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  1. rollhandler

    male/female communication breakdowns

    Here is another book on the subject of male female communication in relationships and how to bridge the gap. These tools can be used for day to day male female communication by way of understanding how we communicate as genders and how to translate male and female speech patterns. Why Men...
  2. rollhandler

    Who prefers ssbbw's with atleast underwear on to being naked?

    If she leaves a bit to the imagination I can take it from there, after all sometimes certain clothing worn in certain ways can be better than lingerie. Rollhandler
  3. rollhandler

    Question with a Question

    If so, whom? Rollhandler
  4. rollhandler

    Question with a Question

    How much power is too much power? What is the power of one, anyway? Rollhandler
  5. rollhandler

    Double Standard of Sexual Conduct

    I read this often in male based gender books and articles about why the nice guys don't get the girls or why the girls go after the BAD boys. It seems that the same thrill of the challenge is present in both genders, and if a guy is already trained there is no challenge for the woman to nurture...
  6. rollhandler

    Double Standard of Sexual Conduct

    This is also a fine line that a lot of women have trouble understanding what side of the line to be on. In many cases they feel that if they DO NOT give sex up early in the relationship they may not keep his attention, but then if they DO give up sex early the man will see them as easy and not...
  7. rollhandler

    The BBW Call-In Show: FAs ask your questions

    I tread eggshells with this question, but have a very honest desire to know the answer from a variety of sources. Not only will they possibly change a way of thinking for me they may well also change a manner of behaviour I had not thought to be in poor taste. I also would desire that the...
  8. rollhandler

    Edgar's House

    I agree with GEF here, I can't believe it took me this long to find this thread. I wish you a speedy recovery and this bit of my experience, FWIW. Nothing beat wearing out my Hoyle word and board games and abusing file sharing programs (before the napster bruhaha of course) in keeping the...
  9. rollhandler

    Is it easy being a FFA?

    I believe a double standard applies here. The only degree of difference however is the amount of crap one group has to deal with vs another. I posed this very question on another discussion board (worded slightly differently) and the general consensus was almost unanimous however I disagree...
  10. rollhandler

    Double Standard of Sexual Conduct

    The double standard exists, this much we have ascertained. It is alive and well in this modern age, this much we acknowledge. Education in my book is what will change it or at least amend it but that will take generations of unlearning and accepting the changes a little at a time. From my...
  11. rollhandler

    Do BBW's get more of a "bye" than FA's do?

    A fresh perspective on this might be that it not be an issue of FA Vs BBW but one of male nurture vs female nurture in a post sexual revolution society. It used to be that women were taught to merely suck it up and not speak out, this has changed over the years and they are now not only...
  12. rollhandler


    Even when I try to say something positive, sometimes the manner of delivery comes across with negative connotations. It's not something I recognize until it is pointed out after the fact. I cannot be the only one this happens to. In reference to the OP, speaking from my own life experiences...
  13. rollhandler

    Hi , what makes a larger woman sexy to you?

    One other issue at play here is with peer acceptance. As a thinner woman you had one circle that you hung out with, a number of places you may have gone to and things that you may have done with these people of like taste and interest. You were accepted within this group for a number of reasons...
  14. rollhandler

    !! Happy Birthday Green Eyed Fairy !!

    Hope it was a good year for you and I wish for you that this one to be just as good or better. Rollhandler
  15. rollhandler

    How come since I gained weight, I have no male attention?

    This phenomenon that you describe has almost become cliche and depressingly so but entire threads have been dedicated to it. I can't and wont speak for the men in the area of the country that you live in. I also will not make assumptions toward you as a woman who was once thinner and has now...
  16. rollhandler

    interesting fact thread!

    Water in copious amounts taken in a short span of time can do this to you as well and a radio station in the midst of a concert promotional stunt found out a few years back the hard way. A listener died after chugging several gallons of water in a very short number of hours. I don't remember the...
  17. rollhandler

    interesting fact thread!

    Ever wonder why eating little green apples gives you a tummyache? It is because apple seeds are where cyanide comes from. The concentration of cyanide in the meat of the apple is higher by a percentage in the smaller less mature apples than larger ones. Although eating a few seeds will...
  18. rollhandler

    interesting fact thread!

    100% chemically pure water can kill you. Rollhandler
  19. rollhandler

    A Matter of Thirds

    I'll try 74 with York? Still beating my brain on 43 as well. Rollhandler
  20. rollhandler

    Question with a Question

    Shouldn't someone come up with a new question? I took my turn didn't I? Rollhandler