jam with any band, orchestra, choir or singer you want - which one would you choose? Don't know why but I think it would be a kick to jam with Prince. Yea, I know, score another point on the weirdo card. :p